Gold Assistant

Chapter 501

Chapter 501
The three packed up and opened the door, only to see Wang Jun standing outside the door, reaching out his hand as if to knock on the door.

"Mushroom mushroom, you are back."

An Mo looked at him with a smile like a flower, and then her eyes fell on his raised arm, which showed a scar from an old injury, and then she stood there in a daze.

"An'an, what's the matter?"

It took a while for An Mo to wake up, and then rushed forward like a cannonball, hugging Wang Jun tightly.

Wang Jun was hit by the impact and took several steps back. He looked at An Mo nervously.

"What's the matter, is someone bullying you?"

"Well, the woman who snatched our bags last time bullied us at the pier!"

"Snatch the bag? Are you talking about Zhan Yun?"

An Mo nodded immediately, his cheeks puffed up with anger.

"Well, it's them."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can Long Teng not do business with the two of them?"

"Okay, tell me the names, I'll have them blacklisted."

Xue Yao and Liu Li walked out of the room, closed the door, and just looked at them like this, talking about the blacklist as if no one else was there.

Without even asking what happened, is it really okay for Wang Jun to pamper An Mo unconditionally like this?

How come there is a sense of déjà vu of an ancient faint king.

But fortunately, An Mo is not a traitor, nor is she a vexatious person.

"Momo, we promised Grandma Tao that as long as they don't provoke us, we will leave them alone."

An Mo immediately raised his head and said cunningly: "You agreed, but I didn't. No, I have to talk to my father."

Neither Xue Yao nor Liu Li expected that An Mo would be so disgusted with the Zhan sisters.

But at the pier, and on the car back, she didn't see that she was unhappy.

Was there any holiday before?
Xue Yao asked suspiciously, "Momo, why do you hate them so much?"

An Mo's eyes turned red in an instant, and he tried his best to keep his eyes wide open, trying not to let the tears flow out.

As soon as Wang Jun saw the tears in her eyes, he panicked immediately.

"Don't cry, there are mushrooms, don't cry, don't cry."

Youtian puts on and removes makeup too many times today. In order to protect the skin, now she and Liu Li have no makeup and no makeup.

Tears rolled down from his eyes onto his fair face.

Wang Jun immediately took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped her tears.

There was a constant pain in my heart.

"That's right, no matter what happens, we are here!" Liu Li held her hand tightly on the other side.

Xue Yao also said: "Don't worry, Momo, don't be afraid. I still have a lot of things that I haven't used before. You can use them on them one by one. No one will find out."

An Mo immediately laughed through his tears, "Well, I know, you guys are the best for me."

Then she looked at Wang Jun who was wiping her face.

"Mushroom mushroom, do you remember when you were a child?

At that time, in the community, a big wolf dog without a leash suddenly appeared. "

Wang Jun frowned deeply, but he didn't stop wiping his face with his hands. "I don't remember much. What happened? Did the wolfhound hurt you?"

An Mo shook his head, "It didn't hurt me, but it hurt you."

"Huh? I still can't remember."

As long as An Mo is fine, Wang Jun doesn't care about his injury.

Xue Yao and Liu Li stood aside and listened quietly, being qualified melon eaters, but it was a pity that they didn't have melon seeds to eat.

"The big wolf dog ran up to me suddenly. At that time, I was so scared that my head went blank and I couldn't move. You rushed out from nowhere and stood in front of me."

Yo, it turned out to be the little hero saving the little beauty.

"Well, I seem to have a little impression."

Wang Jun nodded.

Even if he doesn't remember his heroic deeds, it doesn't stop him from being proud.

"Then that big wolfdog rushed over, you turned around and hugged me tightly, turned your back to the big wolfdog, and yelled for help.

But before the security uncles rushed over, you were scratched, and then passed out.I remember that you were taken to the hospital and had injections for a long time. "

An Mo pointed to the exposed scar on his arm.

"This is what was left at that time, and there is another one behind."

Wang Jun ignored the scar on his hand, but asked anxiously, "What about you? Were you scared at that time?"

"I was so frightened that I had a fever for a week."

"It's horrible, whose family does that dog belong to?" Wang Jun has no impression of this matter at all, and his family has never mentioned it.

He also once asked about the scars on his body.

But no matter whether it was the eldest sister or the second sister, they were vague, and only said that he met it by himself.

Because when they talked about it, they always had a sad look on their faces, so he didn't continue to ask.

But he is to save An'an, why are they like that?

At this time, he suddenly remembered that since An An was taken away, the family never mentioned the matter of An An again, for fear of irritating him.

The phone in the room rang, but everyone outside the door didn't hear it.

Xue Yao remembered that An Mo lived in a super-class community when she was a child, and the people living there were either rich or noble, so she tentatively asked, "That dog belongs to the Zhan family, right?"

"Well, it belongs to their family, and it was raised by Zhan Jingni." An Mo said bitterly. "At that time, Uncle Wang and Dad went to Zhan's family to find out why the wolfhound ran out.

The members of Zhan's family said that it was the dog that ran out by itself, and that it had been captured and humanely destroyed, so Dad couldn't find anything to investigate.

Then Zhan Jingni ran out, crying that her Saihu was killed by her father and the others. "

I didn't expect An Mo and Zhan Jingni to have such a relationship when they were young.

"It's been so long, how do you remember it so clearly?" Xue Yao was puzzled after hearing this.

Could it be that when An Mo regained her memory, would she go through all the memories in her mind like she did before entering the small world?

But An Mo said: "When I saw Zhan Jingni in the morning, I didn't know it. I just thought she was bad. But when I saw the scar on Jungugu's arm just now, this memory suddenly came out."

"Oh, so it is." Xue Yao looked at An Mo with some distress.

An Mo's eyes turned red again.

"Since that incident, I have been afraid to go out.

Although my mother said that the dogs in the community were locked up and would not appear outside casually, I was still afraid.

My mother had no other choice, so she came up with the idea that Jungugu became weak because of saving me, and asked me to send him something to replenish my body next door, so as to exercise me in this way and let me go out more often.

But not long after, I was taken away by people from the Supernatural Research Institute, and I was separated from my parents for 15 years.Although this matter cannot be entirely blamed on the Zhan family, I am just angry. "

Wang Jun quickly comforted her.

(End of this chapter)

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