Gold Assistant

Chapter 509 Could it be a substitute?

Chapter 509 Could it be a substitute?

Seeing Anna coming in with a stranger, everyone who was working was a little surprised.

You must know that in the fashion circle, the designs of each season are kept secret.

Especially before the start of the fashion show, various designs cannot be revealed.

While working, they paid attention to the two of them.

Anna quickly walked to a hanger and took out a cheongsam-style evening dress mainly embroidered.

Among those weird props, it seemed out of place and very abrupt.

Although Xue Yao doesn't know much about fashion, she also knows that the unity of style is very important for a series.

How could Anna design such an evening dress?

Anna looked at the clothes in her hands with nostalgia, and said with a smile:
"This is the set. The model wearing it should have arrived. Let's let her wear it first, and then you can see what kind of makeup is suitable for you."

"it is good."

After the two left, the staff began to discuss.

"who's that person?"

"Listen to Anna, is it the makeup artist she found?"

"No way, that person seems to be underage? He looks very young."

"Anna spoke Chinese to her. People from Huaguo look small, and they can't see their faces with masks on. Maybe she is older than us."

"Hahaha, that's true. Let me tell you, the last time I was dating a woman from Huaguo, I met a friend on the road, thought I had found a minor, and warned me not to commit a crime. I'm still five years older."

"Yes, yes, it's the same for those Chinese stars."


Xue Yao, who was wearing flat canvas shoes, was petite among a group of tall Europeans wearing high heels, and she really looked like a minor.

Xue Yao, who followed Anna to find a model, still asked about this evening dress.

Some things have to be figured out in order to come up with the right makeup.

"I heard that the design of the series should have a unified style, but this set in your hand seems to be different from others."

Anna smiled and said, "Don't worry, this series is a story, in which the king of the underground brought all the ancient beauties from all over the world to find his lover.

Huaguo's costumes are quite special, so if you look at it alone, it will feel awkward, but it won't be combined with the story."

It's interesting that a fashion show can still play like this.

Xue Yao nodded, "So that's how it is."

The two quickly walked to a dressing room.

Anna knocked on the door politely, and heard a nice female voice inside say in French: "Please come in."

She pushed the door open and walked in with Xue Yao.

Inside stood an elegant model with a golden ratio figure.

Her appearance is more gorgeous, her eyes are like crescent moons when she smiles, and she is as charming as a cat.

Seeing Anna coming in, she showed a bright and eye-catching smile, stepped forward to hug Anna, and kissed her cheek.

Then he put his eyes on Xue Yao.

Anna immediately introduced: "This is the makeup artist Xiaoyao I invited back, mainly to help you make up the makeup that matches this evening dress."

Xue Yao took off her mask and smiled back at her.

In front of me is Deborah.Bronte is one of the top models in the world.

Even Xue Yao, who is severely face-blind to foreigners, can recognize her beautiful face.

After seeing Xue Yao's face, Anna exclaimed: "So Xiao Yao is so beautiful, why does she always have to cover it with a mask?"

"Deborah, I'm so jealous of you. I followed Xiaoyao and the others for a whole day yesterday, and I didn't even see her face. I didn't expect her to take off the mask as soon as she saw you."

Deborah.Blondie smiled charmingly: "Honey, this is something you can't envy."

Xue Yao didn't wear makeup, but because of her good foundation, her appearance was not affected by plain makeup.

The skin looks very supple, so good that people want to pinch it!
As Anna thought about it, her hands started to move.

It's just that she didn't dare to pinch it too hard, for fear of leaving a mark, which would be a sin.

After stroking it, she shouted in surprise, "Ah, it's so slippery, just like little baby, Xiaoyao, you must have used the mysterious Cherry Blossom Water from Huanxin, right?"

Then she said with a little regret: "I haven't snatched it once, but Colin has snatched a bottle, and he said that the effect is really good."

Cherry Blossom Water? !

Didn't expect it to have such a big impact?
Xue Yao immediately shook her head, "No, I didn't use Huanxin's products. I used the diet therapy plus the ancient rhyme snow muscle jade paste. Of course, there are reasons for my own foundation."

Although Sekkisaki Yurong Ointment is very successful in China, due to personal diet and rest problems, some people still have poor results after using it.

In foreign countries, due to the ingredients, Xueji Yurong Ointment was listed as a drug when imported, which affected sales.

"I've heard of this thing. It's a kind of medicine, and it's troublesome to use it for a long time." Deborah shared her opinion.

At this time, it is not easy to explain that it is not medicine.

Xue Yao thought of speaking directly with the facts.

"It really needs to be used for a long time. If it works, you can go over the wall and follow this person."

As she spoke, she opened Dumanlu's scarf and showed it to the two of them.

"She is using Sekkisaki Yurong Ointment, and she is making a maintenance record. You can watch the changes in her skin and decide whether to use it or not."

"Well, um, such a record is quite interesting."

The two quickly took out their phones to pay attention.

Then Anna turned to look at Deborah, and handed her the dress in her hand.

"Debo, go and change it quickly, let Xiaoyao see how it looks, and then we can think about what kind of makeup to use."

"Okay." Deborah took the dress from Anna's hand and turned to enter the dressing room.

This is the headquarters of Chigu, and all kinds of facilities are still very complete.

After Deborah left, Anna looked carefully at Xue Yao's face.

It felt familiar just now.

After watching for a while, she frowned suspiciously.

Leaning close to Xue Yao's ear, she asked quietly: "Xiao Yao, you...why do you look so similar to Lili? Are you the substitute she found?"

In the circle, many celebrities will find a double. When shooting some difficult or dangerous actions, the double will go forward.

People with similar stature and appearance are usually found as substitutes, and they usually do some assistant work.

Xue Yao has been wearing a mask to prevent others from seeing her, but Anna can't find any other reason.

But with Xue Yao's conditions, being a substitute is too wasteful.

Not to mention her appearance, just because of her superb makeup skills, she doesn't have to do such a dangerous job at all.

"Puchi." Xue Yao laughed out of Anna's brain hole.

Really, I can even think of such a thing as a substitute.

"I'm not Lili's substitute."

Anna came up with another thought, "Then why do you always wear a mask and hide behind the scenes? Could it be because you were suppressed by Lili?"

Similar things have happened in the industry.

(End of this chapter)

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