Gold Assistant

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
At this moment, Chen Kele ran to the door to change into his slippers, and took his mobile phone to order a takeaway and a bowl of noodles.

It's just that she found that the time on today's order was wrong.

It usually says that it can be delivered in 20 minutes, but now it says that it will take 1 hour to deliver due to too many customers.

Chen Kele smiled and said, "Isn't it because I'm hungry after seeing the bowl of noodles made by Xiaowan?"

In the end, in order not to feel hungry, she decisively turned off the delivery software and cooked a bowl of noodles by herself. Although there were no ingredients, only salt and eggs were added, she felt that it was delicious like never before.

Maybe she should cook for herself in the future.

After tossing and turning the kitchen, it was a bit messy, she tidied it up, and took the garbage to the trash can in the corridor.

Then she heard a woman's voice.

"You've also watched "The Chronicles of the Summer Palace", right? Liu Li's acting skills in it are really beyond words."

Hearing others praise his idol, the corners of Chen Kele's lips curled up, and he couldn't help but stop.

"I took a look at the bib just now, and many people praised her, and she is very popular now."

"That's why Concubine Mei should be allowed to act, Yu Yitong's image is not suitable at all!"

"What?! Don't announce the role first, but use her popularity to promote the movie. You guys are so shameless!"

When Chen Kele heard this, her face immediately changed drastically. When she heard the voice getting closer, she immediately took a few steps back, pretending that she had just come out.

At this time, the person in the corridor came out, unexpectedly, it was the woman I met in the elevator before.

When she saw Chen Kele, she was also taken aback. She clutched her phone and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it. We'll discuss these things tomorrow."

Chen Kele carried the trash, walked into the corridor to throw it away as if nothing had happened, and then turned and went home.

As soon as she got home, she took out her mobile phone and sent Shi Xiaonan a private message, telling her about it.The two of them chatted very well before, and they became friends, only to find out that the martial arts master is Shi Xiaonan, another assistant of Liu Li.

The two also knew each other before, but they didn't have much intersection, and they didn't expect to meet again because of star chasing.

Coke without ice: [Xiao Nan, I heard a piece of news just now, I wonder if it will affect Lili. ]
Martial arts master: [What's the matter? ]
Chen Kele told her what he heard just now, and also described the woman's appearance.

On the other side, Xue Yao and the others sat in front of the TV and waited nervously when the show was broadcasting.

After the filming of "Summer Palace Chronicle", they watched the unedited samples, but they didn't expect that after editing, the rhythm of the whole story became much tighter, making people want to stop watching it.

After watching the show, the girls' first reaction was to turn on their mobile phones and read the comments in the scarf.

To their surprise, the scarf has been slaughtered by "Summer Palace Chronicle".

Among the topics formed, they were all praised, and Liu Li and An Mo's fans increased by several million again.

Xue Yao's My Goddess is great, and it has also increased by more than 100 million.

Under the scarves of Liu Li and An Mo, there were all kinds of tricks to praise their acting skills and beauty.

And under Xue Yao's scarf, there are comments about Miss Sister's craftsmanship is really good, and all kinds of marriage proposals, marriage proposals, and begging for feeding.

All in all, tonight's premiere of "Summer Palace Chronicle" was a success!
This drama is on fire!
Although the specific ratings will not be known until tomorrow, everyone knows that it will not be bad.

For the first time, Xue Yao made everyone a bowl of noodle soup for supper. Maybe it was because the food in the play was so tempting that even she herself was hungry.

But she only made one bowl of noodle soup, which the four girls shared.

Xue Yao still smirked, and uploaded the video that An Mo took just now into the scarf.

The comment area was immediately filled with wailing. Netizens said that it is immoral to poison late at night, and some said that they should immediately make a noodle soup according to her video.

Liu Li and An Mo also each posted a photo of eating noodles.

[The noodle soup made by my sister is delicious! 】

At this happy moment, Shi Xiaonan received a message from Chen Kele.

After reading it, she immediately lowered her face and told the three of them about it.

"According to Coke's description, that woman may be the screenwriter of "The Secret Biography of the Royal Concubine"." Liu Li thought about the people she met during the audition.

Xue Yao frowned and said, "Let's ask Brother Kang about this first."

Shi Xiaonan nodded, called Shi Lekang on his mobile phone, and said anxiously: "Cousin, do you know how Mei Fei's audition results are going?"

"What happened?"

Retelling what Chen Kele said, Shi Xiaonan was very angry, "Is this the movie script my cousin chose for Lili? Who are those people?"

"Uh, I'll go and find out about this first. Don't be in a hurry. I'll tell you tomorrow. Go to bed now." Before hanging up the phone, he added, "Girls don't eat late at night, they will get fat."


It's true that it's useless to be anxious now, it's just that the good mood has been destroyed, and everyone went to sleep a little unhappy.

I don't know if she was affected by the bad news, Xue Yao dreamed of the small town down the mountain again.

This time Si Ting went down the mountain quietly without Xiao Yao.

But Xiaoyao found out about this. She put on a leaf blinding talisman she had learned a few days ago, and sat on the flying machine donated by the second senior brother, following behind Si Ting.

Followed all the way to the town, and found that Si Ting had gone to the winery.

The woman on the stage that day was wearing a seductive pink dress, looking at Si Ting with a pink face.

"Master Si, you're here, Taohua misses you very much."

After Taohua finished saying this, she leaned over and stretched out her hand towards Si Ting.

What do you think! !
Xiaoyao felt so angry, she grabbed the pillar next to her with all her strength, and stared desperately at Taohua getting closer to Si Ting's hand.

Although Xiaoyao has seen the woman's face clearly, she looks very similar to Yu Yitong, but she is not actually her, but reality and Mengjing's anger are intertwined, which makes her lose her mind and rush out to bite someone.

Si Ting took a step back to avoid Taohua's salty hands, and took out a handkerchief to wipe his face without being touched.

"Xiao Yao doesn't like me smelling like someone else."

After muttering to himself, he burned the handkerchief with a fire technique, and then said calmly, "You are not human."

"What did Mr. Si say, the slave family can't understand."

Taohua retracted her hand in embarrassment.

"What is your purpose in coming to this town?"

When Xiaoyao heard Si Ting say that Tao Hua was not human, she put all her energy on them and didn't notice that there was a dark figure walking towards her behind her.

Just as Si Ting was about to continue speaking, he heard a girl's scream.

Although the voice disappeared soon, he still recognized that it was Xiao Yao's voice.He immediately ran to the place where the sound came from, and saw a few black hairs on the ground, and Xiaoyao's usual small cloth bag.

(End of this chapter)

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