Gold Assistant

Chapter 496 No loss

Chapter 496 No loss

The drama "Mask" can start filming again.

It's just that An Mo and the others are going to shoot "The Female President" next, and there is a conflict in the schedule.

Also, Liu Li and An Mo, who have already entered the big screen of the movie, have not yet established themselves, and it is not appropriate to go back to filming TV dramas.

Li Jinghui also came to the door after knowing this, and wanted to ask them to let the show out.

Because Mu Xuan saw information about "Mask" from somewhere.

There was a voice in her heart saying that she must make this drama.

After mentioning this weird feeling to Li Jinghui, Li Jinghui decided to fight for his girlfriend.

"You have the script now, and you don't have any suitable actors. Why don't you give it to our company. You know Mu Xuan's acting skills, and you won't disappoint this drama."

After reading Xue Yao's message, Shi Lekang looked up at Li Jinghui.

"I heard that there is a man named Du Manlu in your company?"

He suddenly mentioned something irrelevant, which stunned Li Jinghui for a moment.

"Du Manlu?"

This name was somewhat familiar, Li Jinghui thought for a while, and finally remembered that it was the person who reported Liu Zongrui and sent Li Jinghong to prison.

"Why did you mention her suddenly?"

Li Jinghui looked suspiciously at Shi Lekang, who had been smiling all the time.

This man who was hailed as a gold medal manager, although he had been injured in Chen Ting this year, hadn't appeared much in the circle, and it was said that he had gone to other fields.

But the broker's own job has not been left behind.

The artists under the name of Chen Ting's studio, whether it's An Mo, Liu Li, or even Jiang Hao or Mi Jiawen, have all developed very well.

Among them, Xerox Kang's plan must be indispensable.

Li Jinghui couldn't help but feel a little more admiration in his eyes.

Shi Lekang, who was infinitely deified and haloed, actually wandered around for a long time and didn't do much, looked at Li Jinghui suspiciously.

What is that look in his eyes?
How can it make people feel a little hairy.

Forget it, let's hurry up and finish what Xiaoyao asked.

He can find things for him to do when he travels abroad, just like Chen Ting, he deserves to be a couple.

So he started talking to Li Jinghui about Du Manlu's change of contract to the studio.

Things went very well.

About half an hour later, Xue Yao received a message from Shi Lekang.

After reading the message, her eyes widened in surprise, and she murmured, "So fast?"

Du Manlu, who had been keeping an eye on her, immediately looked at her.

Although she knew that the termination of the contract could not be resolved so quickly, Du Manlu still looked at her with a glimmer of hope.

Xue Yao smiled and shook the phone.

"There is news."

"Huh?" Du Manlu tried hard to stabilize her emotions, and asked with a trembling voice, "What's the news?"

At this time, she didn't even dare to ask whether it was good news or bad news.

Because her previous agent was Li Jinghong, after he was arrested, the company ignored her and did not reassign her agent.

Every time she wants to ask about work, she has to go to the company, but those people are pushed by you and pushed by him, and no one tells her.

Later, a kind tea auntie reminded her, and she realized that she had been hidden by the company's senior management.

Seeing her uneasy look, Xue Yao didn't continue to play tricks.

"It's good news. Brother Kang said that he has already negotiated with Huixing's president Li Jinghui. Your five-year contract will be directly transferred to our studio."

"Really?!" She had a look of disbelief.

Then she couldn't control herself with excitement, tears glistened in her eyes, wet her eyelashes, and soon the tears fell down.

Xue Yao didn't expect her to cry like this, looking at her with the pear blossoms in the rain, the problem of Yan control was committed again.

Shouting in my heart, she cried so beautifully! !

It's just that the makeup on her face wears off too quickly...

Ding Hanmo immediately hugged her tightly and patted her on the back.

He blamed himself secretly in his heart, but he was still negligent.

"Okay, stop crying, there is still news to tell." Xue Yao comforted her softly, took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to her.

Du Manlu took the tissue and wiped the tears on her face, but the makeup was already gone, and it even rubbed on Ding Hanmo's clothes.

She took a few deep breaths, calmed down and asked, "By the way, how much is the liquidated damages? I may not be able to pay it now, but I can work hard in the future, and it will be deducted from the commission."

"Hee hee, no liquidated damages."

"Ah, how is that possible?"

Both Du Manlu and Ding Hanmo looked at her in surprise.

Xue Yao explained in a slow but very clear tone.

It turned out that Mu Xuan wanted the heroine of "Mask", and Shi Lekang used this matter to negotiate terms with Li Jinghui.

"But won't our studio lose money in this way?"

Du Manlu had heard about this show, and when the defendant was accused of copyright infringement, many people in Wheesung discussed it.

He also said that Mu Xuan was lucky and didn't choose this script.

Why does she want to shoot again now?
When Xue Yao heard her say "our studio", she was very happy that she had entered her own role so quickly.

This also proves that the so-called high-level leaders of Huixing Entertainment have hurt people's hearts.

Is the hero in the original book so poor in management skills?
Xue Yao thought back on the story, and it seemed that it was true.

Although the book says how good Li Jinghui's business talent is, there are constant problems within the company, which make the relationship between him and Mu Xuan twists and turns.

It's not like their studio, the two big bosses are not there, and they can still operate normally~
But that's someone else's business, not hers.

She continued: "It won't be a loss. Let me tell you secretly, we actually made a profit."

"How can I make money? In general, the protagonist is the easiest to shine in TV dramas. Unless the protagonist's acting skills or character are too poor, it is difficult for other characters to steal the limelight from the protagonist.

I have seen Mu Xuan filming. She was only a newcomer at that time, but I have already seen that she is a very talented actress. "Mask" asked her to be the heroine. It is difficult for others to surpass her. "

Listening to Du Manlu's evaluation of Mu Xuan, Xue Yao couldn't help sighing, she really is the one with the halo of the protagonist.

It's just that she never expected that the "Mask" would finally return to Mu Xuan's hands. It seems that Tiandao is still struggling.

But as long as there is no conflict with them, she won't mind.

She slightly bent her mouth and said with a smile: "Whether you can surpass Mu Xuan or not depends on you."

"What do you mean?" Du Manlu and Ding Hanmo looked at her together.

Because the matter of the contract has been settled, the mood of the two of them has also calmed down, Xue Yao became mischievous again, and did not tell them directly.

She was not despised and retaliated for taking pictures.

"This drama originally planned to have Momo as the heroine, and Lili also planned to play the female supporting role of Momo's opponent."

Hearing this, Du Manlu immediately said anxiously: "Now that the heroine is given to Mu Xuan, wouldn't it be a loss for us?"

 Mu Xuan: "I'm the heroine in the original book, and I haven't played many times."

  Salt: "Because you have a halo, everyone should hide~~"

(End of this chapter)

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