Gold Assistant

Chapter 271 I Have a Brother

Chapter 271 I Have a Brother

Xue Yao teased An Mo and said, "Momo, why don't you tell Brother Jun that we have nothing to eat and see if he will bring it over."

At this moment, An Mo's cell phone rang suddenly.

An Mo was very surprised when he saw the name on the phone.


"Okay, I'll see you later." After answering the call, An Mo looked at Xue Yao in the passenger seat with a strange expression on his face.

"Sister Yao, do you know prophecy?"

"Huh? Momo, what did you say?"

"Brother Jun called the call just now. He said that he would send us some fresh ingredients later. He said there are fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. We don't need to buy anything."

"Ah, that's great!"

Xue Yao was wondering why Wang Jun didn't deliver food recently.

After all, the ingredients he sent were all taken from Long Teng, which were much better than the ones she bought in the supermarket.Although with the blessing of a small space, ordinary ingredients will become better, but the quality of the ingredients will only become better after blessing.

Unexpectedly, just after saying that, a phone call came, and fresh ingredients were delivered.

People, it really is unspoken.

After returning to the apartment, before opening the door of 601, the door of 602 on the opposite side opened.

"Sister, you are back."

Xiaobai rushed out quickly, hugging Xue Yao.

The force of the impact made Xue Yao almost lose her footing.

"Well, you're back, why is Xiaobai so happy today?"

Xiaobai raised his increasingly handsome face, and said with a smile: "Second Brother said, we need to start checking the information on baby products, maybe we will use them soon."

Then he stared at Xue Yao's stomach, "Am I going to be an older brother soon?"


Xue Yao stood there stunned.

what happened?
What happened again? !

An Mo smiled fox-eyedly, pulled Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, you can't just rely on your sister, but also your brother-in-law, so you have to wait."

Xiaobai didn't quite understand, so he had to say obediently: "Oh, I will wait for it."

Zhang Ling was very surprised, she didn't expect Xue Yao to get married at such a young age.

Shi Xiaonan heard voices outside the door and opened it.

"Why are you all standing at the door, come in quickly."

Xiaobai walked in holding Xue Yao's hand, but he kept turning his head, looking at Zhang Dongdong curiously.

Xue Yao noticed this situation and introduced them, "Xiaobai, this is Dongdong, a month younger than you, so Xiaobai is an older brother."

"Dongdong, this is Brother Xiaobai."

Xue Yao thought very simply, since Xiaobai wanted a younger brother, Dongdong in front of him happened to be ready-made, they couldn't go to school, and now they happened to have a companion.

Thinking of this, she suddenly had an idea.

Zhang Ling is the queen of the future. After being signed by Huo Ling, she should be regarded as a member of Chen Ting's studio. Why don't the siblings move to the apartment as well.

On the one hand, it can strengthen Zhang Ling's sense of belonging to the studio, and on the other hand, it can completely get rid of the chance for her to meet a scumbag manager.

The two little ones looked at me, and Xiao Bai curiously touched Zhang Dongdong's thin face.

It was the first time for him to get along with someone younger than himself, even if it was only a month, he still had some pride in being the boss.

"You are too thin, eat more tonight, my sister's cooking is delicious."

Zhang Dongdong looked at Xiaobai. From the attitude of the older sisters towards him, he knew that he was very favored. Getting along well with him would definitely make his older sister better integrate into them.

Zhang Dongdong, who has been dependent on her sister since she was a child, knows that if she wants to live a good life for herself and her sister, she must seize every opportunity.

It's a survival instinct.

He nodded obediently: "Yes."

Seeing the picture of the two getting along, everyone laughed.

Zhang Ling is also very happy, her younger brother finally has a friend in reality, not a friend who only exists on the Internet.

At this time the doorbell rang, Shi Xiaonan opened the door, and saw Wang Jun standing outside the door with a sunny smile.

It's just that his smile fell when he saw the person who opened the door.

He looked at the door, "Where's my Momo?"

Everyone who heard this sentence was full of black lines, the relationship has not been confirmed yet, how could it be yours.

"Momo is changing clothes in the room."

"oh oh."

Wang Jun asked the staff behind him to bring in boxes of materials.

Xiaobai took Zhang Dongdong's hand and walked to his side.

"Brother Mo, I have a younger brother."

Wang Jun immediately looked in surprise at Xue Yao who was checking the ingredients. "Ah Ting moves so fast!"

"No! Ah Ting is incapable now, could it be that he wants to be a father?!"


Xue Yao once again looked at the sky speechlessly, what did the male god say to them, why did they all misunderstand them so much?
Zhang Ling and Zhang Dongdong were shocked again. Is this sunny and handsome man Momo's husband? ?
But I haven't heard that Momo is married, and she seems to be an adult not long ago, right?

An Mo and Liu Li came out of the room and changed out of the clothes they wore for the audition.

"Brother Jun, are you here?"

"Momo." Wang Jun immediately dropped Xiaobai, ran to An Mo and stared at her intently.

His Momo looks cuter and cuter.

Seeing him like this, Liu Li gave up his seat and ran to the kitchen to help Xue Yao sort the ingredients.

Shi Xiaonan came out with some snacks, "Xiaobai quickly bring Dongdong back and sit down."

Putting the dim sum in front of Zhang Ling, she said in a soft voice, "It may be very late to eat today. This is the dim sum made by Sister Yao. You should eat some to fill your stomach first."

"Well, thank you."

Seeing that Wang Jun was busy, Xiaobai took Zhang Dongdong back to the sofa and sat down, deciding to look for Wang Jun later.He finally took in a younger brother, how could brother-in-law Mo, as an elder, not show it.

As the elders, we must give gifts to the younger generations.

That's what Brother Ah Si told him every time he secretly came to ask Brother Ah Yi for something delicious.

Because it's not easy to intervene to help in other people's homes, Zhang Ling just sat quietly and didn't make trouble for them.

What Shi Xiaonan brought out was a tofu cake and served her with a cup of milk tea, while Xiaobai and Zhang Dongdong's were made of milk.

They are all non-irritating things, for which Zhang Ling is very grateful for their thoughtfulness.

"This is called tofu cake. It's a snack my sister likes to make recently. It's delicious and won't make you fat, so Sister Li and Sister Mo also like it very much."

As the boss, Xiaobai immediately introduced him to Zhang Dongdong.

"Well, I know, I've seen it on Sister Yao's scarf, can I take a picture?"

"Of course, but why take pictures?"

Although Xiaobai is a genius in computers, he is still learning about human affairs and accidents, and some things are still unclear.

Both Xue Yao and Chen Ting knew about this, but considering Xiao Bai's previous illness, they only guided him slowly, and were not too eager to let him learn these complicated things at once.

"I want to post it on my scarf to let everyone know that I have eaten the legendary tofu cake."

"Well, yes, but it can't be said that my sister did it."

In terms of protecting the privacy of his sisters, Xiaobai has done a good job.

(End of this chapter)

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