Gold Assistant

Chapter 499 Unlucky Overlay

Chapter 499 Unlucky Overlay
"Grandma Tao, it's so late, why are you here again?"

When Liu Li saw her, she quickly stood up and quickly walked to her side to support her.

Mrs. Tao smiled and patted her hand.

"I want to have dinner with everyone tonight, huh? Why does it seem that two people are missing?"

Liu Li asked for everyone's wishes with his eyes, then nodded and said:
"Okay, let's have dinner with Grandma Tao, but we have to go back to the hotel first. Sister Xin and Ah San are going to help Man Lu and the others pack their things."

Mrs. Tao thought for a while before she said, "Man Lu, is that the one in the scarf who took pictures with you?"

"Well, it's her." Liu Li told Mrs. Tao about Du Manlu.

"It's her luck that she met you." Mrs. Tao smiled softly.

Feeling in my heart, the Tao family was actually lucky to meet sister Xue Yao.

Otherwise, she and Xiaoya might die.

And Gu Yun will also be delighted and maliciously squeezed out of the cosmetics market.

Thinking of what Xiaoya was researching, Mrs. Tao knew very well that it was because of Xue Yao that Chen Ting handed over L matter to Gu Yun.

At this time, Xue Yao received a call from the driver, who had already returned to the pier.

A group of people carried their things and walked to the parking lot.

Liu Li supported Mrs. Tao, and walked with Ah He to the parking lot.

An Mo suddenly remembered the sisters of the Zhan family who had been taken away, and said with a foxy smile, "I don't know how Zhan Jingyun and the others are doing now, will they be locked up in the police station?"

"They should be packing up at the hotel now." Mrs. Tao said flatly.

This speed surprised Xue Yao.

"Ah, it's so fast, the people of Zhan's family are quite powerful."

"No, it was our old lady who asked for help, which made us run around for a long time." Ah He, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, with a bit of aggrieved tone in his tone.

Mrs. Tao said solemnly: "Ahe."

Liu Li quickly asked, "What's wrong? Did someone make Grandma Tao angry?"

The matter of the Zhan sisters, involving happy angels, should be very tricky.

Ah He heard that the old lady just called her own name and did not stop him from speaking out, so she knew that she didn't mind letting everyone know.

"The old lady used her relationship in country F. Because this matter involved illegal drugs, the police in country F didn't want to release them. We finally released them on bail.

But they didn't appreciate it at all.

That Zhan Jingyun also complained to us why it was so late to release them on bail. "

It turned out that when the Zhan family sisters were brought back to the police station, they had already asked the Zhan family in Huaguo for help.

But the Zhan family doesn't have any useful connections in Country F.

At this time, Mr. Zhan thought of Mrs. Tao.

She happened to be in Paris now, at the scene of the accident, and she was asked for help.

Mr. Zhan believed that his two granddaughters would not touch such things as happy angels. The bottle of medicine found in the car must have been left by the renter in front.

It's just that under the pressure of joy, Gu Yun is not as good as before, and there are not many people who are willing to help. Mrs. Tao spent a lot of connections and contacts to release the Zhan sisters on bail and allow them to return to China.

Perhaps it was because the effect of the bad luck talisman was still there. As soon as the Zhan sisters arrived at the police station, a large group of people who were fighting and making trouble suddenly came.

All the rooms where the suspects were held were full, and the two of them were locked with those people.

Those people all looked fierce.

Zhan Jingyun screamed again and again in fright.

And Zhan Jingni was also frightened, her face was livid, and she immediately ran to the iron railing, shouting to change rooms and requesting independent detention.

Although Zhan Jingyun couldn't understand what her cousin said, she guessed that it was good for them, so she also shouted loudly.

The police officers were very busy and no one paid any attention to her request.

When those people heard that they wanted a separate room, they all sneered at them, swearing at the two of them from time to time, and some of them even touched their hands.

Zhan Jingyun didn't know what the other party was talking about, but she was still frightened by their tone and expression, screaming from time to time and waving those people's hands away.

It's just that the more she screamed, the happier and more excited those people were, and they teased her harder.

Zhan Jingni is relatively calm.

With a cold face the whole time, she quickly walked away and hid in a corner. Even Zhan Jingyun called for help, but she ignored it.

It was Zhan Jingyun's fault that she fell to this point.

Since they were young, they had never encountered such a situation, and the spirits of the two of them were about to collapse.

When Mrs. Tao brought their lawyers to release them on bail, Zhan Jingyun even took off her coat, and hid in a corner trembling and crying.

Knowing the purpose of the lawyer and Mrs. Tao's visit, Zhan Jingyun kept complaining why she came so late.

Although Zhan Jingni didn't speak, her body language and expression were similar.

No manners at all.

Seeing them neglecting the old lady like this, Ah He was so angry that he wanted to take the lawyer away.

It's just that Mrs. Tao kept smiling.

"I just responded to Lao Zhan's request to help release the imprisoned granddaughter on bail. I have nothing to do with you. It is Lao Zhan who owes me favors."

These words are inside and outside, stating a fact, 'You are not at the same level as me'.

Only then did Zhan Jingni come to her senses, she quickly faked a smile, pulled Zhan Jingyun who was still about to lose her temper, and apologized to Mrs. Tao.

After listening to Ah He's narration, everyone had different reactions.

What Xue Yao thought was that the superimposed effect of the three bad luck charms is really good, and it seems that the time of bad luck has also been lengthened.

It just hurt Madam Tao.

This made Xue Yao feel a little sorry.

An Sheng stared angrily, and said angrily, "Those two sisters are too disgusting, they should be locked up for another day."

Liu Li, who was supporting Mrs. Tao, was silent for a while, then suddenly turned to look at her.

"Grandma Tao, you asked Ah He to tell us about the bad things Zhan Jingyun and sisters encountered at the police station, so you don't want us to pursue them anymore?"

Grandma Tao slightly raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes filled with a satisfied smile.

Her future granddaughter-in-law.

What a delicate person.

"Although the Zhan family doesn't have much influence abroad, it is an influential family in China. If we can avoid evil, we should try our best to avoid it."

After finishing speaking, she silently looked at Xue Yao.

She learned from Tao Chengya that Xue Yao had some magical props.

Now she wears an amulet and a recovery talisman. With these magical props, her body is much better, and she won't be tired after chasing stars.

Xue Yao, who was being stared at, nodded helplessly.

"As long as they don't come to trouble us, I won't do anything to them."

She can't control what she has done before~
"Okay, I will tell Lao Zhan."

(End of this chapter)

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