Gold Assistant

Chapter 402

Chapter 402
An Mo and Liu Li's words are simple now, but Xue Yao can imagine how they learned how to make cakes while watching the video.

No wonder there is green juice on the apron, it should be honeydew melon juice.

Xue Yao was very happy.

She suddenly wanted to show off this happiness to everyone, so she took out her mobile phone to take a picture of the cake, and then sent it to the scarf.

My goddess is awesome V: [This is made for me by Lili and Momo. It's a honeydew melon mousse cake. Don't you envy me! (Akimbo laughing picture)]

[Coke without ice: Ah!This cake is so beautiful, I want to eat it, I am envious. ]
[The bamboo forest at the door: The cake made by my goddess Moli! !Drooling... Please vacuum express. ]
[Yichacha: Such a good-looking person, even the cake is so beautifully made. ]
[A little more progress: Huh?According to the logic above, the cakes made by the young lady are very beautiful, which means that the young lady must also be beautiful~]
[Click my profile picture to see the goods: cut, there are many people who make beautiful pastries, many of them are not very good looking, and this cake is not necessarily made by themselves. ]
[Coke without ice: Hehe, Miss Sister is really pretty, alright! ]
[Little book boy shaking the fan: That's right, our young lady is beautiful, and why do you say the cake wasn't made by me, Moli. ]
[Talking: That person is just a marketing account that sings against the tune, everyone ignores it. ]
[Eat, eat, eat: Am I the only one who wonders why cakes are made? ]
[Coke without ice: It’s very simple, it must be because of Miss Sister’s birthday, happy birthday! ]
[Little book boy shaking a fan: Happy birthday, young lady! ]

After distributing the scarves, Xue Yao saw everyone's comments and blessings, and smiled slightly with her mouth bent.

She couldn't help but glanced at the door again.

Liu Li and An Mo also noticed this situation, and quickly pulled her to stand in front of the cake.

"Sister, hurry up and blow out the candles and make a wish."

"Come and make a wish."

Xue Yao put away her frustration and stood in front of the cake.

A candle in the shape of a number has already been inserted on it, Wang Jun hastily lit the candle, and Ah Si turned off the light in the living room.

Xue Yao crossed her fingers and clasped her hands together, put her arms on her chest, put her hands under her lips, closed her eyes and made a wish.

After a while, she opened her eyes and blew out the candle in one breath.

After Ah Si turned on the light, she immediately looked around, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see.

She lowered her head slightly.

He stretched out his hand and carefully took out the candle, but he was actually hiding his disappointment.

An Mo and Liu Li helped cut the cake.

Xue Yao took the cake and looked at it, and found that the bottom of the cake was made of crushed crispy biscuits.

In this way, there is no need to bake cake slices, which is really suitable for beginners.

She gently cut a small piece of cake and put it in her mouth.

A delicate and smooth icy feeling filled the mouth, with the taste of honeydew melon, it seems that honeydew melon juice was added.This makes the taste of eating a lot of big dishes just now feel cleansed, very refreshing.

The decorated honeydew melon is also very sweet, and the crispy biscuits at the bottom of the cake are filled with butter, which is crispy and delicious.

In a word, the taste of the cake matches its super-high appearance.

After everyone finished eating the cake, Ling Yixin hugged the yawning Xiaoxian and planned to leave first.

Xue Yao hurriedly made an appointment with her to come over to shoot a cooking video tomorrow morning.

Liu Li pulled her and said, "Sister, tomorrow is your birthday, don't work."


"How about this, sister Xin will help us shoot tomorrow, making this honeydew melon mousse cake video, I just saw someone asking for a recipe in the comments."

It happened to be able to take pictures of the clips they made by themselves, so that the black fans would shut up.

"it is good."

Then they also left in Xia Tian.

Xue Yao checked the time. It was already 22:30, so she hurriedly asked Liu Li and An Mo to wash up first.

When they come out of the shower, drive them to sleep.

In a few days, we will be shooting commercials, so we must maintain our best condition and not stay up late.

But the two of them stayed in the living room to watch movies on the grounds that they just had a full meal and couldn't sleep so quickly.

Liu Li looked at the time and said quickly, "Sister, go take a shower."

"En." Xue Yao could only pack up her things and go to the bathroom helplessly.

As soon as she left, Liu Li immediately picked up her phone and sent a message.

The other party responded quickly.

Knowing that they were ready, Liu Li gestured OK to An Mo, and then the two looked at the bathroom together, and smiled quietly with their mouths covered.

In the bathroom, Xue Yao lowered her head to let the water from the shower splash on her face, and the tears in her eyes could not help but flow down the water.

Everyone helped her celebrate her birthday in advance today, she should be happy.

But she still has some loss.

Because the most important person did not show up.

In the dream, Si Ting would help her celebrate Xiaoyao's every birthday.Even if he was sent out to practice by his master, Si Ting would sneak back.

But after the male god threw a Youyingwang as a gift to her in advance, there was no follow-up.

He clearly said that he would come back on her birthday.

Only when there is contrast, will there be harm, even if it is a dream.

But those dreams were too real.

She felt bad.

This is her first birthday in this world, and she very much hopes that the male god will be by her side.

After a while, Xue Yao slowly put away her sad emotions, she couldn't let Lili and Momo see this, they would be worried.

After Xue Yao washed up, she saw Liu Li and An Mo standing in the living room, but their eyes were fixed on the screen of the laptop, as if they still didn't want to go to sleep.

"Sister, hurry up and watch it. Aunt Lin's movie is very good. She was so beautiful back then!"

"I want to sleep." Xue Yao felt a little tired.

An Mo hurried over, pulled her over, and said coquettishly, "We want to be the first ones to say happy birthday to Sister Yao on the first day, so why don't you go to bed so early, okay?"

Xue Yao looked up at the time. It was already 23:30. She looked at An Mo and Liu Li helplessly, and said with a light smile, "Okay."

Then she looked at the two of them, "Did you guys think about it from the beginning, so you dawdled and didn't go to sleep?"

The two just smiled and didn't answer her.

The half hour passed quickly, and it was 23:55 in a blink of an eye.

Xue Yao stepped forward to turn off the notebook, and said with a smile: "Okay, the time is almost up, you guys should go to bed obediently after you finish talking."

An Mo and Liu Li suddenly stood up and dragged Xue Yao to the door.

"What are you doing?"

Xue Yao was a little confused.

Then she thought of something, and there was a trace of expectation and excitement in her heart.

"Sister Yao, stand here."

"Yeah." She stood quietly at the door, feeling a little apprehensive.

Will the next thing be what she thought?

An Mo smiled and opened the door.

Xue Yao stared at the slowly opening door without daring to blink.

(End of this chapter)

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