Gold Assistant

Chapter 380

Chapter 380
Because the discussion on the Internet between the two truth-seekers was divided into two sides, the public opinion has been discussing the authenticity of this matter, but no one cares about these dog food.

Seeing such a situation, they decided to continue planning.

Not long after, Liu Li and the others also updated their scarves.

A photo was placed on the scarf, and the word "we" was stamped on it.

Of course, everyone's photos are different.

Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan clasped their hands, and they looked at each other affectionately.

An Mo and Wang Jun hugged each other head to head.

Wu Hao held Chen Fen tightly in his arms.

The sour smell of love here seems to come out of the mobile phone screen and hurt all the single dogs.

At this time, "Pursuit" also published new news, but the content was lazy, and directly sent a screenshot of the content of their bibs.

Netizens who thought there would be further news responded neatly with the word "bad review" in the comment area.

This time, those who had previously suspected that they were hyping up a new drama also began to believe that they really announced their relationship.

Everyone knows that Chen Fen is Wu Hao's manager, but who are those two people who stole their goddess?
After one night, under the powerful search skills of netizens, someone soon found out the identities of Tao Chengxuan and Wang Jun.

A president of Gu Yun, a young master of Long Teng.

It may be that the status of the two is too good, and some people think that their relationship will not last long.

There are always one or two people who will jump out and say what they think is the truth.

This is the legendary bar fine.

They were jumping up and down talking, how could President Gu Yun find a starlet to be his wife? Even if President Tao thought about it, the elders of the Tao family would not agree to it. The wealthy are not so easy to get into.

The same reasoning is the same for Longteng Shaodong's family, they must be just for fun.

But this kind of content has not been recognized by many people, so Gu Yun and Long Teng's official collars published the article together.

Content posted by Gu Yun: In order to celebrate President Tao Chengxuan finding a girlfriend, all products of our company will be sold at a 8% discount today.

Long Teng hurriedly followed, and also posted similar content: To celebrate the young owner Wang Jun finding a girlfriend, today Long Teng has a special offer, 8% discount on all meals.

These two statements are so straightforward that people feel like fake news. Netizens checked and judged many times before confirming that these two accounts are not fake accounts, but real accounts.

Everyone joked that such content seemed to be saying that it was difficult for their president and young boss to find a girlfriend.

But this also proves that Tao Chengxuan and Wang Jun's identities picked up by netizens before are correct.

Not long after, Liu Li and An Mo sent out new scarves, the content was to thank everyone for their blessings.In order to thank everyone for their love, lucky fans will be selected from the comments of blessings, and will be given flower tea carefully prepared by the assistant lady.

This move made the fans crazy for a while.

After all, after the end of "Summer Palace Chronicle", the assistant lady hasn't made a video of cooking food or given gifts to everyone for a long time.

Everyone who received the gift at the beginning was full of praise for the gift.

Because of the news of the discount, Long Teng saw a long queue no matter whether it was dining in the restaurant or taking out takeout, and the turnover in one day reached the amount of three days.

This is still limited by insufficient materials, otherwise the turnover will be higher.

The situation of Guyun and Huayun's various product counters is even more exaggerated. The turnover of a day has reached a month's sales, and some products are even out of stock.

For example, it will take at least three days for the snow muscle jade paste to arrive again. This is a shot in the arm for Gu Yun's recent sluggish sales.

After Tao Chengya saw the sales report, she couldn't stop laughing. The discount was decided after discussing with her grandma, and she also specially notified Wang Weiyi and Wang Weina to act together.The content of the official post was decided by Wang Weina.

This made the assistant who opposed the discount for this kind of thing very puzzled.

Tao Chengya smiled and explained to her, "Actually, it's not difficult to understand. Our cosmetics are relatively expensive. Even if the price is high, many people will only buy one or two for use.

But after the discount, the price is the same as other products on the market. The price is the same and the quality is better. Of course, it will attract more people to buy it.

Although the profit is much lower after the discount, but the quantity is large, and the profit should not be underestimated. The most important thing is to clear the recent inventory. "

The assistant continued to ask: "But we also have discounts during certain holidays, and sales have not surged like this time."

"But during holidays, we have discounts, and other brands also have discounts, so there is not much advantage."

"Then we can have more discounts at different times in the future."

Tao Chengya shook it.

"Although there was a small victory, this method cannot be used for many times. After all, the frequency of people using cosmetics rarely changes, and it may take at least three months to use up the ones purchased this time.

Let's focus on the research of new products. "

Tao Chengya put away the sales materials, and then opened the experimental data sent by the assistant.

"Yes." The assistant immediately helped to send the relevant materials over.

The artistes under Chen Ting's studio announced their love affair, and it has developed to this point, there is nothing to talk about.

In addition to lamenting that both the goddess and the male god have masters, the most discussed are these two companies.It is rare to see such a large enterprise offer preferential rewards for private events.

Maybe things went too smoothly, and everyone felt unfinished.

At this time, someone suddenly remembered that there was also an actress who announced her love affair before, but it seemed that there was no follow-up.

A group of curious netizens poured into the scarves of Yu Yitong and Xia Jianguo.

But after they went there, they found that neither of them continued to update their scarves after announcing their relationship that day.

This situation is a bit strange.

After all, Yu Yitong and Xia Jianguo used to update their scarves every day, either taking selfies or reposting some popular content.

Comparing the two, it makes people feel that what they announced was a fake relationship, so they didn't post anything later, and waited for the incident to cool down.

Xia Jianguo, who has been discussed by others, has had a rough time recently.

The reason is that Yu Yitong lost contact.

He tried various methods, even ran to Yu Yitong's house to guard, but he couldn't find anyone.

At first, he thought that Yu Yitong was angry with him for announcing his relationship earlier, so he deliberately avoided him.

It was only later that he found out that even her agent couldn't find her.

Seeing Xia Jianguo's bearded face, he squatted on the ground very decadently.

The manager smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Xia, you also know that although I'm a manager in name, I'm actually working as an assistant. Many things are taken care of by Yi Tong herself."

(End of this chapter)

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