Gold Assistant

Chapter 273 Mom's Routine

Chapter 273 Mom's Routine

"It's as if you have a girlfriend. If you went there, they would probably let those girls appear on your bed."

Thinking of this scene, Wang Jun immediately shivered.

"No, I want the eldest sister and the second sister to let those people go. I have the owner."

Chen Ting rarely asked, "It's done?"

"Not yet..." When Wang Jun thought about what happened just now, he lowered his head in frustration. What a great opportunity, why didn't he grasp it.

Chen Ting felt that Xiaoyao was always unable to come. Besides being shy, the main reason was that Liu Li and An Mo took up too much time.

As long as the two have a relationship, Xiaoyao's time will be free if they are busy dating, and it just so happens that he is also busy now.

Shall I give them a push?
But how?
Thinking of this, he set his sights on Shi Lekang, and Akang was better at this kind of thing.

At this time, Ah Er and Ah Yi came over with trays in their hands, and they put the bowls filled with white rice in front of everyone.

When Wang Jun held up his chopsticks to pick up the vegetables, he suddenly remembered that last time only rice and soy sauce were left.He looked at the others and found that they were not slow at picking up food, so he immediately grabbed a plate of hot fish and swept half of it into his own plate.

Others came to their senses and started grabbing food. Within 2 minutes, there was only vegetable juice left on the table.

"Hahahahaha." Everyone laughed heartily.

This scene reminded them of the training days when they were young.

Chen Ting asked Wang Jun while eating the dishes Xiaoyao specially cooked for him, "How is the debugging of the new system?"

"The replacement has already begun, but there are too many departments, so now we can only take it slowly, and then we will need to train and teach them how to use it."

"If you have any questions, just tell me anytime."

Wang Jun put down his chopsticks and asked, "Ah Ting, you really didn't design this system?"


"Oh, I really want to meet this design genius, it is several times more advanced than the system I designed."

After eating, Wang Jun and Shi Lekang went to 601.

When Chen Ting mentioned the new system just now, he remembered that he forgot to tell Momo about an important news. Originally, that was what he wanted to say the most, but unexpectedly he forgot it.

So as soon as he entered 601, he ran directly to An Mo and held her hand.

"Momo, I have something very important to tell you."

Everyone stopped what they were doing again and looked at them.

Did it start again?

An Mo's face flushed instantly, lowered his eyes, and said softly, "Yes."

Everyone held their breath and pricked up their ears to listen.

"The shopping mall monitoring I checked for you last time has been simulated through the behavior system. Finally, it was found that you ran out of a forest. There were two other people in the same company, but you got separated halfway."

"This is it?"

"Well, but the area covered by that forest is too large, and there is no news about those two people. The clues are temporarily cut off here, but don't worry, I will continue to help you investigate."

An Mo nodded, "Thank you, Brother Jun."

Then she asked again: "Brother Jun, is there nothing else?"

"Uh... not anymore."

An Mo looked at him for a while, then smiled faintly at him, and said, "Then hurry up and go home, it's already so late."

When Wang Jun heard the eviction order, he thought that An Mo was dissatisfied that he only found these things, and immediately explained: "Momo, don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will help you find your family."

"I know, thank you, Brother Jun. Sister Yi and Sister Na will be worried if you go back too late. Be careful when driving."

Seeing that An Mo became so polite, Wang Jun had no choice but to leave unhappy.

Looking at his leaving figure, everyone agreed that the love words last time must not have been said by him, and what everyone might have seen that day was fake Wang Jun.

Wang Jun returned home depressed, but was stopped by Wang Weina who was in the living room.

"Junzai, didn't you send ingredients to Momo? Come and talk."

"Yeah." Wang Jun sat on the sofa opposite her.

Just now, An Mo seemed disappointed, but the clue matter was interrupted, and he had nothing to do.

Wang Weina found that his expression was not right, and asked again: "What happened? Did you quarrel with Momo?"

"No, it's just..."

"Just what, say it!"

Wang Jun told what happened today in detail.

"I'm already looking for clues, but it happened fifteen years ago, so it's hard to find any information."

"Oh my god, Junzi, why are you so stupid!"

Wang Weina looked at him with a look of hatred, and even threw a pillow over him.

How could she have thought last time that he got the hang of it by asking Xiaobai to call him brother-in-law?

After receiving the pillow, Wang Jun looked at her blankly, "Second Sister, I...what did I do wrong?"

"You're so wrong! I'm so mad, how did I teach you last time!"

"Whatever you do, whatever you say, you should focus on Momo, and you must express your inner feelings face to face."

"Yeah, I have to tell my feelings in person! What did you do? Such a good opportunity to confess was wasted like this. What the hell are you thinking?"

Wang Jun defended, "Didn't I want to give Momo a romantic confession?"

"What romantic confession, have you watched too many TV dramas?" Wang Weina wondered if her younger brother was stupid.

"But isn't mom always complaining, isn't dad's confession romantic?" Wang Jun argued slightly.

Wang Weina covered her face with her hands speechlessly.

"Didn't you notice that every time mom finished speaking, dad immediately hugged her and said I love you."

Wang Jun lowered his head and thought for a while, it seems that this is really the case.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and stared at the second sister with wide eyes.

"Mom, she... so, did it on purpose?!"

"Of course it was intentional. Haven't you noticed that you have eaten so much dog food since childhood? How could I have such a stupid brother like you?"

Ahhh, Wang Jun growled in his heart, he was harmed by his mother's tricks! !

"It's fine if you didn't confess the first two times, just treat it as nervous. But in the end, when you said that there was something very important, everyone would think that you were going to continue the previous confession. It's just that you didn't expect that you were talking about clues.

It's important to find your parents, but you haven't found someone, it's just some clues, which are still interrupted.Momo has been waiting for so many years, are you still afraid of this little time?

If you confessed directly at that time, you would have confirmed your relationship with her long ago!Now that a good hand has been beaten badly, if I want to confess again, I may not be successful. "

"I...I, Second Sister, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do, cold salad."

Wang Jun immediately went around and grabbed the second sister's hand, looking at her pitifully.

"Second sister!"

Wang Weina thought for a while, "How about this, you can go to Momo's face to show your presence tomorrow when you have time."

"Ah, but why?"

"What's the reason, you miss Momo!" Wang Weina finally couldn't help but knocked her brother on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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