Gold Assistant

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
Xue Yao was worried that the machine was too heavy and that Ling Yixin would have to work hard, so she asked Chen Ting for help and improved the camera with super alloys.

The camera is much lighter.

When Ling Yixin took over the machine, she was moved to tears.

It was the first time for her to use such a handy and light camera.

While there are many handheld home cameras, the results are different.

"We don't have much time today, so let's shoot some footage of the late-night snack, and then we can put it behind the feature film or on the scarf for everyone to see."


An Mo grabbed the clothes on his body, "Is this okay to take pictures like this?"

Ling Yixin burst out laughing.

"You guys even dared to post about washing your face and taking off your make-up. Now it's just a sideshow of light makeup. What are you afraid of? This is the real thing."

"Well, what Miss Xin said is true.

Let's go, let's go back and take a picture, which will be sent to the scarf later, and the poison will be released in the middle of the night. "

An Mo squinted his fox smile, and walked happily to the room with Wang Jun on his arm.

Xue Yao and Liu Li had already hung up the video call, packed their clothes and were about to wash up. They didn't expect to see so many people when they opened the door.

After hearing An Mo's explanation, both of them stared blankly at the takeaway box in her hand.

"Momo, don't you feel guilty because you ate supper yourself, so you pulled everyone out of the water to eat with you to reduce the guilt?"

Xue Yao narrowed her eyes and looked at An Mo with some understanding.

"How... how come, I just eat it and feel good, so let everyone taste it."

An Mo stammered as he explained.

But after seeing everyone's suspicious eyes, she stuck out her tongue. "Okay, let's let them balance their minds and get fat together."

"You." Xue Yao took the takeaway box and put it on the table.

She turned her head and asked Ling Yixin, "Sister Xin, how do you want to shoot?"

"This is not official, so just take it easy and let everyone see the real side of Lili and Momo."

"it is good."

Although it was said to be taken casually, the image should not be too sloppy. Xue Yao immediately stepped forward to help Liu Li, and An Mo tidied up her clothes and hair.

The two sat in the living room outside their suite, open takeout boxes on the table.

Because there was no light on, they were worried that there would be shadows, so the others stood far away in the corner.

Xiao Xian shouted happily: "Start."

Liu Li first smiled gracefully at the camera, and pointed to the crepes on the table.

"We have arrived in Paris safely, and now we are enjoying our first meal, which Momo personally bought back from the store."

Ling Yixin pushed the camera forward, showing a close-up of the delicious crepe.

An Mo, on the other hand, recounted what Wang Jun had said about the origin of the crepes. She also playfully greeted Wang Jun outside the camera.

Smile to express your gratitude for someone's popular science.

Then the two began to cut the crepes with a knife and fork. Liu Li deliberately cut a portion and put it aside for Xue Yao.

The two ate in front of the camera while making simple evaluations.

Maybe it was the first time to shoot like this, and everyone was still getting used to it. An Mo couldn't help laughing, but Ling Yixin took pictures of all of them.

Xue Yao just took a look at the shooting, then picked up the phone and swiped the scarf.

Today is the first day of the launch of the public service advertisement, and she wants to see the effect and everyone's evaluation.

So he clicked on the scarf of the Children's Defense Society.

Unexpectedly, they put up the complete advertisement, but this is a public service advertisement and there is no income problem, so the bib official did not delete or limit the flow.

It seems that as the flow of people increases, the rules of bibs have changed a lot.

Seeing many people in the comment section praising the well-shot of this commercial, Xue Yao felt relieved.

Although they are all very confident in this advertisement, everyone's feeling is different, so they still attach great importance to the public's evaluation.

Because the advertisement has been released for a while, what you see now should be the mainstream opinion of everyone.

Xue Yao immediately logged into multiple accounts and forwarded it.

It's just that she didn't expect it, and after forwarding it for a while, the private message from the scarf rang.

It turned out to be from the account of the Children's Protection Association.

[Children's Protection Association: Hello, Miss Assistant.I want to ask your opinion on something, but I am afraid to disturb your rest. Now I see you forwarding the bib, so I would like to ask, is it convenient now? ]
Xue Yao did not expect that the other party would write a letter at this time.

It is already early morning in Huaguo, and the other party has not slept yet, which proves that the matter should be quite important.

[My goddess is awesome: OK, you say. ]
After a long time, the other party sent a long message.

[Children's Protection Association: Since this ad was broadcast, we have received letters from many netizens, and they all suspect that they have been trafficked.

But he didn't have the courage to take the first step. There are many reasons for family environment, and there is no way to do the appraisal.

There are also some things that are not the victim himself, but the neighbors of the victim have discovered suspicious things, and it is not good to replace the victim for identification.In their descriptions, there are many people who are already adults.

If it is a child, our department can still visit at home, but it is difficult to deal with adults. ]
Xue Yao was taken aback when she saw the content sent by the other party.

She was in a big world before, and she watched a show about finding relatives.

Although some parts of the show will be difficult, the original intention and meaning at the beginning are good.

So she expressed the concept of this program.

[My goddess is awesome: Actually, this problem cannot be solved by your department alone.

You can consider making suggestions upwards to set up a large-scale public welfare tracing column, and the column can also be broadcast on CTV so that more people can see it.

You can also cooperate with the Internet Administration to set up an official website for a column, and use the power of relevant departments, celebrities, experts, volunteers, and all media to find people.

Now that the Internet has been opened up, it can also allow everyone to do something with positive energy.

Let's work together to maintain this all-round public welfare tracing platform and help people find their long-lost relatives.

At the beginning, you can start from the families who lost their children, and let the sufferers contact the abducted people, so that it will be better both psychologically and physically. ]
The manager of the account of the Children's Protection Association saw Xue Yao's message, and his eyes widened in surprise.

She was just trying to ask, but she didn't expect such a surprise.

[Children's Defense Society: That's a great idea, thank you!I will write the report right now, and I will report it to my superiors tomorrow, no, when I go to work today.

If this column can be run smoothly, how many families who have lost their loved ones can be saved! ! ]
Seeing that the other party was so excited, Xue Yao couldn't help pouring cold water on her.

[My Goddess is great: This project cannot be done by one of your departments. It is recommended to discuss it with your superiors and let more departments participate in order to achieve the best results. ]
(End of this chapter)

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