Gold Assistant

Chapter 405 I Am Your Teacher

Chapter 405 I Am Your Teacher
Does this assistant have any special identity?

Even if the netizens moved to the comment area of ​​those official necks, flirting and showing off, intimidating and luring, no one came out to explain their doubts.

Little Assistant is all about keeping secrets.

After Liu Li and the others finished cleaning up, Ling Yixin brought Xiaoxian over.

Ling Yixin actually got up early in the morning, but she was worried that she would disturb Xue Yao and the rest, so she waited all the time.

It wasn't until she saw Liu Li and An Mo's scarves that she estimated the time to 601.

Today she is going to help shoot a video of honeydew melon mousse cake.Although it's just a small video, it's a great feeling to be able to control the scene by yourself with popular celebrities!

After Xiaoxian entered the room, without waiting for Ling Yixin to remind her, she obediently called out, "Sister Yao, Sister Li, Sister Mo, good morning."

What a clever boy!

"Xiaoxian, be good."

Xue Yao and the others happily squatted down and kissed her in turn.

"Sister Xin, wait a minute, I'm going to get the materials and tools back now." After Liu Li finished speaking, she ran to 601 to get things.

"No hurry, take your time."

After a while, Liu Li delivered the things with the help of Ah Yi.

Seeing Ah Yi, Xue Yao immediately stepped forward, and asked nervously, "Ah Yi, is Brother Ting okay?"

The state of the male god last night still worried her a little.

"This one……"

Ah Yi didn't put on his trademark silly smile, but looked frowning and embarrassed.

In fact, Chen Ting's condition was not very good last night, and he had a fever in the middle of the night.

Although the fever had subsided by morning, the spirit of the whole person was not very good.But he didn't want Xue Yao to worry, so he warned Ah Yi and the others not to tell Xue Yao.

Ah Yi had no choice but to adopt the method of saving the country with curves, and let Xue Yao find out the problem and see for herself.

He strictly obeyed the young master's order and didn't say anything.

Seeing Ah Yi's appearance, Xue Yao guessed something about it.

After all, when Ah Yi was their driver for so long when they were filming, they still had a tacit understanding with each other.

She dropped everyone and ran directly to 601.

Ling Yixin was a little puzzled when she saw this.

Aren't the two husband and wife?
Why do you feel a little strange?
But these are other secrets, and it's not easy for her to ask too much.

She's about to get ready to shoot a video.

When Xue Yao came to 601, she saw that Zhang Dongdong was listening to the teacher's lecture, while Xiaobai was typing on the keyboard, apparently not listening.

The teacher didn't seem to see it either.

She frowned, but didn't go over right away, but thought about asking when they had recess between classes.

Walking to Chen Ting's room, she knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in."

There was a trace of helplessness in Chen Ting's voice.

In fact, he has been looking at Xue Yao with his spiritual sense, this method is more effective than any painkillers.

When he saw Ah Yi's exaggerated acting skills, he knew that Xue Yao would definitely come.

After Xue Yao opened the door, she saw Chen Ting lying on the bed with a pale face and no complexion, she was very distressed.

"Brother Ting, how do you feel?"

Xue Yao took out a one-time recovery talisman.

"You already got a new talisman yesterday." Chen Ting stopped her.

Drawing a talisman requires mental energy. The world lacks aura, and every time Xiaoyao finishes drawing a talisman, she needs to rest for a while.

Xue Yao smiled proudly and said, "This one has a different function, it is a one-time use, and it only has the effect of eliminating fatigue."

After speaking, she stuck the talisman on Chen Ting's arm.

Not long after, Chen Ting's exhaustion from not sleeping all night disappeared, and his complexion improved a lot.

"This effect is good. Is it Xiaoyao's new research? Will it be difficult?" Chen Ting smiled softly and looked at her intently.

Xue Yao smiled triumphantly and rolled her eyes, "Well, this is not difficult, you can draw twenty pictures at a time. But it's only a one-time effect, and it's just to relieve fatigue, it doesn't seem to be useful."

After that, she started to get depressed.

This effect feels a bit tasteless.

Chen Ting stretched out his hand gently and rubbed her hair, "Why is it useless, everything has its use, we just haven't found the right usage yet."

Xue Yao was stunned suddenly, and looked at Chen Ting in a daze. At this moment, she found that the images of Chen Ting and Si Ting overlapped.

In the dream, Si Ting also said similar things to Xiao Yao.

It's just that when Chen Ting said these words, he gave people the impression that he was more experienced than Si Ting and had a sophisticated look.

A strange thought popped into her mind.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ting rubbed her hair again.

Xiaoyao started to fugue again, why is this little problem still there?

Xue Yao looked at Chen Ting in a daze, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Ting, in the small world you have been to before, have you ever stayed in a sect called the Yinshan sect?"

Her question stunned Chen Ting for a moment.

What did Xiaoyao remember?
He had heard from Ah Si before that Xiao Yao had written a novel.

The content is what she saw in the dream.

This reminded him that when they just met again, Xiao Yao cried every night because she dreamed about those unhappy things.

Although he was curious about what Xiaoyao wrote, he didn't take a peek.

He wanted to wait for Xiaoyao to speak out by himself.

Since she chose to write the story, it means that she has come out of the painful memory.

So he replied: "Yes."

Hearing this answer, Xue Yao, who was originally nervous, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xue Yao lay beside the bed and said softly, "I have been dreaming since I came to this small world."

She slowly spoke out what she had dreamed, and Chen Ting lay on the bed, listening quietly.

"This dream is very strange. At first I thought I was Xiaoyao. It was my lost memory. After all, the feeling in the dream is very real.

But the angle of view of some things in the dream is very strange. According to Xiaoyao's position at that time, she couldn't see or discover it. "

She looked at Chen Ting in confusion.

After Chen Ting finished listening, he frowned.

He always thought that because Xiaoyao was too sad, her body activated the self-protection function to seal up that memory, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"This question is indeed a bit weird, but I can assure you with certainty that I am your teacher and you are my Xiaoyao."

The words 'I am your teacher, you are my Xiaoyao' made Xue Yao's eyes widen, which immediately filled with tears.

The memories of that small world instantly rearranged and flooded into her mind like a tide.

But the impact of the memory was too violent, and it gave her a headache.

She held her head tightly, with a painful expression on her face.

"Head hurts!"

The distressed Chen Ting immediately stretched out his hand and gently massaged her head.

He tried his best to prop up his body, leaned over to Xue Yao, and comforted her softly in her ear.

"Relax, it's okay. Those are your own memories, and now they're just coming back into your head, you just have to accept it."

After a long time, Xue Yao raised her head and looked at Chen Ting with teary eyes, "Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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