Gold Assistant

Chapter 368 Xiao Bai Was Targeted

Chapter 368 Xiao Bai Was Targeted

Xue Yao came back with tea, smiled and said, "Just trying to write."

An Mo held Liu Li's laptop and was reading the article. Without raising her head, she said, "I like to read this type. Which website does Sister Yao plan to vote for, and then I will be the leader of Sister Yao. "

"You want to be a local tyrant and spend a lot of money before the movie dividends come down, but I don't plan to post this article online."

"Oh." An Mo was a little disappointed, "Then wait for the next one."

"Momo, have you bought too many things recently?"

An Mo held the cup and said: "I used to not remember things when I was a child, and I always felt uneasy, so Sister Ling told me to make money well, and if I had more savings, I would be able to calm down a bit.

Now that my father and mother are back, all my anxiety is gone, and I can spend my money.After the movie dividends, I want to invest the money in Sister Yao's website, and continue to be a person waiting for the dividends. "

She smiled and looked at Xue Yao expectantly.

"it is good."

Seeing An Mo's smile, Xue Yao's deliberately hidden sadness seemed to be comforted.

In the morning, Liu Li saw that she had something on her mind, so she offered to stay at home today to help her catch typos, and rejected An Mo's invitation.

At that time, my heart was warm.

The Durian Cake was probably brought back by An Mo, who had heard the news, and brought it back from Longteng.

Sure enough, her acting skills are not good enough.

In the past few nights, she dreamed that in order to save Si Ting, Xiaoyao transferred all her life force to him.

Si Ting's grief after waking up deeply hurt her heart.

Sometimes, the one left behind is the one who suffers the most.

"Sister, this durian cake is delicious, hurry up, or Momo will finish it." Liu Li's voice woke Xue Yao up.

"No way, it's obvious that Lili ate one more piece than me."

Xue Yao, who woke up from her grief, said with a smirk, "Durians are naturally high in calories, but this one is deep-fried. You guys are going to participate in the award ceremony tomorrow."

"Sister (Sister Yao), you are too bad."


While eating the delicious durian cake, Xue Yao remembered what An Mo said just now.

"Momo, did Brother Jun really buy a wedding room?"

An Mo took a sip of tea to clear the taste in his mouth, then nodded and shook his head.


Xue Yao and Liu Li were a little confused.

"Mushroom is buying a house, but it's not a wedding room."

"Oh, is that sister Ling's friend misheard?"

"No." An Mo took another sip of tea slowly, but stopped talking.

Xue Yao couldn't wait, so she poked her with her finger, "Don't be tricky."

An Mo held his head and said with an aggrieved face, "Who made you ignore me just now?"

"Okay, tell me quickly, I will cook something delicious for you later."

Hearing the delicious food, the grievance on An Mo's face immediately disappeared.

"In fact, he bought the house to investigate the case."

"Investigate the case?"

"Yeah." An Mo nodded.

"What kind of case needs to buy a wedding house to investigate?"

"Mushroom mushroom did not say."

"You believe it now?" Xue Yao wasn't provocative, but just felt a little strange.

"Yeah, I know he's not lying, I can feel it."

Only then did Xue Yao and Liu Li realize that An Mo's sixth sense seemed to have evolved, and now it was equivalent to a walking lie detector.

"Brother Jun will not be able to lie in front of Momo from now on."

"Hmph, he dares."

The three were giggling, when the doorbell rang.

An Mo ran to open the door, but saw Ah Si leaning against the door with a pale face.

Xue Yao hurriedly stepped forward to help Ah Si onto the sofa, took out a recovery talisman from her pocket, and put it in his hand.

There was no smell of blood on Ah Si's body, he should just be out of strength.

After a while, Ah Si's complexion gradually improved.

Xue Yao asked anxiously: "Si, how are you feeling? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

He shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"Then what happened?"

Ah Si began to narrate: "When I went to G City to receive the award, I was followed."

"I'm ready to go quietly and come back quietly."

"Who knew that people from the Jockey Club insisted on taking pictures of me, and later they even found a beautiful woman to come over for an interview or something."

"Am I that superficial? So I sternly refused."


Ah Si started talking at length again, but Xue Yao probably understood.

That is, he won the big prize and was going to claim the prize, but was ambushed when he came back. He finally got rid of the enemy, but was ambushed again after returning to City B.

This reminded her of An Mo's arrest.

It can't be the same group, can it?
Liu Li carefully wiped Ah Si's face with a towel.

An Mo asked curiously from the side: "Ah Si, what award are you going to receive, and there are still photos and interviews?"


Ah Si's hesitation, everyone immediately knew that there was something weird in it.

Xue Yao immediately asked: "Tell me quickly, or I won't cook you something delicious in the future."

After hearing this, Ah Si was stunned, and looked at Xue Yao with pitiful little eyes.

Xue Yao was unmoved.

He had no choice but to confess honestly that when he went to G City last time, he bought a bet of three T, but he did not expect to win the lottery.

But that award is too big, and many people pay attention to it.

Because there are 30 days to receive the award, he waited for the heat to pass before accepting the award.

"It turns out that you won the triple T grand prize. It's a good thing. Why didn't you dare to say it?" An Mo looked at him in confusion.

Ah Si lowered his head and didn't answer.

Xue Yao remembered the night when the lottery was drawn, Ah Si and Xiao Bai watched the competition nervously.

Is it...

"That bet has something to do with Xiaobai?"

Ah Si opened her mouth wide and looked at her in surprise.

"Young...How did Young Madam know."

"Honestly, we have a type lie detector. If you lie, I won't make good food for you in the future."

Xue Yao pulled An Mo to her side.

An Mo crossed Xiaoman's waist and looked at Ah Si proudly, "Yes, don't try to lie to me."

Ah Si had no choice but to tell the story of Xiaobai asking him to help bet when he went to play that day.

"Xiaobai asked you to help bet?"

Ah Si nodded.

Xue Yao recalled that day, when they were watching the game, Xiaobai was playing with his mobile phone all the time.

Did he figure it out on his phone?
This is too great.

Xue Yao frowned and walked around the living room twice.

Jockey Club betting is time-recorded, and there are surveillance videos in betting stations.

If someone were to find out who was betting based on when they bet, and then trace back, it would be easy to see what was going on at that time.

"Those who wanted to arrest Ah Si probably didn't just do it for the bonus."

Thinking of this, Xue Yao was sure.

"Their target should be Xiaobai, and they are probably in the same group as those who arrested Momo.

Liu Li hurriedly said: "Xiaobai is back to the hospital today, if they can find Ah Si, they will be able to find Xiaobai."

"I'll call Dean Guan."

Soon the dean answered the phone, and after talking with them, they realized that someone pretended to be a patient and entered the hospital just now.

But Xiaobai was with Chen Ting at that time, so nothing happened.

Hearing this news, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

 The horse racing section is nonsense ()
(End of this chapter)

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