Gold Assistant

Chapter 345 Another Attack

Chapter 345 Another Attack
The publicity plan this time is from north to south, and tomorrow they will go to the last stop in G City.

Because you can drive directly from Yangcheng to G City, everyone slept comfortably today.

They didn't get up until Huo Ling came to call for someone.

Xue Yao helped them pack their things last night, so they can just leave today.

Because of the movie, both Liu Li and An Mo's worth have risen.

Huo Ling accepted the endorsement of a clothing brand for An Mo, and after the promotion in City G is over, he will go back to City B to take photos.

And because Liu Li hadn't seen Papa Mo for a long time, she asked Shi Lekang for leave, and went back after resting for a few days.

An Mo hugged Liu Li in the car, and said with a look of reluctance, "I don't want to be separated from Lili and Sister Yao."

She turned to Huo Ling and said, "Sister Ling, I want to rest too, I don't want to go to work."

Huo Ling knocked her on the head, "If you don't work hard, you won't have money to eat."

"Yes, yes, "Summer Palace Chronicle" is going to pay dividends. Sister Yi said that I will get a lot of money, at least six figures."

"Six figures are not enough for the Wang family to buy a bag." Seeing her disappointment, Huo Ling hit her again angrily.

An Mo hugged her head, shrank into Liu Li's arms, and kept muttering, "Sister Yi and the others have nothing to do with me buying bags."

"You." Huo Ling saw that the people in the car were all his own people, so he continued: "If you want to marry Wang Jun in the future, at least you have money in your hands, so that you can speak with a straight back."

An Mo blushed and argued, "Who said I'm going to marry him?"

"You don't want to marry? But I heard that Wang Jun even prepared the wedding room."

"Marriage room?"

Huo Ling's words stunned everyone in the car.

"Why haven't I heard of this?" An Mo was a little confused.

Then she said again: "No, he hasn't confessed to me yet, and we haven't confirmed our relationship yet, so why did we talk about the wedding room?"

"I heard from a real estate friend that I bought it just two weeks ago. You haven't confirmed the relationship yet, so why is Xiaobai called brother-in-law Wang Junmo?"

Others have black lines on their faces, can they say that Wang Jun learned from Chen Ting?

Hearing his name, Xiaobai raised his face and looked at his sisters blankly.

The cute little appearance made them motherly, and each of them kissed.

Xue Yao told Huo Ling the ins and outs.

"I didn't expect Wang Jun to be so cunning. But if the wedding room doesn't belong to Momo and Wang Jun, who does he belong to?"

An Mo poked at the seat with an unhappy expression, "Hmph, whoever is he building a wedding room with?"

Xue Yao quickly comforted her and said, "I haven't figured out this matter yet, if he buys it, it may not be his wedding room."


"That's right. He probably bought it for Sister Yi. Isn't Sister Yi and Brother Tai's wedding coming soon?"

Huo Ling also helped to comfort her, "That's right, things like spreading rumors will always be untrue. Maybe Wang Jun just bought the wedding house, not his own."

Hearing that everyone was trying to excuse Wang Jun, An Mo became even more depressed.

When filming before, Tao Chengxuan came to see Lili every day.

After the police came last time, Wang Jun never appeared again.

Didn't even send a message.

Although Sister Na told her that Wang Jun was drawn to work in a special department.

But being drawn to a special department, he has no time to contact her, but has time to buy a "wedding house"?
She decided that even if Wang Jun came back, she would ignore him.

Since it would take a few hours to get to G City, An Mo took out his mobile phone and used WeChat to complain to Aunt Chang.

Momo cutie: "Aunt Chang, do you think Brother Jun is going too far?"

Aunt Chang: "How dare he have other evil intentions! I'll ask your Uncle Chang to break his leg."

Seeing this, An Mo laughed happily.

Cutie Momo: "Yeah, I knew Aunt Chang was the best for me. Lili and Sister Yao heard about this, and they actually helped that villain."

Aunt Chang: "Actually, what they said is not wrong. Don't convict him until the matter is investigated."

Momo cutie: "Aunt Chang, you are also on the side of the villains."

Aunt Chang: "Why, no matter what Momo does, Aunt Chang will always be on your side, don't worry. Otherwise, I will ask your Uncle Chang to break Wang Jun's leg right now."

An Mo was very nervous when she saw this, and hurriedly stopped her, even making several typos.

Cutie Momo: "No, don't. Mother Chang doesn't want it, don't go with it..."

Aunt Chang on the other side couldn't help crying when she saw the word mother.

Her Ann.

But now the situation is unclear, they can't recognize each other, otherwise An'an will be in danger.

Cutie Momo: "Ah, I sent a lot of wrong words just now."

Aunt Chang continued to reply her messages with trembling hands.

Aunt Chang: "It's okay, but Momo can also call me Mother Chang."

Momo cutie: "Really? I always feel that using the word "aunt" calls Chang's mother old."

Aunt Chang touched the word "Mom" with her hand, smiled gratifiedly, and then changed her nickname.

Chang's mother: "That's right, it's all your Uncle Chang's fault, not Chang's father."

After An Mo chatted with Chang's mother, she was not so depressed.She chatted happily about the boat porridge that she ate yesterday, and said that next time she had a chance, she would definitely take Chang's mother to eat it.

Soon, they came to G City, and after dining and resting at the hotel, they went to the theater to promote.

The two took off their coats and handed them to Xue Yao.

But as soon as An Mo took the stage, he grabbed Liu Li's hand and stopped.

"what happened?"

"It seems to feel a sense of malice."

Xue Yao immediately stepped forward and said, "Then everyone, be vigilant and pay attention."


Liu Li talked to the audience in Mandarin and Cantonese, and also acted as an interpreter from time to time, telling everyone's questions to others.

When An Mo was in Yangcheng, he learned a few words of Cantonese from Liu Li, and showed it off during the publicity.

The fans cheered loudly.

Just at this moment, two crazy fans rushed over.

The two of them threw the things in their hands at Liu Li and An Mo respectively.

Seeing this, Xue Yao immediately threw out the jacket in her hand, blocked the two bottles of liquid, and jumped off the stage.

The fluid had corroded the coat and the floor into two black holes.

This situation was the same as when Hou Zhenzhen attacked Liu Li.

Xue Yao kicked one of them in the leg, and he immediately fell to the ground.Then she stepped forward quickly and put her knee on his lower back, preventing him from standing up.

Shi Xiaonan also immediately jumped down and kicked the other person down with a flying kick.

Only then did the security guards arranged by the hospital react and rushed up to take the man away.

The manager of the hospital wiped the sweat from his head with a tissue and kept apologizing to them.

When Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan dealt with those two people just now, their movements were crisp and neat, as if flowing clouds and flowing water.

Many people took this picture, and they shared it on their social software.

[The two assistants are so handsome! !But are the current assistants so powerful? 】

(End of this chapter)

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