Gold Assistant

Chapter 386

Chapter 386
The Emperor Zhenzhen replied that every time he saw the little girl passing by, the timid and restless eyes made people feel distressed.

Many netizens also spoke out about their childhood abuse.

Some people have come out, but some people are still closing themselves.

After Xue Yao saw it, her eyes were wet unconsciously. Although every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, they are innocent.

In any case, children should not be harmed.

She was about to repost this scarf, and when she left a message to help, she saw someone stand up.

The other party stated that they belonged to the Children's Protection Association, and asked the owner to inform the specific address, and they would follow up immediately.

This comment was pushed to the front row by everyone in an instant.

Xue Yao checked their profiles and found that they were indeed officially certified.

Moreover, each of their messages has been forwarded by the account of the Network Administration, which proves that this organization is real.

This made Xue Yao feel relieved a little.

When Liu Li opened the door, she saw her sister crouching on the sofa with her mobile phone in her arms. She seemed a little depressed, not in a good mood.

"Sister, I'm back."

"I'm back." Xue Yao raised her head and looked at Liu Li at the door.

The blush on her face has not faded, and her eyes are shining with a moving light. It seems that today's date should be good.

Seeing such a beauty made the face-controlled Xue Yao feel much better.

This is her sister~
Liu Li walked to the edge of the sofa, squatted down, stroked Xue Yao's face with her hands, and asked with concern: "Sister, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just saw a bad scarf, so I have some feelings."

"What's the content?" Liu Li looked at the phone in her hand.


Xue Yao opened the scarf for Liu Li to see.

After Liu Li finished reading it, she was also very angry, but in the end it could only be turned into a sigh.

It is said that being a mother is just being strong. She did not understand the behavior of the hostess.

"Oh, I hope the Conservation Society can help the little girl."

She thought for a while with a serious expression, "Sister, should we help forward it so that more people will pay attention to it?"

"Well, let's forward it together."

After the two forwarded it, An Mo quickly followed suit, and then the rest of Chen Ting's studio followed suit.

Let more people see this.

After a while, An Mo called and said with a choked voice, "Sister Yao, I feel so sad after seeing this scarf."

After finishing speaking, there was a suppressed cry from the other end of the phone.

Xue Yao and Liu Li suddenly remembered that An Mo was also abused by the An family when she was a child. Although she couldn't usually see it, she still had a shadow in her heart.

Xue Yao lowered her voice and said softly: "Momo, it's okay, it's okay, those things are over. You have found Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang, Brother Jun who loves you, and us, all the bad things It's all over."

After a while, An Mo sniffled and said in a nasal tone, coquettishly, "Sister Ling, Sister Yao, and Lili will be in front of Mushroom."


Xue Yao silently lit the wax for Wang Jun in her heart.

"Okay, it's getting late, you go to bed early, and we'll see how this matter is handled tomorrow."

"OK, good night."

"Good night."

The next day, everyone was paying attention to the development of the incident, refreshing their scarves from time to time.

Waiting until about ten o'clock, the neck owner and the Children's Protection Association both posted.

Child Protection Association V: 【Thank you for your attention to this matter. We have received Xiao Yueyue and are currently going to the hospital for treatment. Rest assured. 】

And the content posted by the boss is relatively more, and there are photos with coded faces.

Emperor of Truth V: [Don't worry, everyone, I have seen the staff of the Children's Protection Association come to the door, Xiao Yueyue seems to be in good spirits. [Attachment attached. ]]

Netizens commented that it was great.

Xue Yao and the others also saw the message after hearing the prompt tone of attention, followed by another round of forwarding.

An Mo held the phone in a daze.

"What's wrong with Momo?" Xue Yao gently patted her head.

"Sister Yao, I checked just now, and the couple has no other relatives. Even if Xiao Yueyue is rescued this time, the monitoring rights will probably return to the couple."

Xue Yao looked along her mobile phone, and it turned out that the couple also issued scarves, to the effect that they were wrong.

He also explained that during this period of time, he did such a thing because he encountered difficulties at work and his emotions were not well controlled for a while.

In the future, I will definitely control my temper and never hurt my daughter again.

The other party also specially put a family photo, saying that please don't break up their happy family.

Because it was posted by themselves, it was not coded.

Xue Yao frowned and stared at the phone.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Liu Li found that her sister's mood was unstable recently, and she was always easily depressed.

Is it because of that novel?
In the novel, Si Ting took Xiaoyao's crystal coffin to find the culprit. The content was heavy and depressing.

After a long time, Xue Yao said: "Look, Xiao Yueyue is completely different from this couple, so strange."

Liu Li and An Mo picked up their mobile phones, zoomed in on the family photo, and found that Xiao Yueyue's facial features were more delicate, which was completely different from that of the couple.

This kind of thing is quite rare. Generally, no matter how different a child looks, there will always be one or two places like their parents.

It's completely different, and they've only seen it on An Mo, but An Mo is not the biological daughter of the An family.

The three of them thought about it at the same time.

Xue Yao also noticed that in the photo taken by Emperor Zhenzhen just now, Xiao Yueyue's fingers were very slender and slender, very pretty.

But the couple's fingers were thick and short.

This reminded her of a very famous fast-travel novel she read some time ago, and there was a plot that left a deep impression on her.

In the novel, there is a person whose thumb is missing a knuckle, and the protagonist says that it is a dominant gene that will definitely be passed on to the next generation.

The fingers are different, and the looks are completely different.

People have to think about it.

Xue Yao immediately made a decision, "Momo, call Brother Jun and see if you can contact someone from the Children's Protection Association and ask them to take Xiaoyueyue for a DNA test.

Keep her for a while, don't give her back to the couple right away, better separate the couple if you can. "

Hearing this, An Mo was startled. After a while, she seemed to think of something, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Sister Yao, you mean, Xiao Yueyue is not their daughter?"

Xue Yao nodded, "Well, it's possible, but I'm not completely sure, so I want to ask Brother Jun for help."

"I'll tell Zhagugu immediately." An Mo picked up his phone and called Wang Jun.

Xue Yao also called Chen Kele, wanting to ask her for help.

 It's 80 words, let's have a little fun.

(End of this chapter)

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