Gold Assistant

Chapter 523

Chapter 523
The pair of Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao have been spreading dog food since their debut.

Whether it is participating in a variety show or going to an advertising platform, you can see the sweet and inseparable interaction between the two.

Even Yang Yi and Ye Xingqing, who follow the personality line, are said to have lovers outside the circle, and Chen Ting's studio has never opposed or suppressed them.

At that time, some people laughed and said that if you want to join Chen Ting's studio, you must have a lover, otherwise you will be abused by someone who shows affection every day.

Therefore, many artists who already have a stable relationship, but are suppressed by the company and are not allowed to speak out, and still have ambiguous affairs with the same group of artists according to the company's requirements, are thinking of switching to Chen Ting's studio after the contract period is over.

Many people have contacted Shilekang or Huo Ling in private.

Also because of this, many brokerage companies don't like their studios.

Du Manlu quickly said: "How come, of course I am willing to make it public."

She blushed and looked affectionately at Ding Hanmo next to her.

Ding Hanmo held her hand firmly, giving her strength, as if he supported her in whatever decision she made.

"I originally thought that the studio would be like other entertainment companies, not allowing its artists to fall in love, after all, this will affect popularity."

Since Du Manlu has not yet obtained the contract of Chen Ting's studio, she does not know the terms inside.

When she signed Huixing, the company had a lot of demands on this aspect.

"After you were hidden in the snow, your exposure was reduced and your fans were reduced a lot. Now that you change your contract with us, you should start from scratch. If you tell everyone at the beginning that you already have a lover, you won't be afraid of losing followers by suddenly announcing your relationship later on. gone."

As for breaking up or something, seeing how they got along, Xue Yao felt that there would be no problems in this regard.

Xue Yao said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't make much difference if you announce it now, because it has been picked up by others."

"Ah?!" Du Manlu was a little surprised.

They have been careful before because of fear of breach of contract.

Even if she is considered hypocritical, she always wears sunglasses when she goes in and out.

"You didn't reveal the truth, but Hanmo has always been by your side, and there is no disguise, so I judged it from him."

"So it is."

"Then let's go to the fashion show together tomorrow, and then you can hold hands generously."

Du Manlu nodded vigorously, "Yeah."

After Ding Hanmo heard it, he immediately asked: "Then can I send this photo directly?"

He opened the photo of the two jumping up and eating the boat at the pier.

"Didn't it be posted?"

"I typed it before, I want everyone to see Man Lu's cute look."

It turned out that in the comments under this photo, many people questioned why the woman had to type such a creative photo.

Some people even maliciously speculated that it was because the woman was ugly.

After seeing these comments, Ding Hanmo was very angry. When posting photos before, many people like this also commented.

He deletes it every time he sees it.

"Well, you can send it."

Ding Hanmo who got the consent immediately uploaded the original photo.

Watching Lu V silently: [With my wife's permission, I can no longer code in the future, happy. (multiple photos)]

[Jindan Shaobing: Only in this way can we see the perfect composition, and the photos are really creative. ]
[Beautiful aunt: The one in the photo is the boss's wife?But isn't she Du Manlu who just changed her contract to Chen Ting's studio? ]
[Reading bug: I came to learn photography skills, but I was fed dog food unexpectedly. ]
[NOGO: I suddenly found out that the name of the neck owner is also spreading dog food. I used to naively thought that I wanted to see the road under my feet, but now I know that this road is not the other road, but Du Manlu’s dew. ]
[Wandering Frog: Crooked, Yaoyao Ling?I want to report this neck owner, who is suspected of using dog food to harm single rare species. ]

While they were chatting, Mrs. Tao took a photo of Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan, and then posted it in the Friends group, showing off triumphantly.

Mischievous Grandma Tao: "My grandson and grandson-in-law, when they are together, are they as beautiful as a painting?"

The two granddaughters have returned to China safely. Mr. Zhan is very grateful to Mrs. Tao for her help and replied immediately.

The old man of Zhan's family: "It is indeed a good match, just like a golden boy and a jade girl."

Mischievous Grandma Tao: "Hee hee, of course, I think I will be able to have a great-grandson soon."

The old coach of the Shi family: "A Tao, I miss my daughter and grandson, can you take a photo of them and show me?
I really don't understand, young people like to take selfies, but they always put pictures of your granddaughter-in-law, but not one of their own. "

Naughty Grandma Tao: "Let me ask."

Not long after, Mrs. Tao put the photos of Shi Xiaonan and Ah San in the group.

Maybe it was too late, and other old people didn't send messages in the group.

Mr. Chen looked at the phone, a little dazed.

Seeing the photo sent by Mrs. Tao, it reminded him of Chen Ting's parents.

At that time, they were also the beauty of men and handsome women, and they were golden boys and girls envied by many people.

But why did Chen Ting's mother do such a thing? !

At this time, the housekeeper came in with the medicine.

"Master, it's time to take medicine."

"I take medicine every day, but I still feel dizzy and haven't recovered. What's going on? Has Dr. Liu come back yet?"

The butler smiled and said, "Something happened to Dr. Liu's family. I heard it was quite troublesome, so I haven't finished it yet. Master, this medicine was also prescribed by Dr. Liu before, and it will take some time to recover."

Mr. Chen looked helplessly at the medicine in his hand, and finally swallowed it obediently.

"When will Ting come back?"

After being persuaded by Mrs. Tao, he also began to miss Chen Ting.

After all, that was the child who grew up beside him, and he regretted driving Chen Ting away in a fit of anger.

I thought that after a while, when Chen Ting came back to make a proper apology, he would accept him again for the sake of bringing him up.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would actually go to act.

Same as the one investigated.

Afterwards, under Chen Li's instigation, the enraged Old Master Chen announced that he wanted to sever ties with Chen Ting.

There is no room for redemption between the grandfather and grandson.

When he heard that Chen Ting was injured in the explosion on the set and fell into a coma, he once wanted to visit him, but at this time, something happened to his body, and he was ill for more than half a year.

So far nothing has been done.

"Uh, Master Ting said that the wound has recurred, so he can't come here for the time being."

"What, relapse! Is it serious? What did the doctor say?"

The butler said with a bitter face, "Master Ting didn't say anything, and Yves Saint Laurent kept the patient's information very tightly, so we couldn't get any information at all."

Mr. Chen frowned deeply.

"You didn't say, I'm his...grandfather? You can't even check the grandson's information?"

Grandpa said that very hesitantly.

(End of this chapter)

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