Gold Assistant

Chapter 279 Equity

Chapter 279 Equity
Wang Jin saw that the company's stock price, which had managed to stabilize since the launch ceremony plummeted, fluctuated again. Many people sold at low prices, but no one took over.

He immediately shouted outside the office: "Song Ya, Song Ya!"

A male assistant knocked on the door and walked in and said, "President, Secretary Song has been on leave and hasn't come back to work."

"What's going on, hasn't she come back since the opening ceremony?"

"Not sure, no one answered the phone call to Secretary Song, and the same is true of her home phone."

The assistant quickly reported the situation, and he also hoped that Song Ya would come back soon.

Hearing this, Wang Jin was inexplicably flustered. He did many things through Song Ya, especially when he channeled Li Baoqin's qi to himself, and he had to rely on her to do the final finishing touches.

Thinking of Song Ya's previous attempts to disappear suddenly, she couldn't be contacted, and she would appear after a while because she was looking for materials.

Thinking of a few days ago, he proposed to complete the matter of transferring luck early, maybe Song Ya was looking for information, so he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

"Do you know why the stock price suddenly fell?"

Wang Jin looked up at the assistant.

The assistant was sweating profusely, and stammered, "Yes... yes... something happened to the scarf."

"what's up?"

Wang Jin had an ominous premonition, something he hadn't tried since transferring his luck.

"The matter of the opening ceremony was brought up again." The assistant said tremblingly.

"Why are those people so boring? Isn't this incident already over? What's the point of making cold rice? There are a lot of scandals in the entertainment industry that can be hyped up."

The assistant continued: "It's not fried rice, it's new revelations."


Wang Jin immediately turned on his phone to look through it, but under his personal scarf, he saw all the comments asking him to quit the entertainment industry.

It turned out that after the screenshot of Yu Yitong being touched by Wang Jin came out, many people thought she did it voluntarily.

But such a thing, Yu Yitong will definitely not admit it, after all, Wang Jin is married, and his wife is still in the intensive care unit, if she admits it, she will become a mistress.

It's still the kind of life-threatening mistress who takes advantage of other people's illnesses and is cast aside.

What's more, she never thought of being with Wang Jin, they were just business partners.

As a result, her role as Concubine Mei has not yet received attention. It was known to everyone because of the salty pig hand incident. She issued a statement saying that she would sue the person who posted the picture and "spray it if it doesn't look good" because it is all fake.

But her statement didn't help at all.

Because Xue Yao typed codes on the screenshots, did not name them, and the pictures were not fake, this so-called statement did not scare everyone away.

It's just that Yu Yitong's fans don't think so.

They think their idols have been wronged and framed.

Form a team to scold the street under the scarf of "spray if you don't like it", and have all kinds of ugly words.There are also ***s that cannot be displayed frequently, so it is conceivable that something must be blocked.

Most of the comments are about the main P picture, using fake pictures to discredit their Yitong, the screenshots are not their Yitong at all, these are not real hammers, etc.

Originally, it was just to let off steam, but Xue Yao, who had ceased fire afterwards, was immediately aroused again.

"Hmph, if you want a solid hammer, I'll give it to you."

Spray if you don't like it: [I'll give you what you want. (Video from the opening ceremony of Yongjia Films.)]

[I really don’t know what they think, these screenshots were all taken at the opening ceremony, do you still need P? ]
[Maybe they didn't see the live broadcast that day. ]
[This is all right, the code was originally typed, but now you can read it directly. ]
[Why can't I find this full video? ]
[There was a big joke at the opening ceremony, so the relevant parties deleted it. ]
[It’s just that, it’s coded, and you can cover it up, but now it’s all released. ]
[Oh my God, I found the video that slipped through the net. (GIF)]
[Wow, where is this hand? ]
[The upper part of the thigh. ]
[The face is still smiling, and I really enjoy it. ]
[The neck master is too unkind, such a hammer should be released earlier. ]

Less than 10 minutes after the video was released, the originally smoky comment area was immediately occupied by people who eat melons.

Yu Yitong's fans all disappeared without a trace.

Just another 10 minutes later, Yu Yitong posted a tearful selfie, saying that he was wronged, but he didn't say what he was wronged.Her fans seemed to have been instructed, and they all ran to Wang Jin and Yongjia Films' scarves, and began to say that Wang Jin was a picky pig who had tarnished the entertainment circle, and asked him to quit the entertainment circle as soon as possible.

Therefore, because of the personal scandal of Wang Jin, the president, the stock price of Yongjia Films has once again shrunk sharply.

Angrily, Wang Jin picked up his mobile phone and called Yu Yitong.

As soon as the call was connected, he scolded his head and face, "What's the matter with your fans? They ruined my Yongjia Film Industry, who dares to cooperate with you!"

The final reason is not because of your sloppy hands regardless of the occasion, Yu Yitong on the other side rolled his eyes.

"I still want to ask you! It's not that those videos have been deleted, why does this person still have them? This is about my image."

Wang Jin said mockingly: "What kind of image do you have? No one in the circle knows. You stripped naked in front of Chen Ting, and he ignored you."


"What about you, hurry up and take care of your fans, or we will terminate the cooperation and see how the people behind you deal with you."

Yu Yitong screamed angrily when he heard the beeping sound after the phone was hung up, and swept everything on the table to the ground.Her face twisted, and she growled with gritted teeth. "Chen Ting! You broke your word. You said you would not spread the news."

Obviously it was the director and screenwriter present who broke the news, but Yu Yitong wanted to blame Chen Ting. It can only be said that it was an innocent disaster.

"You are unkind and I am unrighteous, don't blame me for being rude."

After she finished speaking, she rearranged her clothes and took out a new set of cosmetics from another cabinet, including a bottle of Cherry Blossom Water that was always out of stock.

Half a day later, Wang Jin contacted several navy companies, and finally put the matter down again.

It's just that the affected stock price has never risen back.

A number of directors called to question him and said they would hold a board meeting.

Wang Jin was very irritable. The members of the board of directors had united for a long time and wanted to pull him down from the position of president. Their current equity combined just happened to be a little more than him.

In the past, he and Li Baoqin had the most equity combined, so those directors didn't dare to say anything, and they waited for dividends every year.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Li Baoqin's death, get her shareholding, and kick out those directors one by one.It's just that Li Baoqin is still alive, and he can't monopolize the company's affairs based on his own equity.

(End of this chapter)

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