Gold Assistant

Chapter 372 Press Conference

Chapter 372 Press Conference

"If the little girl in the photo is An Mo, it is indeed very pitiful, and we also sympathize with what happened to her.

But what you are posting now, what does it have to do with An Mo being a third party and getting involved in other people's families?
Could it be that because of her poor background, she can be a third party? "

The other party kept pulling the banner of morality to talk about things.

This statement was supported by the public.

Shi Lekang smiled like a ruffian.

"You said that An Mo intervened as a third party, what's the evidence?"

The reporter who stood up was from one of the breaking news magazines, and he said with disdain and gestures: "Aren't those photos evidence?
Do you know that that man also has a wife who is sick at home for many years, and An Mo's actions are very immoral. "

The reporters and audience off the court nodded. In these photos, An Mo and the man were very intimate.

In the past, An Mo played supporting roles because of his age, and there were no passionate or ambiguous scenes.There are no messy scandals in private, and he has always been low-key.

"You mean just relying on these few photos?"

"The pictures are self-explanatory."

Viewers and reporters seemed to smell a hint of conspiracy.

They were led out of rhythm from the very beginning, with only a few photos and no other supporting evidence, how could they have identified this matter?
Shi Lekang smiled with the corners of his mouth hooked, and did not deny it, but continued to ask: "Since you have checked this man's family, have you checked why his wife is sick all the time?"

The man said impatiently: "Don't talk about him, today we are discussing about An Mo's meddling in other people's families!"

"Look here again, this is our answer." Shi Lekang pointed to the big screen.

Hearing Shi Lekang's words, the people present or the audience in front of the computer held their breath, sat upright and looked up.

On the screen, there was a selfie of An Mo in the mall, leaning head against that man.

The time of the selfie and the outfits of the two of them proved that it was the same as what was photographed by the magazine.

"Hehe, are you guys going to admit it now? Would people in ordinary relationships take pictures of such an action?"

But the others ignored him. Instead, they continued to stare at the screen. According to Shi Lekang's urination, there should be more explosive content in the future.

Sure enough, as they expected, a picture of a man and a woman hugging a little girl appeared on the screen.

Everyone saw that the man's face was the same as the one in the selfie just now, but he was younger.

And the little girl in their arms was exactly the same as the An Mo they had seen when they were young.

Almost everyone in the lobby fell into silence.

The smug face of the reporter who had been standing all this time froze.

His face turned into an expression of disbelief.

After the reporters off the field reacted, the audience was in an uproar.

"This... can't be."

"After arguing for a long time, the two are actually father and daughter?"

"How is this going?"


Xerox Kang looked at the media reporters off the field and gave them an affirmative answer.

"An Mo is their daughter, and one of the children in the missing child case."

Everyone off the court and the audience in front of the computer fell silent.

The reporter who stood up still didn't give up, and immediately scolded: "Do you think a picture is enough?"

Shi Lekang looked at him coldly, "Do you think that everyone is just like your magazine, just talking nonsense based on a few photos? Everyone, please continue to look at the screen.

This is the result of comparing the DNA data collected by relevant departments with An Mo's DNA during the disappearance case 15 years ago. "

Everyone looked at the screen and started discussing again.

"My God, it's really the same person."

"An Mo has found his family."

"Then what's going on with An's couple? Are they really human traffickers? But why is An Mo the only one, and the other missing children?"

Everyone immediately thought of the key point, but Shi Lekang said unhurriedly: "This is our An Mo's answer, and at the same time, we will never be soft on those who frame us."

The reporter sat down in a cold sweat, and kept thinking in his mind how things turned around like this.

The others ignored him and rushed to speak and ask about An Mo.

Shi Lekang asked An Mo to explain himself.

An Mo and Liu Li had been sitting on the stage, quietly watching Shi Lekang's performance.

Both felt that it was a waste for him not to act.

An Mo picked up the microphone with a smile like a flower.

"Thank you for your concern for me all the time. As Brother Kang said, the people in the photo are my parents who have been separated from me for many years.

My name is Chang An'an, but everyone is already familiar with An Mo's name, I won't change it back, just use it as a stage name.

The photo secretly taken by the magazine is that my father accompanied me to the mall.Because we lost a lot of time together, we are working hard to make up for it. "

"May I ask what happened to An's couple? Are they really the human traffickers back then? What about the other missing children?"

Shi Lekang took over the topic. He could say some things, but An Mo, as a raised person, couldn't.

Otherwise, some people will attack her with moral kidnapping.

"Although the matter of Mrs. An's and his wife is not within the scope of this press conference, since you are so concerned, I will tell you about it."

Due to what An's couple did, An Mo didn't pay much attention to it in recent years. In order to avoid being brought up as black spots, they discussed it and decided to make the matter public.

"Although the Ans and his wife are not human traffickers, An Mo and his biological parents have been separated for 15 years because of their selfishness."

This made everyone very puzzled.

Sure enough, as Shi Lekang expected, some people began to say that An Mo and his wife had raised An Mo anyway, and that An Mo might not survive without them.

Shi Lekang pointed to the big screen again, and played the surveillance video of An's couple meeting An Mo.He told the story of An Mo being taken away by the two as his own daughter.

"When they met An Mo, they didn't call the police immediately, but brought An Mo home. Some people may say that they at least raised An Mo.

This was indeed the case in the first year, but when An Mo emerged in the industry as a child actor, things changed. "

He began to present evidence, telling everyone how An Mo was squeezed by the two.

This stunned all the reporters in front of the computer and present.


"Being treated as a cash cow at such a young age, filming non-stop, and not even being able to go to school, Momo is living a miserable life."

"I spent my childhood summer vacation watching Momo's dramas. Now that I think about it, she has worked so hard. How old was she then?"


On, the screen was instantly overwhelmed by the overwhelming barrage, causing the screen to freeze, and it took a while for it to return to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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