Gold Assistant

Chapter 494 Why Are You Arresting Them?

Chapter 494 Why Are You Arresting Them?

Xue Yao helped the person in the photo to type the number, and when she was about to distribute the scarf, she found that someone had reported the incident before her.

Entertainment Undercover V: [Somewhere in Paris, a Chinese celebrity was suspected of carrying prohibited drugs and was brought to the Paris police station for investigation. 】

But there are only words in this scarf and no pictures, so many people who eat melons are expressing doubts.

no picture no truth.

After Xue Yao saw it, she was a little puzzled. Since this person could get the news, why didn't he take a picture?

Isn't it because you are afraid of offending the Zhan family?

But if I was afraid, I wouldn't post this content.

Xue Yao couldn't figure it out, but she was not afraid of Zhan's family, those were bad guys who wanted to rob her of men.

Judging by the appearance of Zhan Jingni and the two, it really doesn't look like they have smoked happy angels. It is probably a misunderstanding. As long as the Zhan family works, they will be released soon.

Now is the time to hurry up.

So she changed the edited content just now and sent it out with the photo.

Spray if you don't like it: [The celebrity was suspected of carrying prohibited drugs and was taken away to the scene of the investigation. [Multiple photos]]

[I don't like your eyes: Wow, little spray, you are so good, you can even get the photos of the scene, are you there too? ]
[Injustice World: What happened to the car next to it? ]
[Rich and big sun: The damage to the front of the car is so serious, it can't be a car crash, right? ]
[The scumbag is about to explode: Could it be that he took drugs, then drove, and then crashed?Those people really don't care about human life, they just let it hurt themselves, and even drive the car on the street, it's really disgusting! ]
Then the news began to deteriorate, from being suspected of carrying prohibited drugs to being suspected of being promiscuous. She took drugs and crashed a car, injuring many people.

Powerful netizens began to do human flesh again, to check which celebrities have recently gone abroad and happened to be in Paris.

It's just that some people just want to make trouble.

Everyone knows that Liu Li and An Mo are now in Paris, and someone on the Internet has brought the rhythm to the two of them.

The black fans who had been silent for a while, jumped out again as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Hey, there are two people in the photo, that place looks familiar, isn't it just the place where Moli took the advertisement?"

"It's indeed the same place. It happened to be two women who were arrested, and they were filming advertisements nearby. My God, all these signs indicate that the two of them are likely to be arrested."

"But... the reporter said she was a celebrity."

"Look at the headline clearly. People reported that they were 'Suspected Chinese Ladies', but they didn't say that they must be famous ladies. Moreover, the clothes they wore in the commercials must be famous brands, so it's not necessarily misunderstood."

"I didn't black out last time. It was too disappointing. We must do a good job this time."

"Uh...why do you want to catch them black?"

"Humph, hum, there is no artist we can't hack!"

"Did you get paid again?"

"Nonsense...nonsense, how is it possible?"

"Gives you a suspicious look."



There was an undercurrent of black fans, and the PR team of Chen Ting's studio received an anonymous letter.

The content is probably that someone planned to slander Liu Li and An Mo, saying that they were the ones who were taken away in Paris for investigation.

"Those people must be out of their minds. I, Moli, took pictures of the commercials. How could I be the one who was arrested?"

He Botao looked at the content of the email, frowned and thought for a while.

"Xiaotong called Xue Yao and asked her to immediately send a scarf of An Mo and Liu Li's advertisement."

"Ah, but the content and shape of the advertisement should not be exposed."

"Just ask them to send a big profile picture during the break, remember to bring the location and time. This matter should not be that simple.

The other party can get such news, and normally it should be accompanied by relevant photos, just like a small spray.

After all, in order to attract the attention of network traffic, the most eye-catching ones should be released first. "

The atmosphere in the office instantly became serious.

Su Tong was infected by the atmosphere, and immediately picked up the phone to talk to Xue Yao.

Xue Yao didn't expect to get the answer to the question she was thinking about just now. She immediately ran to the person in charge of the scene and asked if she could send a photo.

After all, since Duan Zhenyong and Hou Zhenzhen were arrested for being an angel of happiness, the public is very sensitive to this aspect.

If one does not pay attention to a suspicion, it will have a great impact on reputation.

The person in charge of the scene on Dengwei Road also understands that if they are involved in this kind of thing, it will also affect them.

"Well, try not to get pictures of clothes and bags."

"Thank you."

Xue Yao hurried to the shooting location.

It happened that Liu Li and the others finished filming part of the film and were resting.

"That's how things are." Xue Yao briefly told the two of them what happened.

An Mo was very puzzled, "What's the matter with those people? We don't have any news, why do you keep staring at us?"

"Xiaotong said they will investigate, let's take pictures now."

However, Liu Li said calmly, "What reason should we use to post the scarf? It's fine to post it normally, but in this situation, there must be a reason for posting photos, otherwise those people will still find fault."

"Well, what Lili said is right, what's the reason?"

Xue Yao looked around.

Suddenly she saw Du Manlu who was whispering to Ding Hanmo.

My heart lit up, and an idea came out.

"Hey, there is a way."

She ran over and pulled Du Manlu over.

"Man Lu, I need your help with something."

"What's the matter?" Duman looked at them with a smile on his face, looking very cute.

"Could you please take a photo with Lili and the others? We want to use the incident of meeting you as an excuse to post a photo and prove the time and place to let everyone know that they were not the ones who were taken to the police station."

Du Manlu was stunned for a moment by these words, and she immediately agreed readily.

"Uh, no problem."

The three girls hurriedly stood together, posing for a photo.

Xue Yao picked up her mobile phone to take a picture, but a big hand suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Ding Hanmo took the phone over.

Xue Yao's eyes widened, and she looked at him suspiciously.

He said with some embarrassment: "Let me take a picture."


Have you been despised for taking pictures again?
How did Ding Hanmo know that he would not be able to shoot well!

As if hearing Xue Yao's heartfelt voice, Ding Hanmo explained embarrassingly: "I've seen your scarves."

Then he probably thought that saying this would hurt Xue Yao's self-esteem, and he added: "I hope that Man Lu's photos are as much as possible from my own hands."

Xue Yao rolled her eyes slightly.

snort!She knows that she is poor in technique, but you don't need to remind her like this.

She really wanted to lie in Shishi's arms and complain for comfort...

But Shishi is not here.

(End of this chapter)

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