Gold Assistant

Chapter 428 Young Mistress Helps

Chapter 428 Young Mistress Helps

When Zhu Shan's thoughts drifted to nowhere.

Xue Yao said: "No, Long Teng's official blog has a promotion."

"Ah, I didn't pay attention, I'll go and have a look later."

At this moment, An Mo took his bag from Xue Yao and took out a magnetic card inside.

She smiled fox-eyedly and handed the card to Zhu Shan.

"Sister Shan, this is Longteng's discount card, everyone can come and visit more often in the future."

Those cards were given to her by Wang Jun as a favor.

Zhu Shan didn't answer the card, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"It's not easy for us to accept this kind of gift."

An Mo froze for a moment before waking up.

She took out a stack of cards from her bag and said with a smile, "Sister Shan, don't worry, this card can be obtained by spending more than 1000 yuan in Longteng.

But it's only a 9.8% discount, so it's not a valuable item.I still have a lot of pictures here, and I originally wanted to send them to everyone after the afternoon's shooting. "

An Mo said to Ah San who was next to him, "Brother Ah San, can you help me distribute it to the people in the crew?"

"Okay." Ah San took the stack of cards naturally.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He turned to ask Zhu Shan. "How many people are there in our crew?"

"Including me and my husband, there are a total of 21 people."

"Okay, thank you." After asking, Ah San took the card to find Xiao Zhang, the field manager.

An Mo took out his phone and reposted Long Teng's propaganda officer a few days ago.

Originally, she thought that there were so many people who followed Longteng, and if she advertised the promotion, many people would know about it, so she didn't help.

But I didn't expect that because Longteng's official neck was not taken care of, many people just paid attention to it, and then forgot about it. They didn't pay attention to the content of this discount.

On the other end, Minister Yang, who was in charge of Longteng's publicity, was suffering from a headache.

He drooped his gray-haired head in frustration.

This promotion has been launched for several days, but it has not achieved the desired effect. Do you want to advertise on TV?
But when the commercial was finished shooting, the discount period also passed.

He is still too conceited, thinking that there are millions of people following the official collar, and as long as he sends out a discount scarf, many people will see it.

As a result, not many people forwarded it.

The reality taught him a harsh lesson.

"Minister, our scarf has been forwarded! And more and more, there are a few big stars in it."

An employee ran over excitedly.

"What?! Let me see." Minister Yang quickly turned on the phone, and saw that the number of retweets had indeed increased significantly.

Some netizens joked that they were afraid that too many people would know about the discount, so the scarf was so low-key. If it wasn't for the reposting by celebrities, they really wouldn't know about it.

This comment has the most likes besides celebrities.

After Minister Yang saw so many retweets and comments, he immediately burst out laughing.

"Do you know what's going on here?"

"First, the young mistress helped repost it, then Liu Li and their assistants, and then driven by their fans, other celebrities also reposted it."

Minister Yang immediately patted his forehead vigorously, "How could I have forgotten about Young Mistress, if it wasn't for her help, we wouldn't be able to complete this task."

"Yes." The staff also sighed.

Longteng's previous publicity methods were relatively traditional. For example, when there were event discounts, it would be written on red paper at the door. Later, it was changed to advertise through newspapers and magazines.

After the popularity of TV, we will occasionally advertise on TV.

But Longteng used to follow the route of high-end gourmet food, so over the years, a large number of wealthy businessmen, politicians or celebrities have patronized it, earning it the nickname of "Rich Canteen in City B".

It's just that the high-end gourmet route model has not adapted to the development of society.

So Wang Jun proposed a long time ago that Long Teng should also start to follow the civilian route.

It's just that the impression of "Regal Canteen" affected too deeply and too many people, and the effect was not very good at the beginning.

Some senior employees in the restaurant thought it was unnecessary.

But Wang Weiyi and Wang Weina have always stood by his brother's side and supported him.

It wasn't until Wang Jun got acquainted with An Mo and the others and carried out a wave of publicity that the dishes of the civilian route began to become popular.

After more than half a year, for the first time, the turnover of the civilian line has surpassed the consumption of the rich.

This momentum is getting better and better.

Let everyone who was not optimistic at the beginning and was about to see a joke be surprised.

The business is very good, which also makes it hard to find a job.

There are some celebrities or rich people who are photographed during their meals, and they feel that this is a bit of a drop in price, so they come less.

This is also one of the reasons for the decrease in the turnover of high-end consumption.

During the renovation of Longteng, Wang Jun saw that the shop building next to him was for sale, so he immediately discussed with his two sisters and his parents who were traveling around the world.

In the end, they decided to buy the building, and the new building was designed to be more civilian, diverting customers away.

Some time ago, the building was finally renovated and opened for business, and the customers were shunted away.

But in this way, it seems that there are too few people.

So Wang Jun came up with a promotion and asked Minister Yang to do the promotion.

He also said that the publicity method of celebrating the confirmation of his relationship with An Mo last time was very good, so let him do the same this time.

It's just not driven by the traffic of the last scandal, so the previous publicity effect is not ideal.

Minister Yang said with emotion: "Our Young Master's family has really found a good wife. Please write it down for me. I will tell Young Mistress about future activities and ask her for help."


"By the way, I just heard someone say that the Young Master's family has ordered a lot of takeaways for the Young Mistress to send to the crew. Is she filming a movie?"

Minister Yang was a little strange.

Because his daughter is a fan of Moli, he heard her complain a few days ago, saying that Moli hasn't been filming recently and hasn't been exposed much.

"I just saw that the young lady is going to shoot an advertisement today."

"Do you know the location? Tell the delivery department for me to send some afternoon tea snacks to the young lady and the crew, and deduct them from my quota."

"It should be possible to inquire about this, I'll go now."

Because Wang Weina heard about this promotion, she didn't start it up, and just came to ask if she needed help, when she saw the staff running out in a hurry.

"Uncle Yang, what's the matter?"

"Second miss."

Minister Yang told her what happened just now.

"So that's the case."

Wang Weina smiled, and continued: "Uncle Yang, you can tell Junzai directly about these things in the future. Momo is our family's future daughter-in-law, and she will be happy to help."

"Yes, I didn't know such a propaganda method before, and I will pay attention to it in the future."

"In the past, there were restrictions on online communication, so the effect of online publicity was not great, but now it is different. After the restriction is lifted, online publicity has become the fastest and most convenient way."

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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