Gold Assistant

Chapter 539

Chapter 539
"You also know that she is only short of being the main show of a fashion show, and she can step into the top position. I guess she wants you to quit, and then she will be on top.

In this way, there is no problem with the impact of the joyous event.

There is one thing that I haven't told you. A few days ago, the company's board of directors suddenly decided to change the main show model and let her go up, but I didn't agree. "

Deborah touched Anna's hand, "Thank you."

This year, her work gradually decreased.

In addition to being Irene.McPherson grabbed the job, mainly because her physical condition began to decline.

Deborah was already thinking about quitting the fashion industry to find another way out after finishing Chigu's fashion show.

It's just that I am a little unwilling to give up the career I have worked hard for many years.

Anna patted her hand, "I think only you can control that suit, and the so-called backup is only for the top."

Deborah looked at her with moist eyes.

It was the first time for me to be the main show model, and I also walked in Anna's fashion show.

There was also a storm of substitutions, but Anna withstood the pressure and insisted on using herself.

That's how she encouraged herself back then.

"Anna, in fact, I originally planned to finish this show and not leave again."

Her words surprised everyone.

"Why? You are at the peak of your career."

Deborah lowered her head, a little disappointed.

"My physical condition is getting worse and worse, even my skin is getting worse."

Anna leaned over to look, "No, I think your skin is in good condition these two days."

"That's because I used the Xueji Yurong Ointment given by Xiaoyao."

Thinking of this, Deborah looked at Xue Yao gratefully. It was her who made herself in a better state and completed this last show.

"Okay, don't cry. Although the makeup is waterproof, it won't look good if you cry."

Xue Yao cruelly pushed Deborah back onto the chair.


After Deborah calmed down, she sat down obediently and let Xue Yao complete the final steps.

Looking at Xue Yao who was seriously helping her with makeup, Deborah said softly: "Xiao Yao, thank you."

"Thanks for what?"

"Thank you for making my last show perfect, otherwise it would be a pity."

Liu Li, who had already put on her base makeup and was waiting for Xue Yao to continue, could hear the reluctance in Deborah's words.

She asked: "Since you are reluctant, why did you leave early?"

"I don't want everyone to see that it's getting worse and worse."

An Mo also ran over and joined the topic, "But you have started to recover now."

Deborah froze for a moment.

She did recover a bit after using the Sekkisaki Ointment, but what she wanted in her heart was to make the last performance perfect.

Didn't think about it, was recovering the thing.

Liu Li took out her mobile phone and opened Du Manlu's scarf.

"Look, this is what Man Lu looked like before, but her skin is much better now."

When Du Manlu heard Liu Li mentioning herself, she came over and showed Deborah her current skin.

"Ms. Deborah, I just used it a day or two earlier than you, but now my skin is much better. I believe that as long as I keep using it, I will have the same skin as Lili and Momo."


Deborah was thinking just now that it would be good to recover as much as possible, but she never expected to become like Liu Li and An Mo, after all, she was so old.

Xue Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if Yurong Ointment can't do it, Gu Yun's skin awakening series will restore your skin to its best condition after a while."

Carl asked curiously, "Is it better than Cherry Blossom Water?"

Xue Yao and Liu Li looked at each other with a confident smile, and said, "It must be better than it."

In the car just now, Tao Chengya sent a message to tell them that the research on substance L has reached the final stage.

I believe that it won't take long for Gu Yun to launch skin care products that are better than Cherry Blossom Water and have no side effects.

Liu Li seriously proposed the invitation, "Ms. Deborah, on behalf of Gu Yun, I invite you to be Gu Yun's spokesperson in country F and even the world. Would you like to?"

After Tao Chengxuan listened to his sister's words before, he began to consider the follow-up sales.

He discussed with Liu Li, and they both felt that this product should be sold globally.

Only in this way can we regain the market occupied by Huanxi.

Let the ancient rhyme return to its previous position.

But global sales need to find a spokesperson, so that more people can know.

Tao Chengxuan wanted Liu Li to be the spokesperson.

But Liu Li felt that she was not famous enough to take on this important task.

Reminds Xue Yao of helping Deborah make up.

So he proposed to let her be the spokesperson, I believe there will be better results.

Roy said that Deborah had turned down many jobs in the past few months, and there were already rumors that she was going to retire and get married, so she stopped taking new jobs.

This made Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan a little regretful.

But what Deborah said to Anna just now was completely different, so I tried to propose this cooperation.

Anna looked at Liu Li in surprise, "Aren't you and Momo the spokespersons of Gu Yun?"

"Now we are only known to Chinese people, so it is not suitable for this global publicity, but Ms. Deborah is different. You are the top model and you are already a household name.

In fact, there is still a little selfishness here. "

"Oh." Deborah also became curious when she heard the word selfishness.

Liu Li smiled gracefully, "As a global spokesperson, the promotional activities will definitely be carried out in various countries around the world. Momo and I also have to make an important movie, so we can't cooperate with this job.

In terms of price, you don't have to worry, it will only be higher than the original joy, not less. "

"Lili, don't help Gu Yun boast so easily, what if they don't admit it?" Anna reminded with a smile.

An Mo held Liu Li's hand and smiled foxyly at Anna.

"Sister Anna, don't worry, Lili is Gu Yun's future young mistress, what she says now is equal to what President Gu Yun said."

The three of Deborah looked at Liu Li in surprise.

No wonder they support Gu Yun so much.

I thought it was just because of the spokesperson.

A blush quietly stained Liu Li's cheeks.

"Mo Mo."

"Hee hee, Sister Deborah, please agree, so we will be partners."

Deborah readily agreed.

"it is good!"

Anna and Karl heard her answer so quickly, without even mentioning the price or request, and most importantly, without even looking at the product.

The two were very surprised.

Then Deborah said: "In terms of price, I only charge half of the price of Huanxin, but I have one condition."

Even lowered the price by yourself?
Everyone was stunned.

Liu Li said very calmly: "You said, if possible, we will try our best to meet your request."

(End of this chapter)

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