Gold Assistant

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

An Mo wrinkled her pretty nose, and said, "I don't want Aunt Chang and Uncle Chang to take risks with their pension money. If Brother Ting and Brother Kang are willing to invest in this movie, it proves that "Mask" still has a way to make money." .”

Xue Yao and Liu Li praised her idea.


When Shi Xiaonan heard the words "pension money", he immediately froze and remained silent for a while, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

Finally, she patted her forehead and murmured: "You are talking about Chang Yuande, Uncle Chang? Don't you know his identity?"

"Well, it's him. I know that Uncle Chang is the head of that special task force."

The three nodded together.

"This is just one of them, he is..."

When Shi Xiaonan was about to say something, he covered his mouth again, and looked at the three of them helplessly.

Xue Yao said empathetically, "Is that a secret?"

"Yeah." Shi Xiaonan nodded desperately, put down his hands and said, "Anyway, Uncle Chang is not poor just like Brother Ting."

"Well, so we have a group of rich people around us." Xue Yao smiled helplessly.

Liu Li looked up at Xue Yao, but didn't say anything.

"Isn't it just a group!" An Mo raised his hand to count, "Xiaoya, Brother Minghui, Sister Yi...even Xiaobai. In fact, Sister Yao and Lili are also considered rich, and I am the poorest here. gone."

She drooped her head in frustration.

Liu Li immediately stepped forward to hug her to comfort her, but seeing her smile mischievously, she said heartily: "The rich one is the older sister, and I am also poor just like Momo."

The two hugged each other and cried whenever they said they wanted money. The tears flowed down like those who don't need money, but An Mo said: "I'm so poor, will sister Yao treat me to a big meal today? I need comfort, woo woo Woo."

Liu Li also muttered, "I also need a big meal to comfort my poor soul."

Xue Yao was quite worried at first, but after hearing their request, she immediately tapped each of their foreheads.

There are two roommates who show off their acting skills anytime and anywhere, and like to beg for food with various reasons. Xue Yao said that she is very tired.

An Mo contacted Shi Lekang, explained the situation, and wanted to ask him whether "Mask" was worth investing in.

But Shi Lekang didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "What are you having for dinner tonight, do you still have the tofu cake made by Xiao Yaoer?"

"Sister Yao is going to make a big meal to comfort us tonight. If Brother Kang wants to eat cakes, I can help make some."

Shi Lekang immediately said happily: "Okay, let's see you tonight, and then we will talk about the script."

"it is good."

After putting down the phone, An Mo ran to the kitchen and shouted, "Sister Yao, Brother Kang is coming over tonight for dinner."

"Ah, good." Xue Yao planned to add another dish.

Shi Xiaonan silently added three cups of rice to the rice cooker.

An Mo and Liu Li took the ingredients of the cake outside, thinking about the method Xue Yao taught last time.

In the evening, Shi Lekang arrived at 601 on time before dinner, but received a call from Chen Ting as soon as he entered the door.

"How did you come?"

This made Shi Lekang suspect that Chen Ting put a tracker on him.

In fact, he told the truth. Ever since he was almost kidnapped in a bar last time, Chen Ting installed a positioning app on everyone's cell phone.

This was made by Xue Yao, and he improved it.It is usually not turned on, but it was only turned on today to explain to Xiaobai.

I didn't expect to see Shilekang's spot here in the apartment.

Shi Lekang said with a resentful face: "Momo wants to talk to me about investing in scripts, and she invited me over for dinner."

"Well, come over and have dinner together, and we'll talk about the script after dinner."

"I don't want to eat with you. I always can't eat much, and the food is gone. The emperor is big when eating. If you have anything to do, wait until I finish eating. Hang up."

Looking at the hung up phone, Chen Ting turned to Xiaobai who was studying beside him and said, "Xiaobai hasn't seen Xiaoyao for a long time, you should go and have dinner with her tonight."

"Hmm!" Of course Xiaobai would not let it go by saying that he only met his sister yesterday.

When Shi Lekang sat down and waited for dinner, he heard a knock on the door, and Shi Xiaonan immediately ran over to open the door. "Xiaobai is here, long time no see."

"Hi sister Xiaonan, long time no see." Xiaobai replied politely.

After seeing Shi Lekang over the table, he obediently sat next to him, "Brother Kang is good."

"it is good."

Shi Lekang twitched the corner of his mouth, Chen Ting was guarding against him, wasn't he!
Chen Ting didn't even look at it, every time Xiao Yao'er got tired of being around him when she was drunk, even if she wasn't drunk, she would blush and get excited when she saw him.Anyone with a discerning eye would know that Xiao Yao'er loves him very much.

Jealousy has eaten this!
Shi Lekang looked at 602 with disdain and rolled his eyes.

During the meal, Shi Lekang happily held the rice, and almost burst into tears with emotion, "It's better to eat with the girls. If I eat with the guys in 602, I will never be full."

When Xue Yao was cleaning up the dishes, she said to him: "Brother Kang comes to eat when he is free. Didn't you say you want to live in 603? Why haven't you come back for so long?"

"That's right, what has Brother Kang been up to lately?" An Mo put the iced tofu cake in front of him.

Shi Lekang immediately picked up the cake and complained to them with an aggrieved face, telling how Chen Ting had labored him and forced him to work around the clock.

Although they didn't believe it all, they still gave Shi Lekang a sympathetic look.

Thinking of the purpose of coming here, Shi Lekang said: "Momo, show me the script, A Ling also mentioned this matter to me today."


An Mo immediately handed him the "Mask" script.

After looking through it roughly, Shi Lekang felt a little surprised, this script is very good.

Then he shook his head. It's a pity that Liu Li is talking about supporting roles in the movie, otherwise it would be nice to let her play with An Mo.

"It's really good. This director and screenwriter have worked together for many years, and they can be regarded as golden partners."

When An Mo heard his comments, he immediately looked at him trustingly and said, "Brother Kang means that this movie can be invested and can make money, right?"

I didn't expect An Mo to be so straightforward, which made Shi Lekang a little astonished.

"Uh, you can say that, but I'm too busy recently, so I can only invest money in it. I can't manage the follow-up matters. I have to find someone to supervise it. After all, this drama is different from "Summer Palace Chronicle". own people."

An Mo frowned, and said to himself, "But I don't know anyone in this field. I don't know if Uncle Chang will send someone over if he invests."

"Uncle Chang also wants to invest in this movie?" This surprised him a little bit. He heard that they invested in an entertainment company some time ago, and thought they just wanted to get dry shares.I didn't expect that they really wanted to enter the entertainment industry, but didn't they only invest in low-risk industries?

(End of this chapter)

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