Gold Assistant

Chapter 455 Accident

Chapter 455 Accident
"Hello, Xiao Nan."

"We're at Saint Laurent."

"Well, we'll go back tonight."

"Everything has been packed, you can just bring something of your own, see you tonight."

After Xue Yao hung up the phone, she looked at Chen Ting with some reluctance.

I will be separated from Shishi again.

However, the itinerary has been arranged, and they are going to travel tomorrow, so there is nothing they can do if they don't give up.

In addition to traveling this time, they also talked to John from the Dunwei Road Company.Davidson made an appointment to take promotional photos at their main store when they went to country F. This was a planned itinerary.

Dengwei Road is the world's top brand, even if it is just to take promotional photos, it is very rare for Liu Li and An Mo.

After Chen Ting heard her words, he stopped discussing with Xiao Bai, and raised his head to look at Xue Yao.

Xue Yao felt a little guilty.

She and Shishi experienced so many things before they met again, but they didn't really spend much time together.

My heart is very tangled.

Chen Ting saw what was on her mind and smiled helplessly.

At this time, he could only back down, "Remember to video call me every night."

"En!" Xue Yao nodded heavily.

The next day, Xue Yao and his party went to the airport accompanied by Ah San.

Originally, Ling Yixin and Xiaoxian's passports and visas could not be processed so quickly.Especially about Xiaoxian, it didn't take long to find out.

But after An Mo mentioned it to Chang Yuande, the procedures were quickly completed.

Sure enough, there are people who can do things well.

An Mo and Liu Li asked Ling Yixin to take some beautiful photos at the airport.

Then it was posted on the scarf, telling the fans that they were leaving for Country F now.

Fans responded to the comments.

Some wished you a smooth journey, some let you post more beautiful photos, and some fans even said that they would go to country F to meet them by chance.

This trip was sponsored by Chen Ting, so their seats were all upgraded to first class.

Because Aunt Chang couldn't go with her, An Mo was in a bad mood.

And today Tao Chengxuan and even Chen Ting quietly came to see him off, but Wang Jun didn't show up.

Just sent her a message.

This made her already bad mood worse.

She secretly made a small note for Wang Jun in her heart.

When you come back, you will settle accounts with him.

As soon as Xue Yao got on the plane, she felt uncomfortable all over. This is a shadow brought over from the past, and it is not so easy to solve.

So she stuck a newly made sedative to herself, and fell asleep on the seat after ten seconds.

This is more useful than drinking, and it's not over the top.

Liu Li, who had flown together several times, purposely sat beside Xue Yao in order to take care of her, An Mo sat on the other side of the aisle, and Xiao Bai sat beside her.

Ling Yixin and Xiaoxian sat in the front, Shi Xiaonan and Ah San sat in the back.

Since Zhang Ling started a small concert tour, Zhang Dongdong gave up this overseas trip in order to spend more time with her sister.

When Tao Chengxuan sent Liu Li back last night, he proposed to take them there with the Tao family's private jet.

But Liu Li felt that this was too wasteful and refused.

But also because she didn't feel right.

After all, she and Tao Chengxuan are just boyfriend and girlfriend, so using his family's plane like this will always feel a little uncomfortable.

Tao Chengxuan saw that the persuasion was ineffective, and he did not insist.

Just when he was leaving, he whispered in her ear, looking forward to the moment when she would use that private jet at will.

These words made Liu Li stunned for a moment.

When she understood what he meant, her face immediately flushed red.

As long as she becomes a member of the Tao family, she can use the private jet as she pleases.

Having figured it out, Liu Li glared at Tao Chengxuan coquettishly.

But Tao Chengxuan didn't care, and stepped forward to steal a kiss before leaving.

When I left, I felt that my brother-in-law and brother-in-law's suggestion was really good.

Xue Yao and the others started their journey from city B to Paris, the capital of country F, and the whole flight took more than ten hours.

After the plane took off, a stewardess would come over from time to time, asking carefully if Liu Li and An Mo could sign autographs and take pictures.

Both of them agreed very kindly.

After eating the plane meal, they also began to rest.

It's just that when the plane flew for about five hours, the light outside the window gradually became dim.

The plane entered a dark cloud.

From time to time, fleeting flashes of lightning burst into light, like a sharp sword, piercing the sky and illuminating the dark space in the cabin.

Fear appeared on everyone's faces.

"What's going on here?"

An Mo nervously grabbed Liu Li's hand.

"No problem, it should have just entered a thunderstorm cloud. I also encountered it once when I was flying to Nayevi, and it passed quickly."

Liu Li patted An Mo's hand and said words of comfort.

But the trembling in her tone showed that she was also afraid.

At this time, in order to reassure everyone, the chief purser started broadcasting, saying that this is a normal thunderstorm cloud and that it will pass soon.

Please don't walk around, stay in your seat, fasten your seat belt.

But after she finished speaking, a dazzling white light flashed, followed by a huge boom, which sounded outside the cabin, as if she was dissatisfied with her words.

Then big drops of rain slapped the porthole of the plane, and there was a pattering sound, which stimulated the hearts of everyone.

The passengers were a little flustered.

Children's cries were heard in the cabin, and some people even chanted scriptures or prayed.

Xiaoxian, who was flying for the first time, was also frightened.

She shrank into Ling Yixin's arms in fear, her small body kept shaking, and she let out a soft sob.

This made Ling Yixin very heartbroken.

She hugged Xiaoxian tightly and patted her on the back.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, sister is here, sister is with you, don't be afraid."

Maybe her comforting helped, Xiaoxian no longer trembled, but she still clings tightly to Ling Yixin.

But her "sister" made Liu Li react.

Liu Li looked at Xue Yao who was sleeping next to her, struggling to wake her up.

Xue Yao always has some magical talisman papers, I don't know if she can do anything in this weather.

Suddenly there was another thunder outside.

The plane shook violently from side to side, the oxygen mask fell from the top of the cabin, and there was an exclamation from the cockpit ahead.

A flight attendant with a pale face ran out in a panic. She whispered something in the purser's ear, and then the purser's complexion became as pale as paper.

Just three seconds later, she picked up the phone and said to all the passengers: "Due to some unexpected accidents, some passengers need help.

Is there a doctor or nurse for the passengers sitting here?If so, please inform our flight attendants. "

The cabin was chaotic, crying and noise mixed together, which made the people who heard it even more irritable and confused.

The passengers looked around, but no one responded to the flight attendants after a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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