Gold Assistant

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Wang Jun's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is there really no way?! Momo has been missing for almost 5 hours."

After a while, Xiaobai looked up at Xue Yao, feeling helpless in his eyes.

Xue Yao thought of a way, "Xiaobai, is the surveillance outside the airport and in the parking lot still there?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded.

"Brother Jun, you should have checked the arrival time of the flight?"

Wang Jun on the other side of the phone responded immediately: "There is no delay in the plane, and it arrived at 12:30."

Xue Yao turned to Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, you can check the surveillance between 12:40 and 14:00 to see if there are any patients with large luggage or wheelchairs leaving?"

Wang Jun asked, "Large luggage or a wheelchair?"

"Does Xiaoyao suspect that those people used this method to take Momo and Huo Ling away?"

"Yes, I gave Momo and Sister Ling several amulets, and they also know how to use them. If their captors are tough, they will have a chance to escape or make some noise to attract others' attention.

But now it disappeared without a sound, probably because it was fainted.

This is probably the way to lead a comatose person without attracting attention. "

Xiaobai's operation is very fast, and the result can be obtained in 10 minutes.

At this time, Liu Li and Ah Si also packed their things and came to the living room.

"A total of 138 people showed up with large luggage, none in a wheelchair."

"Can the identities of these people be found out?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai lightly pressed the keyboard, and compared the people in the screenshot with the airport passenger information.

After another 10 minutes, 6 suspicious persons were found. None of them were passengers of the day, and the suitcases in their hands had no luggage tags.

They took three cars and left.

Xiaobai sent the screenshot of the vehicle to Wang Jun and asked the police to find it.

Xue Yao and her group quickly rushed to the airport, completed the check-in procedures, and prepared to fly back.

Just the moment she stepped into the cabin of the plane, she began to feel uncomfortable, and her whole body was in pain.

The plane hasn't taken off yet!

This made her a little depressed.

Although this time it was the first class, but to Xue Yao, it was no different from the economy class.

"Sister, how are you? Why don't you try to sleep?" Liu Li asked her immediately when she saw her like this.

Xiaobai and Ah Si also looked at her worriedly.

"I...I'm fine, you look at Xiaobai, I'll sleep for a while."


Xue Yao put on the blindfold and tried hard to tell herself: It's okay, it's okay, the plane is very safe.

Not long after, it started to take off, and Xue Yao's face immediately turned pale.

The stewardess noticed this situation, and immediately came over and asked with concern, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Liu Li quickly said: "My sister is airsick, is there any good way?"

"You are Lili?" The stewardess exclaimed after seeing Liu Li's appearance clearly, and then she immediately covered her mouth.

When Liu Li got on the plane just now, she was wearing a mask, probably because she didn't want to be discovered by others.

The stewardess immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I have a kind of airsickness medicine here, which is quite effective, do you want to try it?"

"Sister, do you want to give it a try?"

Xue Yao knew that these medicines were useless to her, but she nodded to reassure Liu Li and the others.

After taking the airsickness medicine, she closed her eyes again and began to think about events to divert her attention.

The theater attack and disappearance were probably done by the same group, and those people targeted Momo.

He took sister Ling away too, probably because he didn't want Momo's disappearance to be discovered too early.

But why did they arrest Momo?

At this time, Xue Yao's consciousness began to become blurred. She thought that the airsickness medicine had started to take effect, so she tried to relax herself.

After a while, Xue Yao's face began to return to normal.

Liu Li observed for a while and saw that her body was no longer shaking, so her heart gradually relaxed.

When the plane was in the air for almost an hour, the stewardess pushed the dining car out.

"Hi, would you like to have dinner now?"

"it is good."

After drinking afternoon tea, they didn't eat anything in order to catch the plane, and they were just hungry now.

"What about this lady? Need to wake her up?"

Liu Li thought about it, but still shook her head, her sister finally fell asleep.

"no need."

The plane meal is delivered.

Liu Li chose stewed beef with red wine. The aroma of wine and meat blended together and diffused in the cabin.

Xue Yao, who was asleep, moved her nose, and her stomach groaned.

She took off the blindfold, looked at the beef on Liu Li's plate, lowered her head and took a deep breath.

"Sister, are you awake? Are you hungry? I'll ask the stewardess to serve you meals."

Xue Yao didn't answer, she took another breath towards the plate.

After a while, he raised his head with a blushing face.

Seeing this, Liu Li's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought it was bad.

You won't get drunk even by smelling it? !The red wine in it has already evaporated during cooking, right?
Xue Yao's face had turned pink and crimson at this time, she stretched out her hand to lift Liu Li's chin, and said with a narrowed smile, "Ah, little beauty, we meet again."

"Ah, no, Shishi said you are my sister, my sister is so beautiful. What a~~"

After she finished speaking, she pouted and kissed Liu Li's face, and then began to giggle lightly.

"Huh? Xiaobaibai, you're here too, come on, why don't you give sister one too~"

Seeing Xue Yao's appearance, Xiaobai immediately grabbed his trousers tightly, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

The scary sister who stripped his pants last time appeared again.

Ah Si covered his face and smiled beside him.

Seeing Xiaobai ignoring her, Xue Yao pouted unhappily and stared at him with aggrieved expression.

At this time, the stewardess came over with a professional smile, "Ma'am, are you awake? Are you going to start eating now?"

"Sister, you are so beautiful, you are just a little bit worse than my sister. Eat? I want to eat this too."

Xue Yao pointed to the red wine stewed beef in front of Liu Li.

Liu Li immediately stopped her and said, "No, serve her beef curry."

It's just that the smell makes her drunk, so it's okay to let her eat it?

Xue Yao glared at Liu Li with a puffy face, but didn't continue talking.

The stewardess looked at the two of them, and finally decided to prepare beef curry according to Liu Li's request.

"Why doesn't my beautiful sister let me eat this?"

"I tried it, and it's not very tasty."

"Really?" Xue Yao looked at her suspiciously.

Liu Li nodded firmly, "Really!"

Xue Yao turned to look at Xiaobai and Ah Si.

They also nodded vigorously.

In fact, the three of them did not lie, the meal on the plane was indeed not as good as that in the restaurant.

"Okay then, I trust you."

After a while her beef curry was brought over.

Xue Yao happily savored her dinner.

After finishing her meal, she began to look around, "Where is Shi Shi?"

"Brother Ting is not here."

"Where did he go? Did he go looking for the peach blossom essence again? The peach blossom essence was not good, the first made him unconscious for more than half a month, the second... the second always laughed whenever he saw Shi Shi .”

"Pfft, sister, you are jealous."

(End of this chapter)

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