Gold Assistant

Chapter 434 Plastic surgery

Chapter 434 Plastic surgery

"Hey, my informant at Huaxing said that after Gu Ruoyu sent out the scarf, Huaxing's public relations department immediately contacted the two mothers and daughters.

That's why there was the so-called account hacking statement later, but they really didn't know about the revelation about XY they love the most, and they just chose to wait and see what happened. "

Then Wang Weina asked with some doubts: "Xiao Yao, why are you so cruel to Gu Ruoyu this time? She is still a minor."

When she reminded her to respond to the apology scarf, Liu Li said that Xue Yao said to ignore it.

At that time, Wang Weina felt strange, this was different from Xue Yao's previous practice.

Xue Yao raised a confident smile.

"We just debuted before, so we need to be cautious when doing things, but now we have enough strength, we can't continue to make Lili and Momo wronged.

Gu Ruoyu looks young, but her mind is not as pure as it appears on the surface, and her mother is also a ruthless person, it is impossible to resolve this matter.

Originally, we just wanted to teach them a lesson so that they would not spread rumors indiscriminately.

If they stop using account hacking as an excuse, we will not do the following. "

Wang Weina didn't actually sympathize with Gu Ruoyu's mother and daughter. If they had the courage to do such a thing, they had to bear the consequences themselves.

After work, the group drove back to the apartment.

On the other side, Chen Ting has finished debugging the face recognition system.

He re-screened with photos of Mumu in the rain.

This time, we directly intercepted her eyes, height, finger length, etc. in the photo for investigation.

Due to the lack of data for full-body photos, the

After a while, the result was displayed on the screen of the laptop.

It's just that Chen Ting was a little surprised by the information he got.

"Let Ah Si come back."

"Okay." Ah Yi went out immediately, but found that Ah Si was not nearby.

Had to call him.

"Oh, I'll be right back."

After Ah Si put the things away, he said to Lin Xia: "Aunt Lin, the young master has something to ask me. Next time you want to move things, you can go to Second Brother Ah. He is the most helpful."

When Ah Si was wandering just now, he saw two thin ladies worrying in front of the parking lot.

There was a trolley full of boxes in front of them, and because the two looked familiar, he went up to ask.

Unexpectedly, it was Lin Xia and Li Baoqin.

Originally, because of identity issues, he called them Ms., but the two insisted on calling him Auntie.

This made Ah Si feel very kind.

"Strange, Saint Laurent charges so much, why did you ask you to move things by yourself?"

Lin Xia smiled.

"Some things are not good for others to know, Ah Qin's bodyguard suddenly asked for leave, that's why it happened.

Ah Er is indeed a good boy, he has helped us a lot before.In fact, we were already looking for people from the hospital to come over just now, but you came here unexpectedly.

Okay, let's not talk about it, you go back to your young master quickly, and we can do the rest by ourselves. "

Ah Si looked at the box at the door, although it was not very heavy, it was for him.

Both Lin Xia and Li Baoqin are pampered people, and their power is very limited.

In particular, Li Baoqin had just experienced a catastrophe and his health had just begun to improve.

Her skinny appearance made everyone who saw her feel distressed.

"How about this, I'll help you move back to the room, I'll make a call and talk to Brother Ah Yi."

Lin Xia and Li Baoqin nodded and watched him on the phone with a smile.

"This kid is really nice." Li Baoqin looked at Ah Si, then smiled and whispered to Lin Xia.

"Yeah, when he was on the set before, he helped him run up and down, and he didn't complain, and he was always smiling. Apart from talking a lot, he has a good personality and temperament."

But Li Baoqin argued for Ah Si, "Although he talks a lot, but he said interesting things, you don't like to talk, the house is always quiet, only someone who loves to laugh and talk will appear popular. "

Lin Xia glanced at Li Baoqin in surprise.

When she was about to say something, Ah Si turned her head with a sunny smile.

"The young master said, let me help Aunt Lin and Aunt Li pack up their things first, where are they going to be moved?"

Lin Xia hurriedly opened the door and pointed to a place in the living room.

"Put these things flat over there."

"it is good."

Ah Si quickly packed up his things, and after confirming with the two that there was nothing to help, he hurried back to Chen Ting's side.

"Master, I'm back!"

"What are you looking for me for?"

I don't know if he helped someone just now, Ah Si's tone was a little excited.

Brother Ah Yi just said that the young master's software has been debugged, let him come back as soon as possible.

Nothing else was revealed.

However, he is smart, guessing that there should be news from Mumu under the rain.

"Listen to this voice."

Chen Ting turned on the computer and played a video clip.

A woman is talking.

"You can't do this, it will hurt others, I don't want to be a bad woman in others' mouth!"

Ah Si pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and found that the voice was indeed familiar.

"Hey! Master, this voice is really similar to that of Mumu under the rain."

"Where did you get it?"

"Have you found out her identity?"


Chen Ting nodded slightly.

Turn the screen of the laptop around and show Ah Si the people inside.

Ah Si immediately poked his head over to look.

On the screen is a woman in ancient costume.

"She, she... how is she an ancient person, is there really someone who can travel through time?"

After hearing what he said, Ah Er, who was standing beside him, knocked him hard on the head.

"That's a character from a TV show."

While waiting for Professor Dai at school during this time, the bored Ah Si was reading Xia Tian's novel.

Although it was a romance novel, it was written wonderfully, and he was already hooked.

From time to time, some strange ideas pop up in my mind.

Ah Si immediately showed a very aggrieved expression, "Second brother, I was just joking."

"Don't make jokes in the future."


Ah Si looked at the person on the screen, and continued, "But this person looks completely different from Yuxia Mumu."

"As you guessed before, she had plastic surgery."

"It's really plastic surgery, it seems that my vision is very accurate!"

Ah Si immediately smiled triumphantly, completely unable to tell that she still had an aggrieved look just now.

"It's really accurate."

Hearing this, Ah Si stared at Chen Ting with wide eyes.

Is this praising him?
The young master rarely praised him before!

Ah Si found out that after the young master met the young lady, he changed a lot, especially after the young lady's birthday, he became more and more like a human being.

Is this the power of love? !
Ah Yi stepped forward and took a look, "Isn't this the actress named Xie Lin?"

When filming "Summer Palace Chronicle", Ah Yi acted as a driver for Xue Yao and the others, so he would often see Xie Lin from another crew in the parking lot.

 90 words!Have fun secretly, thank you for your support!This is my haven.

(End of this chapter)

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