Gold Assistant

Chapter 446 Shares

Chapter 446 Shares
An Mo murmured in his heart that even Tao Chengxuan, a busy person, came to look for Lili, but Jungugu didn't come.

She saw on the scarf today that he was so excited after being framed and tried to clarify for him, but now he didn't even send a message.

Hmph, she ignored him.

While Li Baoqin was looking at the documents, Walt's person in charge also arrived.

"Young Master Chen." Kang Xuyan greeted Chen Ting immediately after seeing so many people.

"Xu Yan is here, you wait for a while, let Aunt Li read the documents, and then we can talk."

"it is good."

Everyone looked at Kang Xuyan curiously.

Although people were watching, Kang Xuyan was very calm, standing upright for everyone to look at.

Like Li Hongwei, he was dressed in a suit and looked like an ordinary person in a gentle manner.

But it gives people a different feeling. He has a trace of righteousness in him.

It was also the first time for An Mo to see him. Huo Ling and Shi Lekang had been in contact with him before.

Even though he was Chang Yuande's subordinate, neither of them had met before.

This man made her feel very at ease.

Li Baoqin, who was looking at the document, became more and more frightened.

Unexpectedly, during her illness, the accounts of Yongjia Films were messed up by Wang Jin.

After she woke up, she checked the company's accounts and there were some strange things, but Li Hongwei didn't cooperate, so she couldn't figure it out.

In addition, the energy is not as good as before, so I can only put it on hold temporarily.

Now it seems that the financial personnel and Wang Jin have tampered with the accounting. If we look at it in conjunction with this so-called private account, it is the real account of Yongjia Films.

Wang Jin has many transactions of unknown origin, which may be the money laundering records that the relevant departments have been checking.

After reading these documents, she raised her head with a normal face, as if she didn't find any problems.

This made Li Hongwei a little surprised. Could it be that she couldn't see the hint she left on purpose?
"I have decided not to accept Wang Jin's inheritance."

"What?!" Li Hongwei originally thought that even if there were problems with the accounts, Li Baoqin would accept it.After all, she won't let Yongjia Pictures fall like this.

As long as she takes over, he can get rid of the money laundering matter.

Li Baoqin didn't answer him, but turned to look at Kang Xuyan who was beside Chen Ting, and indicated with his expression that Li Hongwei had a problem.

Because no private account was found before, so he couldn't find his sore feet.

Unexpectedly, he would come to the door in a big way now.

Kang Xuyan smiled and took out a certificate from his suit.

"Wang Jin is doing an illegal transaction, and this matter must be handed over to the relevant department. This is my certificate. Please go back with me and cooperate with the investigation."

Li Hongwei looked at Li Baoqin in horror. Wouldn't she be afraid that if she did this, she would drag Yongjia Pictures into trouble?
No, he can't investigate.

He quietly took a small step back, trying to find a chance to escape.

It's just that the security guard of the hospital stood silently behind him.

When he turned around to run, he raised his hand slightly and stopped him.

Both Li Baoqin and Lin Xia looked at the documents in Kang Xuyan's hand in surprise.

They originally thought that the person in charge of Walt might have a good relationship with the relevant departments, and this has always been rumored in the circle.

Unexpectedly, he was from the relevant department.

If so, is it a good thing or a bad thing for them to invest in Yongjia?
After just thinking for a few seconds, Li Baoqin made up his mind.

Kang Xuyan looked at Li Hongwei who was under control, picked up his cell phone and made a call.

Then he said to the big brother security: "Brother, please watch him for me, someone will come to pick him up after a while."

"it is good."

The security guard took out some plastic ties from his pocket and tied Li Hongwei's hands and feet.

After Xue Yao saw this thing, she was a little curious. She felt that it was light and easy to use, so she ran to Brother Security and asked what it was.

After learning that it was a belt, I immediately placed an order on a certain treasure and bought a bundle.

This belt can be used to tie things, and it can also be used as a handcuff, which is good.

After someone came to take Li Hongwei away, Kang Xuyan quickly checked the documents, and then talked with Li Baoqin about the shares.

Wang Weina was too hungry to bear it.

"If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it after dinner."

On the other side, Long Teng's takeaway was also delivered.

While eating, Ah Si babbled, wondering what the young lady brought.

He also said angrily that the second brother was too unloved by his companions.

When everyone was eating, Kang Xuyan smelled the food and looked at the documents.

He was a little annoyed, why are you being polite!What about eating together? !

After everyone finished their meal, Kang Xuyan began to talk about the shares.

"Ms. Li, thank you for your support. Mr. Wang's private account has brought a major breakthrough to the current case and let us know their money laundering methods."

"this is what we are supposed to do."

"Now let's talk about shares. Due to regulations, we cannot own too many company shares when we invest. We can only invest purely and not participate in the company's decision-making and normal operation.

Mr. Wang Jin has too many shares, and we cannot take them all. This may require you or someone to take over a part of it. "

Li Baoqin frowned.

The reason why she chose to give up inheriting the inheritance was to minimize the damage Yongjia Pictures suffered in this incident and find a strong backing.

After all, because of Wang Jin, Yongjia Films has offended most of the entertainment industry.

Yongjia's shares are now a hot potato, and it is difficult to find someone to take over.

When Xue Yao heard what they were discussing, the sign of money flashed in her eyes, she immediately lowered her head and whispered in Chen Ting's ear.

Tao Chengxuan on the side also fell into deep thought after hearing her words.

After hearing her words, Chen Ting smiled dotingly.

Without even thinking about it, I agreed.

"it is good."

"I'll go talk to Aunt Li."

She walked up to the two of them with a smile on her face and raised her hand to indicate that she wanted to speak.

"Xiao Yao, tell me."

Seeing her like this, Li Baoqin immediately smiled.

"On behalf of, I can help to receive 10% of the shares, but when publicizing to the outside world, can we hide our names?

Similarly, we only take shares and will not participate in the company's decision-making. "

Kang Xuyan thought about it and said that this method is feasible.

"But minus 10% of yours, there is still 41%, and Walt can only own 20% at most, and the rest needs to trouble Ms. Li to find someone.

It is not convenient for Walt to come forward in this matter. "

Lin Xia thought for a while, "I also charge a little, but I don't have much money, so I can only charge 3% at most."

"Ah Xia, you don't have to do this." Li Baoqin looked at Lin Xia moved.

"Actually, I just want to take advantage of this opportunity and have a chance to sit and collect money."

Another 3% solved!

When Li Baoqin was hesitating whether to take it back by himself, Tao Chengxuan also came over.

"Aunt Li, Mr. Kang, I will take over the 18% of the shares on behalf of Gu Yun."

"Didn't Gu Yun only do cosmetics all the time? Why are you also involved in the entertainment business now?"

Kang Xuyan was a little puzzled.

 thanks for your support!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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