Gold Assistant

Chapter 485 Too embarrassing

Chapter 485 Too embarrassing
Zhan Jingyun pointed to the suit on Liu Li's body, holding her head high.When she saw the two of them taking pictures just now, she fell in love with that outfit.

When the clothes were worn on Liu Li's body, the proportions of her figure were very good, as if her legs were all from the waist down.

After coming to Paris, she walked with Zhan Jingni in various famous stores every day, and saw many things she liked, but unfortunately her credit card was almost maxed out, and she only bought two or three clothes.

She is not favored at home. Unlike Zhan Jingni, Zhan Jingni has a platinum card with no quota limit.

During the period, she hinted and asked Zhan Jingni to pay for it, but she acted as if she hadn't seen it.

Now I can get a set of clothes for nothing, which is very good!
Zhan Jingni didn't expect her to think about it for a while, and then she heard her cousin talking about compensation.

She immediately cried out in her heart.

Sure enough, Zhan Jingyun immediately made unreasonable demands.

Zhan Jingyun looked at Liu Li with a face full of complacency, and felt secretly refreshed at the thought of taking off her clothes later.

Finally got revenge.

The staff on Dengwei Road also came over.

Just now, Liu Li and An Mo's filming went smoothly, which speeded up the progress of the work a lot. They both had a very good impression of them.

Like Anna, the person in charge of the scene said as soon as they arrived, "How did you get in? This is the work area, and no one else is allowed to enter. There are warning signs on the fence over there."

The only difference is that they speak French, while Anna speaks Chinese.

Zhan Jingyun couldn't understand French, but seeing the seriousness of the staff, she probably understood what they meant, so she pulled Zhan Jingni forward again and repeated what she said before.

It doesn't matter whether the other party understands or not.

She also emphasized that Liu Li should compensate her for the clothes on her body.

The person in charge of the scene knew Chinese, and he immediately frowned and asked, "Is there anyone arranged to see the product today?"

The staff next to him held the work schedule and looked it over carefully.

"No, today's main job is to take pictures. Due to the tight working hours, no one is invited to avoid interruption."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhan Jingni.

Because Zhan Jingyun couldn't understand the French they spoke, she also looked at Zhan Jingni and asked:

"Cousin, what did they say? Did they agree to compensate me for the clothes?"

Zhan Jingni restrained her anger and shouted in a low voice, "Shut up!"

She regrets it very much now, why did she bring Zhan Jingyun to Country F?

This cousin is really confusing.

Last time, because of a bag on Dengwei Road, the store in City B directly put her on the blacklist and refused her to come again.

Now that they came here, they made trouble again.

She noticed the eyes of other people around her, as well as the crowd of onlookers in the distance.

What a shame!

In the past, Zhan Jingni would not have taken her out if she hadn't wanted to use her vulgarity to set off her elegance.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Zhan Jingni continued to smile.

Said in a soft and slow rhythm: "It's like this, originally I made an appointment to see the new bag tomorrow.

But because I have something to do tomorrow, I will talk to John.Mr. Davidson explained. He said that today at the pier there will be a picture album of new products, and he asked me to come here to see it.

The reason why I am in such a hurry is that I will be attending a fashion salon the night after tomorrow and I want to show you a new product from Dunville Road. "

The person in charge of the scene motioned to the staff next to him to confirm this matter.

After a while, the staff said that there was such a thing, and the tone of the person in charge of the scene began to relax.

"Oh, so that's the case, but today's filming is really busy, so we can't entertain you."

Zhan Jingni immediately showed a decent smile.

"It's okay, I just need to watch from the side."

Zhan Jingyun couldn't understand what the two were talking about.

But seeing the two talking for so long, it seems that they have nothing to do with her.

She anxiously took Zhan Jingni's hand.

"Cousin, clothes, my clothes are newly bought, and now they are stained, so I can't wear them anymore.

How are you talking?Do you want Liu Li to take off his clothes and pay me for it? "


Originally, they deliberately didn't talk about it because they wanted it to go around like this.

I didn't expect Zhan Jingyun to be so persistent and entangled endlessly.

Zhan Jingni glanced at Xue Yao, her thoughts suddenly changed, and the thought of embarrassing Xue Yao rushed into her mind.

With an apologetic face, she said to Xue Yao in Chinese: "My cousin really just bought this dress, and the juice can't be washed off. It's all because I bumped into you."

When they came just now, Anna had been talking to Xue Yao in Chinese, so she is also speaking Chinese now.

At this time, Xue Yao's cell phone rang again.

"The clothes on that person's body are less than 2 yuan. Lili is wearing a new style that HG recently released. It has not been released yet. It is conservatively estimated that the price is five times hers. Her face is really big, and she dares to ask for compensation like this. ?”

Seeing the content of the message sent by Xia Xia's mobile phone, Xue Yao instantly understood that it was Min Shasha who sent it from Xia Xia's mobile phone.

Why doesn't she use her own phone?

And how did she know what was going on here?

Seeing that Xue Yao didn't speak, Zhan Jingni was a little impatient, so she reprimanded: "When talking to others, it's too impolite to just look at the phone."

Xue Yao ignored her, but asked the staff who helped prepare the clothes in fluent French.

"Are the clothes on Lili's body HG's? Can you still use someone else's clothes for your photo album?"

The staff answered her with a smile.

"Yes, since Dunwei Road only produces bags, it often cooperates with other brands. This time the clothes are specially sent by HG."

"Specially?" Xue Yao and the others were a little surprised by the staff's answer.

The person in charge of the scene also smiled and said: "Yes, when we went to pick up the clothes last night, we happened to see the chief designer of HG. She learned that the two of you helped to shoot the album, so she ordered the original clothes to be changed. .

She said that she saw you at the venue yesterday. The clothes HG prepared before could not reflect the beauty of the two of you, so I specially prepared these clothes now.

She had a very good impression of the two of them. "

Liu Li and An Mo were flattered by these words.

I didn't expect that just attending a fashion show would cause so many things.

When Zhan Jingni heard Xue Yao's fluent French, her face sank even more.

Since Chinese is also a world language, fewer and fewer Chinese people are learning other languages.

Zhan Jingyun did not learn.

I didn't expect this little assistant to learn it.

And learn well.

She became more and more determined in her conjecture.

Zhan Jingyun, who had been ignored all this time, was very angry. She rushed forward and grabbed Liu Li's clothes, and said viciously, "Take off your clothes and give me compensation!"

She doesn't look like a lady at all.

 100 million words, let's have a little fun.There are five updates today~ Thank you for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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