Gold Assistant

Chapter 457 Using Satellite Navigation

Chapter 457 Using Satellite Navigation

Xue Yao took several deep breaths to calm herself down, and then walked slowly towards the cockpit.

Seeing her like this, Ah San wanted to help her but dared not.

Shi Xiaonan turned to Ah San and said, "Little San, you are here to protect everyone."

After speaking, he stepped forward to help Xue Yao walk to the cockpit.

Although the purser didn't know who this person who started to sleep as soon as he got on the plane and looked very similar to Liu Li was.

But seeing that Liu Li and the others trusted her so much, they didn't stop them and made way for her to pass.

Xue Yao concentrated all her energy and tried her best to control herself, hoping to overcome her psychological shadow.

No one noticed that when she passed by, the bound passenger showed a surprised expression when he saw her face.

The person who was still struggling and wanted to resist immediately calmed down.

Xue Yao looked at the door of the cockpit.

Although the two captains were no longer injured under the effect of the recovery talisman, their condition was not very good.

All instruments in the cockpit stopped moving.

The plane is still in the thunderstorm cloud area. Fortunately, there are no other planes on this flight path for the time being.

Otherwise it is dangerous.

Seeing those immobile instruments, Xue Yao frowned.

She turned around and saw Xiao Bai lying on the back of the chair, stretching his neck and staring at her closely.

"Xiao Bai, come here."


Xiao Bai immediately ran to her side.

Just now when Xue Yao forced himself to go over to see something happened when he heard about the accident in the cockpit, he wanted to follow.

But before boarding the plane, he promised Xue Yao to be obedient, so he could only sit obediently in the chair all the time, unable to do anything except watch.

Xue Yao pointed to the charred and deformed instrument.

"Look at those instruments, is there a way to fix them?"

She has a specialization in surgery. Although she can pilot a spaceship and some airplanes, she still needs to rely on Xiaobai for repairs.

Xiaobai immediately ran in, looked east and west.

The captain noticed a child coming in, resisted the pain in his body, and quickly shouted: "Kids, come out quickly, this is not a place to play."

Xiaobai ignored it, and stood in front of the instrument to check it carefully.

"Come on, take this kid out! How can you be so nonsense?"

After checking, Xiaobai turned to Xue Yao and said, "Sister, the circuits of these instruments were all burned due to lightning strikes, so there is no way to repair them."

Can't fix it? !
The two captains also heard this, "Don't talk nonsense, kid, go back and sit down, don't make trouble here. Are you his parent?

Take him away quickly, and don't add to our burden. "

Xue Yao frowned, is it really necessary to make a forced landing at sea?
Not to mention the probability of success, the vast sea is too dangerous. There was a missing plane before, and there is no news yet.

Xiaobai retreated to Xue Yao's side, and said in a low voice, "We can hack into the satellite to navigate, but..."

Xue Yao looked at the two captains, and they couldn't let them know about hacking into the satellite.

"Xiao Nan, you guard the door."

Shi Xiaonan nodded, went out and stood in front of the cockpit door.

Xue Yao took out two coma talismans and quickly pasted them on the two captains.

"Xiaobai, go and hold the joystick."


Xiaobai immediately stood on the pilot's seat, grasping the joystick with two small hands to maintain the balance of the plane.

Xue Yao put a strong talisman on herself, moved the two captains aside, and put improved recovery talismans on them respectively.

After doing this series of things, she found that she didn't feel any fear at all.

Sure enough, many things were forced out.

"Okay, Xiaobai, let me control the plane, and you tell me the route from the satellite navigation."


Xiaobai knocked on the door and asked Shi Xiaonan to bring his laptop over.

As soon as Ah San heard it, she quickly turned around and took it from her seat.

The purser wanted to go in to have a look, but was stopped by Xiaobai and Shi Xiaonan.

"No!" Xiaobai refused with a straight face.

Xiaobai like this is so cute, it makes people want to pinch his little face, but the place and time are wrong now.

The purser resisted the urge to pinch his face, and said patiently: "Little friend, what happened just now? I seem to hear the voice of the captain."

"It's okay, we are working on the navigation route, sister Nan is closed."

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he ran to the driver's seat with his laptop in his arms.

He quickly sat in the co-pilot seat, turned on the laptop, and typed on the keyboard quickly, and then sat there motionless.

After a while, a string of numbers flashed in his eyes again.

"Connected successfully, please follow the instructions below..."

Xiaobai seemed to be a different person, speaking without emotional ups and downs, and giving instructions step by step.

About 10 minutes later, the plane slowly exited the thunderstorm cloud area, and everyone saw the white clouds and the blue sky again.

Under the sunlight, the oppressive atmosphere in the cabin was swept away.

The passengers who were still anxious just now and were about to write their suicide notes couldn't help hugging each other and cheering loudly.

"We are safe!"

"Leaving that dreadful thundercloud?"

"My God, I'm still alive."


Everyone has a feeling of surviving the rest of the disaster.

At this moment, a young man let go of the girl he was hugging tightly just now, and pressed the pocket of his coat, as if he had made up his mind.

He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and walked out into the aisle.

The girl who had been wearing sunglasses said in a panic: "Ah Mo, what are you doing? Although I flew out of the thunderstorm cloud area now, there is no broadcast saying it's safe. Come back and sit down."

It turned out that the man was Ding Hanmo.

In order to find out the truth about her sister's death, the young man who followed her prospective brother-in-law to the news.

And the girl with sunglasses is Du Manlu who helped expose Mr. Liu's true face.

Ding Hanmo knelt down on one knee in the aisle, and took out a box from his coat pocket. After opening it, there was a small ring shining brightly on it.

He looked at Du Manlu affectionately.

"Man Lu, I'm just a small videographer now, I don't have a big house, and I don't have much money.

Ever since I met you in the parking lot, my heart belongs only to you.

My sister said that everyone in the world will eventually meet the right person.

I am very fortunate, because I found my only one - the most special you so early.

I believe that you must be the angel sent to me by God, and suddenly my dark life is full of sunshine.

Thank you for doing so much for me.

Originally, I wanted to find a chance to propose to you in Paris, but I think it is more appropriate now. "

He paused, and handed the box in his hand to Du Manlu.

"Man Lu, please marry me."

Duman showed disbelief, covered his mouth with his hands, and looked at Ding Hanmo in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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