Gold Assistant

Chapter 415 Sobering Talisman

Chapter 415 Sobering Talisman

Xue Yao frowned tightly, feeling a little worried.

"But Ah Si is alone, is it too dangerous? He was injured last time."

"Last time, he was too careless. Don't worry, Xiaoyao, brother An will arrange a good manpower, and you have to have confidence in your amulet."


Thinking about it, Xue Yao didn't say anything more now that the teacher and teacher had made arrangements.

At this time, Ah Si, who was still trying to move things to 202, had no idea that he was being ruthlessly thrown out as bait.

He sneezed suddenly and touched his nose in a daze.

"Who is thinking about me?"

Xue Yao and Chen Ting were having lunch together. While drinking the thick white fungus soup, she thought of the same thick Buddha jumping over the wall from the previous altar.

She complained in a low voice, her words were full of regret.

"I can't even taste it because of the Shaoxing wine in it. Those ingredients are very rare and rare, and I heard that Master Yu seldom makes this dish.

This time, a big man ordered a pot, and he cooked a pot for me at the same time. "

Every time Xue Yao thinks of this, she feels such a pity and heartache.

Chen Ting smiled dotingly, looked at her and said, "I remember you drew a hangover talisman before, but it's only useful after you're drunk."

He still remembered that after making the hangover talisman, Xiaoyao cooked a large table of delicious dishes for drinking in order to celebrate.

He also secretly dug out the green plum wine brewed for the master.

Unlike taking a small sip secretly, she drank most of it directly.

When Si Ting found out, she was blushing and smirked at him with the wine jar in her arms, obviously completely drunk.

Xiaoyao, who was drunk, suddenly took out a stack of fire-type attack symbols from her arms, and threw them at the courtyard, saying that she wanted to set off fireworks for everyone to see, but in the end the courtyard was burned down.

They didn't have time to put a hangover charm on her.

When the master came back and saw this, he gave Xiaoyao a prohibition order.

It's just that the master hugged the empty wine jar tightly, trembling with anger.I don't know if it's because of the burned courtyard, or because of the plum wine that was stolen.

When Xiaoyao came to her senses, she brewed another ten altars of wine for her master, so she stopped getting angry.

"The hangover charm?! Yes, how did I forget it! I'll go back and draw it now."

Xue Yao also remembered the embarrassing incident about burning the courtyard.

Hee hee, but this small world has no aura, and the attack symbols she drew can't be used, so don't worry about the fire attack symbols damaging the environment.

There should be no danger.

The last few times, I heard Lili and the others say that she was just teasing Shi Shi, and there is no problem with this at all.

The more she thought about it, the happier she was.

Some can't wait to go back and draw symbols.

At this moment, Chen Ting suddenly said with a sad face, "I'm going back to the hospital for further treatment this afternoon, and then you'll be busy again, and you'll be traveling abroad, so we can only meet via video again."

Hearing this, Xue Yao was also very reluctant, and immediately said that she would not draw a talisman.

When she thought of Chen Ting's injuries, she felt distressed, but it was a pity that the recovery talisman drawn here was not as effective as before.

She stuffed all the recovery charms on her body into his hand.

There was also the unlucky talisman to be used on Professor Dai at that time, which was also handed over to Chen Ting.

When Chen Ting was taken away by Ah Yi and Ah Er, she reluctantly stood at the door and watched them leave.

Back to 602.

Xue Yao locked herself in the room. She thought about it carefully. The previous recovery talisman was mainly aimed at those small worlds with aura.

Therefore, when designing, in addition to its own aura, it also needs to absorb aura from the outside world.

Therefore, in this small world, the effect is not so great.

She didn't remember well before, so she could only draw the talisman paper according to the gourd.

But now she can improve.

For the past few days, she has been immersed in thinking about things, and Shi Xiaonan, who has come back, has to trouble the cooking.

An Mo and Liu Li fought each other from time to time.

Liu Li originally wanted to take this opportunity to study, but all previous studies failed.

Only this time it's the same...

For some reason, with the same ingredients and cooking sequence, the dishes she made were either bitterly salty or burnt.

After trying a few times, she rested her mind from cooking again, and started to do it with peace of mind.

Soon it will be time to shoot public service announcements.

Early in the morning, Ah San sent Xue Yao and the others to the shooting location, along with Xiaobai, Zhang Dongdong, Ling Yixin and Xiaoxian.

Today, Ah San drives a large nanny car, which can fit everyone.

During this period of time, Xue Yao has been thinking about drawing talismans, and has no plans to make a new video. Xiaoxian went to study with Zhang Dongdong and the others, and Ling Yixin felt a little sorry for having nothing to do.

Later, I heard that the PR team was very busy, so I volunteered to help.

It's just that she didn't expect that the work there became so busy that she didn't even have time to eat with Xiaoxian. After finally recruiting new staff in the studio, she escaped in a hurry.

I followed it out today, mainly because I wanted to learn and observe.

It's also because Xiaoxian doesn't need to study, so I take her out to relax. These days, she only moves around in the apartment, which is not good.

Although Xiaoxian doesn't seem to care.

Xiaobai heard Xiaoxian say that she was going to shoot with her today, and after she didn't have to study, she immediately pulled Xue Yao's sleeve, showed a worried expression, and spoke in a very orderly manner.

"Sister, when you guys are filming, Xiaoxian will have no one to take care of her.

If the previous incident happened again, it would be bad.Let Dongdong and I follow, and I can help you watch Xiaoxian. "

At the end, he added, "With us here, Xiao Xian won't be afraid."

After Xiaobai said this, Ling Yixin only thought of this matter, she was too careless!
She despises herself very much.

He clearly said that he would take good care of his sister, but he didn't even think about the fear that his sister might be afraid of when she went to the set.

She hurriedly helped Xiaobai to intercede.

Xiaoxian looked at them innocently, she didn't tell Brother Xiaobai that she would be afraid.

Xue Yao looked at Xiaobai helplessly.

But after thinking about it carefully, what he said made sense, so he nodded in agreement.

A group of people came to the shooting location, and because they arrived an hour early, the director and the staff on the set were very surprised.

An Mo and Liu Li are currently popular. Generally, such stars will have some airs, and it is good if they are not late.

Unexpectedly, they arrived an hour early.

Although the two have no new works for the time being, their popularity has been rising and not falling.

Even more known recently than some long-established stars.

In addition to the money laundering incident that was raging a while ago, more and more artists from the company were implicated, only those under Chen Ting's studio had nothing to do with it.

Even the person they were planning to find, the well-known charitable person, was accidentally implicated. Although everyone knew that it was her company's problem, she was accidentally injured.

(End of this chapter)

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