Gold Assistant

Chapter 326 Shut Up People First

Chapter 326 Shut Up People First

On the other hand, after Wang Jun left the Network Management Bureau, he went directly to Chen Ting.

He himself was under control and could not use black technology to find information about the navy, but Chen Ting could.

As long as evidence is found, the old and new cases can be closed together.

At that time, we must ask the judge to judge the key points, and let them make trouble everywhere and muddy the water in the network.

On the way, he flipped through the content posted by Zhang Ru, and immediately forwarded it on his trumpet.

"Hmph, it's not my Momo anymore, you people still don't believe it."

Then he saw An Mo wearing a scarf for the same reason as he said.

He smiled triumphantly, hehe, does this prove that Momo has a tacit understanding with him.

It's a pity that I can't see the faces of those people in the workshop outside now, hehe.

He Botao and the others have already started to fight back, and even called Ah Si to help.

However, due to their late start, the current situation is still very passive.

The most important thing is that there is currently no strong evidence to refute it.

Yu Yitong finally won once, and couldn't help laughing while filming.

"Ca!! Yitong, in this scene, you learned that Emperor Xia was going to visit Concubine Cheng again, so you should be feeling sad, why are you laughing?!"

"Sorry director, I was distracted just now, I didn't notice it for a while, I won't do it next time, I'm ready."

Lost your mind during filming?
After hearing this, the people present didn't know what to say.

They had heard the phrase "I won't do it next time" too many times, and they really didn't know how she came to be the best actress.

With a dark face, the director shouted, "Everyone get ready, let's start."

The palace maid tremblingly came to report that Emperor Xia had gone to Concubine Cheng and would not come today.

Concubine Mei, played by Yu Yitong, was shocked when she heard it, and then began to cry, crying very sadly.

Her crying is beautiful, but it only shows that she is crying sadly, and does not bring out Mei Fei's arrogance.

This scene was exactly what Liu Li acted in the audition.

It was in an ordinary room at that time, which was incomparable to the current filming scene, but everyone could see that Liu Li's performance was not a star and a half better than Yu Yitong's.

When the director saw this, his heart was full of regret.


Wang Jun finally came to the apartment.

After finding Chen Ting, he said directly, "Ah Ting, please help me hack those sailors."

Xiao Bai and Chen Ting looked up at him together.

"what's up?"

"Didn't you look at the scarf? Momo is also a member of your studio. You can't treat her and Liu Li differently just because of Xiaoyao!"

"Do not say?"

Chen Ting turned his head and ignored Wang Jun, and continued to talk to Xiao Bai in a soft voice.

Seeing Chen Ting's cold face, Wang Jun, who was originally aggressive, immediately looked like a deflated balloon.

He had no choice but to finish the matter.

"IP address."

After handing over the flash drive where the data was stored, Wang Jun sat aside to check the public opinion on the Internet.

Every hacker has his own unique technology, he must hold back his curiosity and cannot peek.

Xiaobai poked his head over and looked at the scarf in Wang Jun's phone.

Ask about something you don't understand.

Wang Jun also knew his situation, so he patiently explained it to him carefully.

Not long after, Chen Ting said, "That group didn't leave any evidence."

"What?" Wang Jun immediately jumped up.

Chen Ting continued to speak calmly: "The computer they are currently using does not have any information related to the Tian Mimi incident."

"You mean, they are not from the same group?" Wang Jun asked anxiously with a bitter face.

"They may have destroyed the previous data, and now they are using new computers, so there is no data left."

Wang Jun was very unhappy and asked, "Is there really no way to catch them?"

"Why arrest people? Are they bad people?"

Xiaobai looked at them puzzled.

"Yes, they are bad people. They bullied your sister Li before, and now they bully your sister Mo. Ah, by the way, they also bullied your brother-in-law."

Xiao Bai immediately turned to look at Chen Ting, "Bullying brother-in-law? Why didn't you kill him?"

Chen Ting touched his little head.

"This is a society ruled by law, you can't kill people casually, it's different."

"Oh." Xiaobai lowered his head and suddenly remembered what his grandfather said yesterday.

"Then use other methods to lock him up first, one day is fine, at least let him avoid bad things for one day."

His words made Chen Ting and Wang Jun fall into deep thought.

Since we can't find any evidence now, why not find a way to get them in first, maybe there will be a breakthrough.

Chen Ting immediately called Zhang Dahu and asked him for help.

Wang Jun secretly asked Xiaobai, "Who taught you those words just now?"


"Huh? Dean Guan is such a person? Unexpected. But why did he suddenly say these things to you?"

"The man named Wang Jin is here. Uncle Zhong is here to ask Grandpa what to do?"

"Wang Jin? What does this have to do with him?"

Although they are all surnamed Wang, he has nothing to do with Wang Jin. According to the eldest sister, he is a piece of scum.

Xiaobai thought about it, and felt that the explanation was too troublesome, so he shouted: "Brother Ah Yi, brother Ah Yi."

Ha Yi rushed in immediately, sizing up the people in the room.

"Xiao Bai, what's wrong?"

Xiaobai pointed at Wang Jun, "Brother Jun asked Grandpa what he said today?"


Ah Yi scratched his head and thought for a while before he understood what Xiao Bai meant.

He then told what he saw in the hospital.

It turned out that there was something wrong with Wang Jin's health, so he went to Saint Laurent for an examination.

As soon as the dean saw him, he knew that Song Ya's lowering of her head on Li Baoqin's body was slowly turning back.

I don't want him to implicate others, so I asked Dr. Zhong to find a way to isolate him first.

"It turned out to be like this. He did it on his own."

While waiting for the news from Zhang Dahu, Wang Jun used his trumpet to fight back against the sailors.

It's just that because there is no real evidence at present, the two sides can be said to be even, but for An Mo, such a result is actually a loss.

Zhang Ru looked at the scarf expressionlessly.

Just now she called Xue Yao back and chatted for a while, but apart from herself and her assistant, she couldn't find any other witnesses.

If this continues, it will be very unfavorable to An Mo.

When Zhang Ru saw Julie's name, he knew that An Mo had been implicated by him.

Having experienced cyber violence, she really didn't want An Mo to be knocked down like this, so she began to tear the tissue in annoyance.

A Juan, who came back from visiting relatives, saw Zhang Ru in the living room, and said happily, "Sister Ru, I'm back, what do you think I brought back?"

When Zhang Ru saw A Juan in high spirits, he didn't want her to worry, so he tried his best to smile.

"You're back, is that a grapefruit? The fruit from that old tree in your house?"

"Yes, this is my nephew. He specially asked me to bring it back for Sister Ru to taste."

After Ajuan approached, she saw the tissues at Zhang Ru's feet. Years of getting along with each other let her know that Zhang Ru was upset.

So he put down his things, approached and asked, "What happened to sister Ru?"

Zhang Ru sighed, and turned on the phone to show her.

"If it can't be proved that she was with us that night, Momo's future may be ruined."

After reading it, A Juan said, "We have evidence."

(End of this chapter)

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