Gold Assistant

Chapter 297 Song Ya's Disappearance

Chapter 297 Song Ya's Disappearance

Xue Yao opened the takeaway box, and there were thin-skinned siu mai lying inside.

Bursts of tempting aroma wafted out of the box.

Shi Lekang couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he smelled it, and said as if taking credit: "I bought this after waiting in line for half an hour."

Xue Yao asked curiously, "Why did Brother Kang suddenly go to Longteng to buy siu mai?"

"Today Ah Ting called early in the morning and asked me to queue up to buy it. In fact, it would be better to have Wang Jun deliver it."

Xue Yao suddenly remembered that when they were having breakfast today, when they were discussing what breakfast they wanted the most, she was talking about Long Teng's siu mai.

The male god was there at the time, could this be the reason?
She felt sweet in her heart, and she was really happy to be pampered by the male god like this! !

Because everyone didn't have lunch, Xue Yao distributed the siu mai to them.

"Let's eat together."

These siu mai were slightly larger than the ones they had eaten before, and the opening at the top was decorated with crab roe. The glutinous rice grains inside were crystal clear and looked plump.

It looks very delicate.

Put it in your mouth. Although the glutinous rice filling is soft, it will not be overcooked. You can feel the shape of each grain of glutinous rice in your mouth.

The texture of glutinous rice is very springy, and the more you chew it, the more fragrant it becomes. I also eat shiitake mushrooms and fresh meat mixed in it from time to time. It is delicious and not greasy at all.

Everyone was so intoxicated by the delicacy that they almost forgot that they were still in the police station.

Everyone passing by was attracted by the aroma, and they decided to order a takeaway of Chinese dim sum later and enjoy it during their break.

Zhang Xiaojiao asked suddenly: "Old Dou, what do you want to see sister Yao today?"

"Find me?"

Xue Yao looked at Zhang Xiaojiao suspiciously.

"Well, in the morning, Laodou called me and asked me where Sister Yao was, but he kept secretive and didn't tell me what happened, so I had to tell him that we are at the Huayun shop in HJ."

No wonder Zhang Dahu appeared there.

"What's the matter, Uncle Tiger, is it convenient to talk about it here?"

For some reason, the procedures at the police station have not been completed for so long, and it is boring to be idle, so Xue Yao took the initiative to ask.

Zhang Dahu told the story.

It turned out that it was to ask about Song Ya.

The Uncle Jiang who went to Song Ya last time suddenly asked him for help yesterday.

Because Song Ya has been missing for several days.

She didn't go to the company or go home, even Song Delun didn't know where she went.

At first everyone thought she was the same as before, and suddenly went on a short-term trip, but later found that all her documents were still at home, and she could not be found anywhere.

Her whole body just disappeared out of thin air.

"Disappeared? When did it happen?" Xue Yao frowned.

"According to our calculations, it disappeared on the day of the opening ceremony of Yongjia Films. Normally, Song Ya, as Wang Jin's secretary, should also be present at that occasion."

Zhang Dahu told everyone the news he investigated yesterday.

Hearing this, Xue Yao couldn't help but look at Shi Lekang, because she thought of the recording that Qin Yi played, which was obtained from Song Ya.

In other words, Hajime might be the last person to contact Songya.

Zhang Dahu also looked at Shi Lekang.

The reason why he chose to tell everyone about this matter was that he wanted to find someone through Shi Lekang's relationship with the police.

After all, this incident is full of weirdness.

Shi Lekang really knew where Song Ya was, but it was inconvenient to reveal it right now.

"Hmm... May I ask what Uncle Jiang is looking for Song Ya about? She is not missing, but the situation here is a little special."

Zhang Dahu didn't expect that he really asked the right person.

"Is such that."

Zhang Dahu told everyone about the matter.

When Uncle Jiang lived in country T in his early years, he met a lady, but because of the customs of the local village, they could not get married, so he had to leave in the end.

A few days ago, he heard Xiaojiao talk about Li Baoqin, and saw Song Ya's appearance on the Internet, which was very similar to the lady he knew.

He calculated Song Ya's age and suspected that Song Ya was his daughter.

"Last time, he just wanted to ask Song Ya to confirm this matter, but he didn't expect that he didn't get the answer, and almost had an accident."

Xue Yao didn't expect this, it was quite tortuous.

Zhang Dahu continued: "Uncle Jiang said that he just wanted to ask for an answer."

Shi Lekang frowned deeply.

"Song Ya is involved in many things, and there may be no way for them to meet, and even if they do, you can't be sure whether what she said is true or not."

Zhang Xiaojiao immediately begged: "Brother Kang, Uncle Jiang is dying, so he wants to know if Song Ya is his daughter before he dies? Can't you really accommodate me? They won't talk about anything else after they meet."

"This...may really not work."

Zhang Xiaojiao was very disappointed by this answer, she held Zhang Dahu's hand in frustration.

The atmosphere was a little depressing.

At this time, a familiar person came over, saw Shi Lekang, came over and greeted him.

"Brother Kang, why are you here?"

"It's Coke, long time no see."

Seeing her appearance and hearing Shi Lekang's name, Xue Yao immediately remembered that the other party was Liu Li's first loyal fan of Coke without ice.

Thinking of Yu Yitong taking the role of Concubine Mei, she was the one who told Shi Xiaonan.

Let them not be too passive in the public opinion of "The Secret Biography of the Imperial Concubine".

Xue Yao stood up and said to her excitedly, "Coke, so you are a policeman."

Chen Kele was stunned for a moment, carefully sizing up the masked person across from him.

The voice was familiar, and it seemed like I had seen this mask before.

After a while, she said happily, "Ah, it's Miss Assistant."

"En." Xue Yao nodded quickly.

Chen Kele explained: "I'm not a policeman. I work in the identification center. I just came here today to check the information."


Looking at the frustrated Zhang Xiaojiao, Xue Yao suddenly thought of a way.

"Coke, can the appraisal center help others do DNA tests to determine whether they are parent-child?"

"um, yes."

Xue Yao looked at Shi Lekang, "Brother Kang, although we can't let them meet, it shouldn't be a problem to take her hair out, right?"

"Take the hair? Well, this is fine. The siblings are asking them to do a DNA test, right?"


Xue Yao turned to Zhang Dahu and Zhang Xiaojiao and said: "Using this method, you can directly judge whether they are father and daughter. If not, Uncle Jiang should not think about anything to recuperate.

But if it is, then you can think of other ways to let them meet. "

Zhang Dahu nodded immediately, why didn't they think of this method.In fact, hair is in Songya's apartment.

When Chen Kele heard the words "brother and sister" in Shi Lekang's mouth, she was very curious. She knew that Shi Lekang was the youngest member of Jane's family.

The only person who can be called his younger brother is the actor Chen Ting. Could it be that the assistant lady and the actor are a couple?
This is the cutest kind of CP she has, and celebrities and assistants are the cutest.

It's just that they seemed to be discussing something important, she couldn't interrupt, so she could only suppress her curiosity and wait for them to finish.

(End of this chapter)

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