Gold Assistant

Chapter 247

Chapter 247
Liu Li defended her sister, "But "Summer Palace Chronicle" was invested by all of us together."

Huo Ling was stunned for a moment, she had been busy arguing with Xingguang before, so she forgot about it.

"Well, it is."

She paused for a moment, then continued: "However, "Summer Palace Chronicle" is a special case, and the bulk of the investment is mainly from Brother Ting. Although the show has been sold, his investment has not been fully recovered. The same goes for Yao's investment."

"En." Xue Yao nodded.

"So it's hard for you to get another sum of money to invest now."

Xue Yao nodded, she really can't afford much money now.

Although she got some money for jerky from the Special Task Force one after another, she invested all of it in the stock market.Because according to the plot in the book, there will be another wave of small bull market, and she plans to make a small fortune at that time.

Alas, why does she still feel that she is so poor even though she has no worries about food, clothing and housing!

Liu Li stared at the phone, wondering what she was thinking.

After Huo Ling explained the script, he answered the phone and left in a hurry.

An Mo stared at the script in his hand, anxiously walking back and forth in the hall.

Knowing that she had something to say, Xue Yao and Liu Li sat quietly on the sofa and waited.

Finally, An Mo finished struggling, and ran back to them and said, "I went to see Aunt Chang a while ago, and she was discharged from the hospital. She said that she felt much better because of my company."

"It is not good?"

Xue Yao and Liu Li couldn't figure out what she was struggling with just now.

"Well, but because I'm too busy, when she misses me, she can only watch my plays, but each play only has a small part."

Xue Yao and Liu Li nodded.

The situation is indeed like this. Due to his health, An Mo took supporting roles in the past. Although he filmed a lot of dramas, each drama only had a few episodes, at most ten episodes or so.

An Mo continued: "Aunt Chang said it was impossible for me not to make a film, so she wanted Uncle Chang to invest in my film and let me be the leading role, so that he could see me on TV all the time. And she also Don't worry, I was bullied while filming."

"This is the right time to invite Uncle Chang to invest in "Mask". What was Momo struggling with just now?"

An Mo lowered his head and said condescendingly: "But in this way, I accompanied her before, as if I had a purpose. The heroine in "Mask" is not a good person. After Aunt Chang reads it, will she You won't like me anymore."

Xue Yao and Liu Li looked at each other and smiled, they both understood what An Mo meant.

An Mo worried that the relationship with Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang would deteriorate, because many things would become uncontrollable once money was involved.I was also afraid that her image in the hearts of the two elders would be ruined because of her role in the play, because she attached great importance to the two elders.

"Momo, do you hate Aunt Lin or don't want to talk to her anymore because of the enchanting concubine she played in "A Generation of Worthy Empresses"?"

Seeing that An Mo blocked herself in a dead end, Xue Yao had to give an example.

Sure enough, people who are usually smart will sometimes become confused when they encounter things they care about.

"Of course not, it's just acting!" An Mo immediately retorted, "In that play, Aunt Lin is really beautiful and beautiful. Everyone said after watching it, it's no wonder the emperor chooses to spoil her, no Pick a queen."

"Hee hee." Seeing her nervous appearance, Xue Yao and Liu Li covered their hands and smiled, their movements were in tacit agreement like twins.

"Sister Yao, Lili, what are you laughing at?" An Mo looked at them puzzled.

Xue Yao explained to her slowly.

"Look at Aunt Lin like this, then Aunt Chang will also see you like this. The heroine in "Mask" is just a little more real humanity than the righteous heroine that everyone is used to. Look here."

She opened the script, opened a page, and pointed it out to An Mo.

"In this scene, there was a robbery in the mall, and someone was held hostage."

"Yeah." An Mo and Liu Li nodded. The two of them had practiced this scene, so they remembered the content.

"According to the general TV plot, the heroine will rush out to negotiate with the robbers fearlessly, propose to exchange hostages, and then use this opportunity to distract the robbers' attention and rescue the hostages. It seems that the heroine is brave and resourceful, right? ?”

Liu Li thought about the dramas she watched recently, "It seems to be true."

"But the heroine in "Mask" didn't do this. She chose to call the police quietly, and then hid and watched, waiting for the arrival of the police. But if you are used to watching the plots in TV dramas, you may say that she is selfish and timid. Bar?"


Xue Yao smiled and said, "Actually, this is what most people do when they encounter trouble."

"First of all, the heroine has no weapons and no professional training. She is just an ordinary person. If she steps forward rashly, she may irritate the robbers and cannot guarantee the safety of the hostages or herself.

Secondly, if she is injured, she will not be able to take up a job. In this way, not only will she not be able to save money to rebuild the orphanage, but she will also lose her own living expenses.

So she made the most correct choice within the allowed range.The script did not describe in detail the specific expressions and movements of the heroine when she looked at the robber.

I think this is intentionally left blank by the screenwriter. How to express it at that time depends on the actors themselves, such as watching indifferently or anxiously, it is different. "

Liu Li added: "Yes, yes, Momo can still try. In these similar situations, portray the heroine as helpless and helpless, so that people who watch TV dramas will only feel heartbroken and won't hate you. , of course, the strength of it needs to be grasped by Momo himself."

An Mo lowered his head and thought for a while. There are indeed many places in this script that are left blank like this. Maybe she can try to make the heroine not so bad.

She had indeed reached a dead end, and now Xue Yao and Liu Li finally came out after being enlightened. She happily walked around the coffee table and threw herself on the two of them.

"I love you all so much."

"Hahaha, we love you too."

Shi Xiaonan, who opened the door and came in, also smiled when she saw this scene, and asked, "Did something good happen again?"

An Mo quickly explained the matter.

Shi Xiaonan stared at them blankly, and said helplessly, "You don't think that all of Brother Ting's money is spent on "Summer Palace Chronicle", do you?"

Xue Yao looked at her suspiciously, "Isn't it? Brother Ting can't film now, and he doesn't even have an endorsement job. There are still a lot of medical bills to pay, and there is no rent for the apartment, so he has to pay a lot of money." management fee."

Oh my god, after this calculation, she found that Brother Ting was actually very poor!
(End of this chapter)

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