Gold Assistant

Chapter 453 Helping the Bad Guys

Chapter 453 Helping the Bad Guys

Saint Laurent Hospital.

Chen Ting has finished his morning rehabilitation, and now Ah Er is helping him with a massage.

Originally Xue Yao followed in, but when Chen Ting started to undress, she left with a blushing face.

If Ah Er is not here, she will definitely stay inside.

In fact, her massage skills are also good.

In the end, she took Xiao Bai back to her room, planning to cook a hearty lunch to reward Chen Ting, who had worked so hard to recover.

Before preparing lunch, Xue Yao habitually looked at the scarf.

Although there is a public relations team monitoring the situation on the Internet, they are currently understaffed, so Xue Yao herself will take a look or two from time to time.

After she opened the scarf, she saw Gu Ruoyu's message.

"Why hasn't the matter between her and Huanxi been resolved?"

Xue Yao thought that Huanxi would use money to have sex with Gu Ruoyu about the allergy to cosmetics.

After all, Gu Ruoyu has a doctor's certificate and a purchase receipt from the counter.

She knew that Gu Ruoyu was not lying.

Click on Gu Ruoyu's account and see the new video.

In the video, Gu Ruoyu looked as if he was wronged and could not get help.With tears in her eyes, she said that she really did not lie, and then she showed everyone the packaging of the cosmetics in front of the camera.

This reminded Xue Yao of those beauty experts when they were working on Amway products.

But Gu Ruoyu is not in Amway now, but pushing Huanxin into the pit of fire.

After showing off the cosmetics, Mother Gu began to put makeup on Gu Ruoyu's face.

Unexpectedly, Gu's mother's skills are not bad, although not as good as a professional makeup artist, but better than ordinary people.

Because it was just a test, Mother Gu only helped Gu Ruoyu melt the left half of her face.

I didn't expect them to be so thoughtful.

After about 3 minutes, Gu Ruoyu in the video began to feel that something was wrong on his face, and the pimple appeared faster than when he put on makeup for the first time.

She took off her makeup right in front of the camera, and on her left face, a red pimple was very scary.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with the face on the right side, which is obviously a cosmetic problem.

Xue Yao looked at it. This video was released about an hour ago, and now the public opinion is on Gu Ruoyu's side.

Huanxin's official neck also responded.

Unexpectedly, Huanxin's stance was still very tough, and even said that what Gu Ruoyu bought was a fake.

This made YJ Plaza, which sells this cosmetic, very angry.

Because the meaning of joy now is that YJ Plaza is selling fakes.

The person in charge of YJ Plaza immediately contacted He Yingying.

After all, Huanxi is now their big customer, so it is not easy to offend.

He needs to ask how to deal with it.

It's just that He Yingying hasn't responded yet, and Huanxin sent a new message.

Maybe Huanxin knew that the news just sent would offend YJ Plaza.

So I quickly reposted a post, saying that the other party was holding fake cosmetics, and the receipt might also be fake.

Although doing so now is a remedy for the dead, it is better than doing nothing.

Their handling made many companies concerned about the incident feel how important a good public relations copywriter is.

Seeing this situation, He Yingying ordered the person in charge to do nothing for the time being and wait and see the development of the incident.

When Gu's mother and Gu Ruoyu saw Huanxin's latest scarf, their faces became very ugly.

"It's disgusting, they turned right and wrong into black and white like this!"

Soon there were a large number of sailors commenting under Gu Ruoyu's scarf.

Said that her cosmetics were bought in such and such a place, and they saw Gu's mother at that time.

A certain place is a place full of A goods. The relevant departments have raided it many times, but there are still a small number of people who take risks.

The mother and daughter of the Gu family were very anxious when they saw that the public opinion was beginning to be skewed.

After Xue Yao made lunch, she saw this scene and thought for a while.

Gu Ruoyu's reputation has almost been ruined.

Even if she wins this time, it will be difficult to stand up again, and those black spots will always follow her.

Unless you retire for a period of time first, and then come back after everyone has forgotten these things.The reason why they chose to announce the cosmetics should be to make a fortune.

Huaxing's public relations department has never made a move, and this matter must not have their consent.

That is to say, Gu Ruoyu is likely to be hidden by Hua Xing in the future.

Wang Weina received a tip, and Huanxin was talking about sponsorship with Huaxing.

Between a disobedient child star and a big company with deep pockets, Huaxing must choose the latter.

If Huanxin won this incident, they would definitely become even more arrogant.Now that there are so many people paying attention to this matter, it is equivalent to doing an advertisement for them for free.

"It's too cheap to be happy. No way, we must find a way to let Gu Ruoyu win."

Xiaobai was also holding his mobile phone and looking at it.

With a tangled expression on his childish face, he said in disapproval, "Sister, do you want to help that bad guy who bullies Xiaoxian?"

Xue Yao rubbed his hair and said with a smile, "I'm not helping her."

"But you said you want her to win." Xiao Bai was very puzzled.

Seeing the ignorant Xiaobai, Xue Yao explained to him carefully.

"So if Gu Ruoyu wins, she may get the money, but she also offended the two companies, and other companies will see this, and if they have a choice in the future, they will not reuse her.

Pulling down Huanxin now can make Gu Yun relax a little bit, after all, the recent momentum of Huanxin is really too strong. "

Xiaobai's eyes are full of halos, these interpersonal matters are too complicated for him.

But he has a good memory, he has memorized every word Xue Yao said.

I plan to go back and tell Dongdong, let him analyze it.

"Then how will my sister help that liar?"

Unexpectedly, Xiaobai also saw this nickname. It seems that it will be very difficult for Gu Ruoyu to get rid of it in the future.

"If it can be proved that other people have problems with this cosmetic, it means that cosmetics can really cause some people to be allergic."

Thinking of this, Xue Yao immediately searched with keywords such as allergies, pimples, and discomfort.

Unexpectedly, she really let her find some evidence.

After the Miracle series went on the market, more than a dozen people developed allergies.

It's just because the people who use it have skin that is prone to allergies, so they all think it's a problem with their own skin, and another cosmetic can't be used.

They didn't think that it might be a problem with the cosmetics themselves.

Xue Yao immediately typed up the screenshots of these bibs.

But only these are not enough.

After all, Huanxin said that Gu Ruoyu used fakes, and at the same time it could be said that the owners of those scarves were also fakes.

"Then we have to prove that Gu Ruoyu's cosmetics were really bought at YJ Plaza. It seems that we need to get the surveillance out."

"I'll come here."

Xiaobai was very happy after hearing Xue Yao's words, and finally there was something he could help.

Because there is a specific time on the receipt, within 10 minutes, Xiaobai found out the monitoring of YJ Plaza that day.

(End of this chapter)

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