Gold Assistant

Chapter 391 The Photographer

Chapter 391 The Photographer

Hearing Xue Yao's sudden yelling, the faces of people in the ward and outside the ward all became very ugly.

It turned out to be a hateful trafficker!
The Lian couple trembled with fear, then shook their heads desperately, kept whining, and cast eyes for help to the people outside the ward door.

But after everyone heard the word "human trafficker", they ignored it, and all looked at Xue Yao, wanting to know more news.

"Brother Jun, don't worry, the two of them are already under our control."

Wang Jun on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it.

This couple is too cunning, if they escape, it will be very difficult to catch them.

Within a minute, a team of police officers came, and after handing over to the hospital police, they took the Lian couple away.

Some of the onlookers shouted and asked, "What's the matter with this trafficker?"

The staff of the Children's Defense Society took the initiative to stand up.

"The ins and outs of this matter, we will ask the police to announce it later. Thank you for your help today. If it weren't for you, the trafficker would have taken the opportunity to escape."

The onlookers laughed, "This is what we should do."

The nurse persuaded them to disperse.

But there were still a small number of people who stayed, and they whispered to the nurse, "We are fans of An Mo and Liu Li, can we ask them to sign autographs and take a photo?"

"Let me ask you a question."

In fact, this nurse is also a fan of Moli, but she is currently at work and cannot do personal things.

After listening to the request conveyed by the nurse, Xue Yao frowned.

This is a hospital, if it is known by others, it may bring trouble to the hospital.

After discussing with Liu Li and An Mo, she followed the nurse to the outside of the ward and closed the door.

"Everyone, thank you for your support all the time, but today's incident happened too suddenly, we are worried that it will affect Xiao Yueyue.

No, it should be Xiaoxian, and this is a hospital, so it is not convenient for Momo and Lili to take pictures. "

Her words made everyone a little disappointed, but they also expressed their understanding.

"Thank you for your understanding. This is a signed photo. Everyone can take it back as a souvenir."

Xue Yao took out a stack of photos from her bag, which she always carried with her.

People who were disappointed because they couldn't get autographs and photos immediately became happy.

Afterwards, many people uploaded what they took at the hospital today to social software.

Xue Yao and the others did not deal with this matter for the time being, and everyone was surrounding Ling Yixin and Ling Yixian.

"Excuse me, did you just say that Xiaoxian is your sister?"

Ling Yixin immediately took out her ID card, "My name is Ling Yixin."

Chen Kele opened the information in his hand to check.

"It is indeed recorded in the data that Ling Yixin and Ling Yixian are sisters." She raised her eyes to Xue Yao and asked what should be done?
Xue Yao looked at the staff of the Children's Protection Association.

"That's great! But I can't hand over Xiaoxian to you yet, we have to go to the police station to deal with this matter first."

Ling Yixin nodded immediately to express her understanding. She was already very satisfied to find her sister back. As for spending a little more time, it was no problem for her at all.

At this time, a light song sounded in the ward.

"Look there's a chick in there
look there it has chicks

Chick beep beep~bi~yo


Xiaoxian, who was a little depressed at first, immediately cheered up after hearing this, and sang a few lines along with it softly.

Seeing this, Ling Yixin's eyes turned red again.

Everyone was curious.

Ling Yixin explained to them that her sister used to like this song very much. Although she was still young and couldn't understand it, she would sway to the rhythm of the music.

So after losing her sister, she used this song as her cell phone ringtone.

The bell kept ringing, but because she didn't answer it, she hung up after a while.

But the people over there persevered and called again.

Ling Yixin answered the phone helplessly.


A somewhat savage voice came from the phone, "Ling Yixin, where are you? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Ling Yixin frowned, "I've asked for leave, and I won't pass for a few days."

"Ask for leave? What kind of leave are you asking for, assistant cameraman, come back quickly, today's shooting task is very important."

"Sorry, I have important things to do here, and my request for leave was approved by both the director and the producer."

The person on the other side of the phone became impatient, "What's the use of their approval, I'm the cameraman, these things should be approved by me, don't you want to do it? Ha!"

"Sorry, I really have something to do and I can't go back, and according to the scheduled work schedule, today's shooting should be assisted by Pang Linong, not me." Ling Yixin did not back down.

"If you don't come back today, don't come in the future!" The other party hung up the phone after saying a word violently.

Because the person on the other end of the phone was very loud, Xue Yao heard everything.

She looked at Ling Yixin and suddenly had an idea.

Everyone looked at Ling Yixin with concern.

"Are there any problems at work?"

Ling Yixin shook her head, "It's nothing, Xiaoxian's business is the most important thing now."

"Why don't you go through the formalities now. After this incident gets out, the media will probably come over soon."

The staff of the Children's Protection Association also said: "Yes, let's go back and go through the formalities now."

With the ID card and the nursery rhyme just now, and the fact that Ling Yixin and Xiaoxian look alike, they have already confirmed that the two are biological sisters.

But the procedures to be done still have to be handled according to the procedure.

Xue Yao asked Liu Li and An Mo to go home first, and she accompanied Ling Yixin and sisters to go through the formalities.

Seeing her sister's expression, Liu Li knew that she must be planning something again, so she pulled An Mo with a smile and left obediently.

Xue Yao helped Ling Yixin complete the discharge procedures, and went to the police station with the staff of the Children's Protection Association.When she went out, she put a baseball cap on Ling Yixin's head, and successfully avoided the media reporters who heard the news.

While in the car, Xue Yao chatted with her about work.

"Is that your work phone number just now?"

Ling Yixin's originally radiant eyes dimmed instantly, and she responded helplessly: "Yes."

Xue Yao said softly: "What happened? Can you tell me?"

Maybe Xue Yao's voice was too gentle, or maybe Ling Yixin wanted to talk about it herself, so she uttered some troubles at work.

She is a videographer, but this job has always been held by men, and she is an outlier.

So for a long time, no matter how well she worked, she could only serve as an assistant cameraman.

In her current job, she actually shoots many shots, but due to gender issues, no one approves.

"Does that person mean to tell you not to go back in the future?"

Ling Yixin nodded with a wry smile, but she didn't regret it, there was nothing more important than finding her sister.

(End of this chapter)

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