Gold Assistant

Chapter 265 Movie Theme Song

Chapter 265 Movie Theme Song

The girl looked at An Mo with bright eyes, and asked nervously and uncertainly, "Are you Momo? Can you please sign for me, my brother likes you very much."

After speaking, she took out a small notebook from her backpack.

An Mo saw that the disguise was seen through, so he took off his hat and mask in the astonishment of the crowd.

While signing, asked with a smile.

"How did you tell? My disguise shouldn't be bad?"

"Voice, I recognized Momo's voice."

After finishing speaking, the girl asked Liu Li to sign it again.

The girl had been defending Liu Li just now, and Xue Yao also had a crush on her. Judging by An Mo's reaction, she shouldn't be a bad person.

"Meeting is fate, let's take a photo."

Xue Yao raised her phone and took the opportunity to turn off the camera function.

The girl asked excitedly: "Can you?"

"of course can."

The three of them posed for a photo, ignoring the third-tier actress who claimed to be An Mo's friend the whole time.

The phrase "I've never seen you" exposed the lies of the third-tier actress face to face. She sat aside with a pale face, wanting to leave but reluctant to give up this audition opportunity.

Everyone else looked at her with contempt.

An Mo quietly asked Xue Yao for details.

After hearing the explanation, she immediately ran to the third-tier actress and said angrily, "Why do you deliberately provoke the relationship between me and Lili!"

"I... I heard it from someone in the company."

The actress didn't expect that An Mo would run over to question her directly.

Generally, when female stars encounter this kind of thing, they will not make too much trouble for the sake of reputation and image. Most of them just calm down, or let others, such as assistants, come forward to deal with it.

An Mo said to the people in the waiting room: "I don't know this person at all. I have been away from Xingguang for a long time, and I don't have friends with Xingguang. Don't spread the word about what happened today. If you let me know who is talking nonsense, don't Blame me for being rude!"

"It's all she said by herself. We just listen to it. Don't worry, we won't believe her."

"Yes, no one would believe such a thing."


After being warned by An Mo, the waiting room became very quiet. Everyone stopped chatting and picked up the script to study.

An Mo ran back, laughing like a little fox, "Sister Yao, Lili, was I domineering and majestic just now?"

Xue Yao and Liu Li: "Domineering, majestic!"

Others in the waiting room: "..."

An Mo: "Hee hee."

At this time, the girl with a nice voice received the group photo from Xue Yao, looked at her phone contentedly, and asked, "Can I send this group photo to my scarf?"


Liu Li and An Mo answered together very tacitly, and then they looked at each other and laughed.

Others in the waiting room saw the way the two got along, and the last doubts they had about whether they were friends disappeared completely.

"Thank you, Lili, I wish you a smooth audition! Momo, Miss Assistant, I'm leaving, I hope to meet you again next time."

The girl put away her backpack and was ready to leave.

Xue Yao quickly grabbed her, "Aren't you going to audition?"

That third-tier actress was so despised by everyone, she couldn't bear to leave, which proved that this audition should be very important.

"Actually, I'm a singer. When I received the audition notice, my brother and I were a little confused. But I haven't had a serious performance job for a long time, so I came here to try it out. I didn't expect to meet Lili here. It is even more impossible to succeed, it is better to use this time to sing and make money."

"You are a singer but you received an audition notice? Did you receive the script? Are you sure it's the audition for Concubine Mei?"

An Mo frowned, never heard of such a thing.

"Ah... the script? I didn't receive it, the notice just asked me to audition today."

"By the way, what's your name, maybe I can ask Brother Kang for help, and if there is a suitable job, I will introduce it to you."

The girl said happily: "Really?! Thank you, Miss, my name is Zhang Ling."

Zhang Ling!

Xue Yao was a little excited when she heard the name.

Zhang Ling is a diva-level singer in the book!
Now she may still be working to earn a living, but half a year later, she will become a household name because she sang the ending song of a TV series starring Mu Xuan.

After that, as long as she sang the theme songs of TV dramas or movies, they all became popular without exception.

And the movie in which Mu Xuan won the Best Actress, was also sung by Zhang Ling.

The song and the scene performed by Mu Xuan were perfectly combined.

Mu Xuan, who ran and cried for love in the rain, was very impressive, and that song was very memorable, evoking many people's memories of love.

The movie has also moved many people, so Mu Xuan's success is inseparable from Zhang Ling's song.

It is also written in the book that Zhang Ling created the song herself after watching the movie sample.

Such a talent cannot be let go.

It's just that her current appearance is different from the description in the book. Zhang Ling in the book has a weird personality, and sometimes she is very indifferent to people.

She flipped through the book in her mind, and after Mu Xuan won the award, the matter of Zhang Ling was also brought up.

It is written in the book that Zhang Ling was not only cheated into marriage by her agent three years later, but also cheated her of the medical expenses for treating her younger brother, which led to the failure of the treatment and his death. Since then, her personality has changed drastically.

Seeing how happy she was when she mentioned her brother just now, her brother should be fine.

Seeing Xue Yao suddenly not speaking, Zhang Ling looked at Liu Li and An Mo worriedly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Liu Li immediately comforted her, "No, my sister must have thought of something."

After a while, Xue Yao finally said, "Lingling, I think the crew may not ask you to audition for Concubine Mei."

Zhang Ling nodded and said, "Well, I also think they made a mistake."

"That's not what I meant." Xue Yao smiled, "I think the production team wants you to audition and sing the song of this movie."


"You'll know later, you won't earn much money if you go to work now, why don't you try this rare opportunity."

Zhang Ling thought for a while, then decided to stay and try.

Soon the staff came in with a notebook and shouted, "Zhang Ling, is Zhang Ling here?"

"Here!" Zhang Ling immediately walked to the staff.

"plz follow me."

Zhang Ling followed the staff and left with some apprehension.

The third-tier actress whispered, "Tch, why should the little assistant guess the crew's intentions, don't hurt the little girl."

The few people around her, when they heard that she started to speak ill of others again, they all ran to other places one by one.Where she was, a small space suddenly vacated, making her very conspicuous.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Ling ran back excitedly.

"I...the" She was a little incoherent with excitement.

Xue Yao smiled and asked her, "Calm down, calm down, let me ask, then you nod or shake your head, okay?"

Zhang Ling nodded vigorously.

"After entering, the crew asked you to sing, right?"

"Mmm, yes." Zhang Ling nodded desperately.

"Seeing how excited you are, do you decide to let you sing the song in the movie?"

Zhang Ling nodded, but then shook her head with a frown.

 Thank you for your votes and rewards, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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