Gold Assistant

Chapter 424 Sorry for slipping

Chapter 424 Sorry for slipping
Mother Gu quickly comforted her.

"It's okay, you are now like this, just to win everyone's sympathy. They will believe even more that the scarf was hacked and it was not sent by you."

After listening to her mother's words, Gu Ruoyu felt that this method was very good, so she nodded in agreement and did not quarrel anymore.

When the two went to another hospital, they realized that there were also many people here.

It will take at least two hours before it is Gu Ruoyu's turn.

Over there, Manager Tang kept urging the apology video, so they had to record it according to the script and apologize to An Mo and Liu Li.

But there were so many people in the waiting room of the hospital, they had no choice but to go to a corner with no one there to start filming.

But there was not enough light in the corner, and with the pimple on Gu Ruoyu's face, this video felt like a supernatural film.

When Xue Yao saw this video, the weird image of Gu Ruoyu's face covered in red bumps was spread all over the world.

She smirked.

He wanted to destroy Mo Li's image, but now he is shooting himself in the foot.

Since Liu Li and An Mo were familiar with the content of the script and prepared well, almost every scene was passed in one go.

This surprised Director Gu very much.

"Okay, this game is over, everyone take a rest."

Xue Yao hurriedly took the water glass over to let Liu Li and An Mo drink.

During filming, they generally do not eat or drink, this is to avoid drinking too much water and going to the bathroom.

At this time, Zhu Shan came to Director Gu with a smile like a flower, and handed him a bottle of water.

"Hee hee, husband."

Director Gu took a sip from the water bottle, "Is it a success?"

Although he has been shooting commercials, he will also pay attention to Zhu Shan's situation when changing scenes in the middle.

I saw her chatting happily with Ling Yixin and Xiaoxian the whole time.

He guessed it was all right.

"Well, there's nothing I can't do."

"My wife is amazing." The director hugged his wife and kissed her.

The staff all secretly smiled.

In fact, after getting along, Director Gu is not as scary as in the legend.

Of course, the premise is that the director's wife is there.

Zhu Shan turned her head and shouted to Ling Yixin who was talking to Xue Yao: "Yixin, hurry up and bring Xiaoxian here."

Ling Yixin smiled at Xue Yao, and took Xiaoxian over.

An Mo and Liu Li asked curiously, "Sister (Sister Yao), what's the matter?"

"Sister Shan, um, it's the makeup artist. She said that Director Gu wanted to ask Xiaoxian to play Lili's childhood."

"Xiaoxian?" An Mo smiled happily, "Hehe, the director has vision, our Xiaoxian is much better than that Gu Ruoyu."

Liu Li also nodded at the side. "Indeed, no matter her age or appearance, Xiao Xian is much better."

Speaking of image, Xue Yao couldn't help laughing.

"You guys have been filming just now, so you don't know.

Gu Ruoyu really posted the advertising makeup of the two of you, but her caption said, that is your real face. "

"Ah!" An Mo looked at Liu Li in shock, and then said with a smile, "Fortunately, Li Li said that we should act first, otherwise we will be in a passive position again. Although we can certainly clarify, we will annoying."

"Don't worry, after the previous few incidents, your fans' eyes are bright. But I didn't expect that they used Gu Ruoyu's verified account to post this content."

"My own account! Are they crazy?"

After finishing speaking, the two took their mobile phones to look at the comment area under their scarves.

[Pricking Salt: Is it really account hacking?Hehe, but the relevant content was deleted really quickly, fortunately we have screenshots. (screenshot)]
[Fanfan: Hug me Moli with heartache, and always be touched by others. Is it because we are not strong enough? ]
[Yichacha: That apology video was really scary to watch.When I saw her face in the corner, I was so frightened that my baby's cell phone almost dropped, and I didn't need to repair it when I used it to make supernatural movies. ]
[The scumbag is about to explode: That won't be contagious, I decided not to watch her drama, what if I get pimples on my face after watching it. ]
No one expected that this image of Gu Ruoyu would inspire a writer who wrote about ghosts. She used the ghost face in the corner as a reference to write a very popular ghost novel.

Later, when this novel was going to be made into a drama, the author thought about asking Gu Ruoyu to do it.

But at that time, Gu Ruoyu had already disappeared from the circle.


An Mo said curiously, "Apology video? Let me see."

She originally wanted to search for Gu Ruoyu's scarf, but she didn't expect that the video had already become the top trending search.

Not long after, someone had a big brain hole, and rhythmically said that the person who stole Gu Ruoyu's scarf number was someone from a certain actor's studio.

After all, they have been cleansed many times before, all with the help of high-tech talents.Isn't the legendary An Mo's boyfriend just such a talent?

This remark was not recognized by many people. If it weren't for this scarf, not many people would know Gu Ruoyu.After all, it was Xiao Yu, the cute character in the play who became popular, and because Gu Ruoyu had grown up, not many people recognized her.

This is the legendary character red, people are not popular anymore.

Moreover, there is no need for An Mo and Liu Li to mess with Gu Ruoyu and make it difficult for an underage child star.

It's just that what everyone didn't expect was that Gu Ruoyu actually gave that brain hole a thumbs up.

But after a while, the like was canceled.

Then Gu Ruoyu posted an explanation on the scarf [Sorry for the slippery hand].

People who saw this laughed ironically.

However, some marketing accounts, in order to attract the attention of others, all reposted that idea, or criticized, or agreed.

The rest time was very short, and Liu Li and An Mo soon went to take their positions and wait for the filming.

Ling Yixin came back with Xiaoxian who had dimples from her smile.

"Look at your appearance, are you ready?"

Ling Yixin nodded, "Director Gu said that the shooting this morning went very smoothly, so in the afternoon, we can shoot Xiaoxian's part.

In this way, it can be solved in one day without running back and forth. "

"Well, that's fine too."

After Xue Yao was free, she remembered the activity of reposting the bib before, so she opened the bib with her mobile phone, "Xiaoxian, can you help Elder Sister Yao choose someone, and see who to give the sauced duck to?"

Xiaoxian nodded, "OK."

Xiaobai pulled Zhang Dongdong and ran over, and said with bright eyes: "Sister, Dongdong and I also want to choose!"

"Okay, let's choose two."

Xue Yao handed over the phone, and Xiaobai and Dongdong quickly picked four people out.

When it was Xiaoxian's turn, she picked out a person's name with her mobile phone, and then clicked in to read the content sent by that person.

In this way, she chose for almost 5 minutes before it ended.

Everyone was very curious, why did she do this?
"Sister Yao's sauced duck is delicious, so I can't give it to those who speak ill of my sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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