Gold Assistant

Chapter 287 Who Taught Him

Chapter 287 Who Taught Him
"Ah, I seem to have something I haven't bought yet. Let's go now, you guys accompany me." Liu Li put the things on the ground and pulled An Mo and Shi Xiaonan out.

"That's right, that's right, I also missed something and didn't buy it, so let's go quickly." Shi Xiaonan responded quickly.

An Mo was the most mischievous. Before closing the door, he poked his head out and said, "Hee hee, Sister Yao, go ahead, we didn't see anything."

What Liu Li and Shi Xiaonan did earlier, Xue Yao could still deceive herself and others, comforting herself that they didn't see it, but An Mo's words made her stunned on the spot.

Okay, Xiao Momo, just wait, hum!
"Xiao Yao, there's salad dressing on her mouth." Chen Ting's words instantly brought Xue Yao back to her senses.

Sure enough, when the big light bulb came back, he wasn't attractive enough.

Xue Yao wiped her mouth in a panic with a tissue.

"Any more?"

Chen Ting supported the sofa with his hands, leaned forward with his strength, and lightly pecked at the corner of Xue Yao's mouth.

Then he smiled and said, "It's fine now."


Xue Yao stared at him with wide eyes, holding his chest with both hands, her body froze a bit.

She never expected that the male god would suddenly kiss him.

Although the two have confirmed their relationship, they still look like an old married couple when they get along.


Is it faster now?
However, Xue Yao didn't have much resistance in her heart, but was more surprised and shy.

In fact, when the male god approached, Xue Yao had a chance to push him away, but when she thought of his injuries, she stopped.

Now she breathes the male god's breath, and even the smell is the faint lemon scent she likes, without the smell of tobacco, wine, or medicine.

Suddenly there was an impulse in her heart, and she threw the male god down.

Seeing her frozen there, Chen Ting smiled helplessly.He has been tempted by the beauty trick, but Xiao Yao is still unmoved. Has his charm retreated?

If it was before, Xiaoyao would jump forward happily.

The male god didn't speak, and Xue Yao didn't dare to move.

She started to think wildly, and checked a lot of information about male gods on the Internet before.

Many film critics said that the male god's acting skills are very good, but the love scenes are flawed, so they often get stuck when they shoot love scenes, probably because they have no experience in this field.

But isn't the method just now very skillful?
Is this male god a fake?
Or who taught him about it?
Suddenly, a picture flashed in Xue Yao's mind.

One time Xiaoyao made a kind of biscuits that were so brittle that they fell off as soon as you bite into them. After eating, your mouth would be full of crumbs, which caused Xiao Si Ting, who was very elegant in eating, to be tricked as well.

Xiao Yao saw the crumbs of cake near Xiao Si Ting's mouth, so she pointed at his mouth with her chubby finger.

"Master, cake."

Si Ting wiped it with a cloth towel and asked, "Is there any more?"

Xiaoyao nodded, "Yes, I will help Shishi."

"it is good."

She waved the chubby hand and pulled Xiao Si Ting's head down, and he lowered his head in response.

Xiao Yao stood on tiptoe, kissed Xiao Si Ting on the corner of his mouth, let him go, and said with a smile: "Okay."

Thinking of this, Xue Yao was a little startled, why, how did this picture appear?
This is a dream, what does it have to do with now...

She gently shook off the picture in her mind, this kind of thing should be taught by a close friend.

Such as Xerox Kang!
Among the people around the male god, he is the most like a playboy. These skills of flirting with girls are probably taught by him.

As for the saying that the male god has experienced such a thing himself, she firmly denies it and will not believe it! !
So she asked, "Brother Ting, how did you and Brother Kang meet? How did you become friends?"

Why did they suddenly talk about Shilekang, which made Chen Ting a little bit apprehensive.

"He and I are neighbors, so we have known each other since we were young."

as a child?Xue Yao's mind suddenly appeared in the mind of Xiao Si Ting, who was obviously still a gentleman, but kept a straight face.

Chen Ting stopped after only saying a word.

"And then?" Xue Yao asked immediately.

"Then? Neighbors become friends, nothing special."

"..." Xue Yao, who was not satisfied with her heart of gossip, really wanted to give a bad review.

At this time, the little light bulb, uh, Xiaobai ran over.

"Sister, I'm hungry."

Xue Yao looked up at the time, oh my god, it's already 12:50.

In an instant, I felt hungry, and I had already digested the few pieces of fruit just now.

It seems that beauty can only deceive the stomach, but it cannot really fill the stomach.

"I'll cook. Brother Ting will eat here today."

"it is good."

"What do you want to eat?"

After Chen Ting sat upright, he looked into her eyes very seriously, "As long as it's made by you, I want to eat it."

Hearing this sentence, Xue Yao turned around happily and ran to the kitchen.


On the other side, the three of Liu Li who had left the apartment were wandering aimlessly.

"Lili, when are we going back? I'm hungry." An Mo rubbed his stomach with a bitter face.

They just stepped back because they were hungry from shopping and didn't want to eat outside.

"But Brother Ting is here, let's leave space for them today."

Although Liu Li felt a little sour in her heart, her sister's happiness was more important.

Normally, my sister would accompany her to run the set, and when I returned to the apartment, there would be a bunch of people there, so it was rare for me to have the opportunity to be alone with Brother Ting.

601 The transparent Xiaobai in the living room suddenly raised his head and looked around in a daze. Is anyone talking about him?

"Yeah, but I didn't expect Brother Ting to feed fruit to Sister Yao, hehe."

An Mo wanted to laugh when he thought of the picture he saw when he opened the door.

"Yeah, I used to think Brother Ting was cold and cold, but I didn't expect to be so gentle to my sister."

Shi Xiaonan suddenly said, "Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen were like this before."

Liu Li and An Mo immediately looked back at her.

"Ah, does Xiao Nan know Brother Ting's parents? Tell me about Brother Ting's family situation. If my sister marries, will there be problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?"

Liu Li was a little nervous about this question.

Her mother and grandma had problems with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Every time they met, they would be cold-hearted, and grandma didn't like the two of them.

Dad has also talked with grandma many times about this, but unfortunately they broke up every time.

"Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen are no longer here. They left in an accident when Brother Ting was 17 years old."

"Ah, alas."

This topic was a bit heavy, and the three of them did not continue talking.

Before they knew it, they walked to a newly opened shopping mall nearby.

"Lili, why are you here?"

The three of them saw Tao Chengya standing beside a pile of boxes, and Ahe followed behind pushing the cart.

She is tall and tall, standing beside the box, she looks even more heroic.

"Xiaoya, why are you here?" Liu Li walked up to her and took her hand affectionately.

An Mo looked at the box, and saw that it contained the perfume of the previous Huayun series, as well as skin care products such as Snow Skin Jade Paste.

Shi Xiaonan stood quietly by the side, but his eyes did not rest, but looked around vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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