Gold Assistant

Chapter 337 Publicity Plan

Chapter 337 Publicity Plan
"When did Lili go to eat, why don't I know?" An Mo looked at her suspiciously.

"When I used to go to learn the piano, Roy made me something to eat."

Shi Xiaonan immediately thought of that blond foreigner. "The last time you went to the film crew to look for Lili's golden-haired monkey?"

"Monkey?" Liu Li stared at Shi Xiaonan with wide eyes, never expecting that she would use this word.

An Mo recalled Shi Xiaonan's appearance when he was facing Roy, and asked with a smile, "Hahaha, Xiao Nan, do you really hate him so much?"

"I'll help Xiaobai serve the dishes."

Shi Xiaonan blushed from the laughter, turned around and fled to the kitchen.

"What are you talking about?" Aunt Chang looked at them curiously.

What a group of miraculous girls, making the Shi family's mimosa cheerful.

An Mo took her hand and talked about Roy carefully.

"But isn't Lili Chengxuan's fiancée? That's what Mrs. Tao told me today, and I heard that Chengxuan finds time to watch Lili's filming every day."

"Hee hee, this is another matter, Aunt Chang, let me tell you."

An Mo finally explained the matter before the meal was served.

Aunt Chang looked at Liu Li and said, "Lili, you can really think about it, Chengxuan is a good boy."

Liu Li blushed and said, "Then Aunt Chang also wants to help Momo take a look, Brother Jun also likes her very much."

An Mo, who was watching the joke, quickly said, "Lili, I'm obviously talking about you, how could it involve me."

Everyone laughed: "Hahaha."

After dinner, Xue Yao sent Xiaobai back to 602, only to find that Uncle Chang was still there.

It seems that the male god is not free tonight, so Xue Yao had no choice but to turn around and go back.

But she quietly sent a message, asking about today's test results.

Chen Ting replied almost instantly.

"The result of the examination is very good, don't worry. The rehabilitation can start tomorrow, but there are some things to be busy now, so there may be a delay."

"Well, it's busy, but you should also pay attention to your body."

"it is good."

Not long after, Chen Ting sent another message asking her if there were any remaining charms.

This made Xue Yao feel uneasy.

She hurried back to the room and took out the spells that she had drawn before, no matter what type they were.

Pack them in envelopes, write the name and usage method, and put them in a box.

After handing the box to Hajime, she went back to take a bath, and drew three more recovery charms.

It's a pity that in her current state, she can only draw up to three pictures a day.

It would be great if, like Xiaoyao in her dream, she could draw five pictures in one go without having to catch her breath.

Early the next morning, after Xue Yao got up, she drew three more recovery talismans, and handed them to Ah Yi together with the three from last night.

Then Chen Ting and the others went out and didn't come back for many days.

Xiaobai was sent here to be taken care of by Xue Yao and the others, which made Xiaobai very happy.

Time flies, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

"True Love and Falsehood" and "The Secret Biography of the Royal Concubine" have been filmed successively, and the post-production editing has begun.

And "Summer Palace Chronicle" also ushered in the finale, and finally the second prince ascended the throne, and Qin Xin'er was his queen.

Many viewers were very reluctant, mainly because many people watched the food in the show for dinner.

Seeing such comments, the protagonists don't know whether to be happy or sad.

However, after the premiere of China TV, Mi Jiawen and the others successfully took over the filming of "Youjian Inn".

It was a warm and hilarious costume sitcom.

After the audience watched the first episode, they were no longer reluctant to part with "Summer Palace Chronicle".

It's just that when many people share Amway with their friends, they emphasize not to watch it while eating, because it's too funny and will spit food.

It didn't take long for "True Love and Falsehood" to be broadcast on the official bib, attracting many netizens to click.

After the traffic came out, the official trailer also began to play. In addition to the official scarf, it was also played on the movie walls of major theaters.

In particular, the theaters of Yongjia Films also show 12-hour rotations.

This surprised Xue Yao and the others.

"Wang Jin, what the hell is he doing? Could it be that he wants to play tricks on it?"

Huo Ling, who came to tell them about the publicity plan, laughed after hearing Xue Yao's words.

"Now Yongjia Pictures is headed by Ms. Li Baoqin. Wang Jin is sick and needs to rest in the hospital."

"Ah, is she cured?"

Xue Yao still remembered that when she saw her last time, that skinny appearance was very scary.

But later, after the male god took over, she never paid any attention to it.

Thinking of this, she felt a little ashamed.

"Yes, in fact, she woke up about two months ago. However, in order not to startle the snake, it has not been announced to the public.

Well, let's talk about the next publicity plan.

This is your first movie, unlike Wu Hao, he already has a regular movie fan, so you have to run the promotion all the way.

It may be a bit hard, but if you start this first shot, you will have a place in the film circle in the future. "

Liu Li looked at the itinerary and found that many places could only be reached by plane.

Thinking of the short distance from city B to city S last time, my sister couldn't stand it, let alone these things.

So she said to Xue Yao: "Sister, don't go to this promotion."

"Huh? Why?"

"That's right, why didn't Lili let Sister Yao go?" An Mo also looked at Liu Li suspiciously.

"Sister, have you forgotten the last time you went to fly?"

These words made Xue Yao's expression change, and she picked up the itinerary to look at, almost the whole journey was by plane.

Just not following, Xue Yao was a little worried, and finally she decided to follow.

But she took the high-speed train instead.

At that time, taking the high-speed rail will take more time than flying, so Xue Yao decided to only go to a few of the first-tier cities and treat it as a tourist.

Wu Hao won the best actor a few days ago. Although this is a romantic comedy, the audience is still looking forward to it.

This makes the media pay close attention to the situation of the film.

In this trailer, you can see the deep palace grievances between Emperor Xia and the two concubines in the previous life, as well as the shopping mall battle in the later generations.

Concubine Mei played by Liu Li and Concubine Cheng played by An Mo are both very amazing.

Especially the dance clips that flashed by in the film, some professionals also commented that they danced very well, obviously they hired a master of ancient dance to guide them.

As a partner of Chen Ting's studio, Huading also attaches great importance to this movie.

Except for the male and female protagonists and the second female lead, everyone else is an actor from Huading Company.

Even Lin Xia, who has been hiding to take care of Li Baoqin, played a guest role in it.

Huading and its sponsor, Guyun Group, invested heavily. In addition to broadcasting trailers on many well-known websites, it was also discussed in variety shows on many TV stations.

At this time, everyone felt that Huading, the former industry leader, had returned.

Through such intensive publicity, almost everyone knows that "True Love and Falsehood" is about to be released.

 It's 70 words, and I'm rolling with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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