Gold Assistant

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

It was for jewelry.

Seems like an accidental encounter.

Tang Boxin opened the box, ready to hand over to Anna.

Xue Yao quickly said to Anna: "Anna, we are going to meet up with our friends, if you need anything, please call me."

"it is good."

Ana sees that she doesn't want to be here any longer and asks Karl to take them out.

Tang Boxin looked up at Xue Yao, although he was a little surprised.

But thinking about what the family uncle did after Xue Yun became pregnant, I also understand that the problems here cannot be solved overnight.

Although she couldn't find her contact method, but knowing that she was with two celebrities, An Mo and Liu Li, there was no need to worry about finding someone.

It's just that Liu Li and Xue Yao look so similar, so they shouldn't be twins.

If this is the case, does it mean that the uncle's experiment was successful?

After seeing Tang Boxin, Xue Yao's previous restlessness emerged again.

Hasn't the issue of cosmetic additives been resolved?
What is this uncomfortable feeling?

Everyone walked to the parking lot.

An Mo stopped walking seriously.

She held Liu Li in one arm, and checked her phone with the other.


Watching, watching, she suddenly shouted loudly.

"I said you are not allowed to look at your phone on the road, and you are still wearing such high heels, what if you sprain your ankle!"

Xue Yao looked back at her and found that she was staring at the phone tightly, her tone was a bit harsh.

An Mo looked at her with big innocent eyes, stuck out his tongue quietly, and then said, "It won't happen next time, Sister Yao, read this news quickly!"

She put the phone in front of Xue Yao.

Xue Yao glared at her angrily, "You said last time and last time, every time you said you won't do it next time."

"Sister Yao, take a look, it's related to you and Brother Ting." An Moyu shook the phone begging for mercy.

"Brother Ting and me?"

Xue Yao immediately took the phone, which contained Zhan Jingni's video.

Everyone also picked up their mobile phones, and after reading it quickly, they all shouted: "Zhan Jingni is too shameless."

Liu Li frowned and looked at Xue Yao, and said with some concern: "Sister, what is the attitude of Old Master Chen towards you and Brother Ting?"

"He probably didn't know it yet. He didn't expect Zhan Jingni to do so many things, and he was almost omnipotent."

Xue Yao didn't care much, and watched with a smirk as those people posted comments to help Zhan Jingni gild and add halos.

An Mo asked suspiciously, "Sister Yao, aren't you angry? She actually said that she is Brother Ting's fiancée."

She obviously liked being jealous before.

"Of course I'm angry."

"Then you can still laugh?" Everyone looked at her, probably mad.

Xue Yao pointed at the phone, smiling fox-eyed.

"Look, her experiences this year include participating in the Paddington Charity Conference in Country Y, hospice activities in Country R, ​​and the clean water movement in Africa."

"Huh? She also liked it, but is there any problem?"

"These three activities were carried out at the same time. She can appear in three different countries at the same time, which is too amazing, hahaha."

"Ah, sister Yao, how do you know?"

how do you know?
Xue Yao answered secretly in her heart: It was written in the novel.

This was originally a side plot of Mu Xuan in the novel.

At that time, Li Jinghui and Mu Xuan were dating, and the Li family found out.

Although the Li family runs an entertainment company, they don't like people in the circle, not to mention that Li Jinghui has found a female star as his girlfriend.

So he hurriedly found a fiancee for Li Jinghui.

After the fiancée was exposed at that time, someone published the fiancée's information on the Internet.

Among them is the incident that appeared in different countries at the same time just mentioned.

Unexpectedly, this matter did not happen to Mu Xuan, but to her instead.

It seems that the Zhan family and the Li family in the novel are looking for the same propaganda navy.

It's just that she didn't go deep into why this branch line appeared here.

"I just read the information on these things."

"Oh, oh." An Mo also smirked, "When will Sister Yao expose her?"

"It's getting late, let's go first, let them help Zhan Jingni brag a little longer."

"it is good!"

In the parking lot.

Qiao Le came back with Xiaobai and Xiaoxian.

"Brother Lei, Ah Ting, this seems to be getting more and more exaggerated." She showed the two of them the information on the phone.

Although it was already late at night in Huaguo, the melon eaters didn't feel sleepy at all. They couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw what the netizens picked up.

"Since it's not true, why did they make such a big fuss?"

"They want to take advantage of the fact that their brother-in-law is "seriously ill" and can't come out to refute. They plan to let everyone know about the marriage when Zhan Jingni is being watched, and they want to make it a reality."

Tao Chengxuan came back from the phone call, happened to hear this, and helped to explain.

Qiao Le was very surprised, "The Zhan family is also a big family, so they actually used this method?"

Chen Ting was very satisfied when he heard Tao Chengxuan's words about brother-in-law.

He nodded and said with a smile: "I guess I learned it from the Qin family. At the beginning, the Qin family wanted to use the method of public opinion to get the Tao family to marry them.

But the Zhan family's method is more powerful, and there should be someone else to point it out later.

In this way, Zhan Jingni is so 'excellent', and my body is so 'bad', there is no need for me to reject such a good partner.

If I refuse, not only will I be unfilial, but I will also become a scumbag and heartless man like Qin Hong. "

At this time, a clear and sweet voice came, "Who said my teacher is a scumbag and a heartless person?!"

Qiao Le and Ran Lei turned around and saw a group of beautiful ladies standing behind them.

Just now, he was only focused on talking and didn't pay attention to the things around him.

One of the girls put down the raised skirt and walked to them.

Chen Ting raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stepped out of the car quickly, and held Xue Yao into his arms with open arms.

"I'm home."

Xue Yao tightly hugged Chen Ting back.

He lowered his head, smiled and said, "Who said you're a scumbag?"

"We were talking about Zhan Jingni's video just now."


After hearing Chen Ting's words just now, Xue Yao's attention was only on him. Now when she looked to the side, she realized that there were other people beside the car.

She immediately blushed and said, "Sorry, did I interrupt your conversation?"

"No, let me introduce you."

Chen Ting hugged her waist intimately, and introduced to the three with a smile.

Qiao Le looked at Xue Yao tenderly, smiled and said, "So you are the one who enlightened Ah Ting, are you and Liu Li sisters?"

Ever since seeing Liu Li and the others at HG's fashion show, Qiao Le had some clothing inspirations in his mind.

The sketches of two outfits were designed yesterday.

She held the sketch in her hand, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt that these two outfits were made for Liu Li and An Mo.

So she deliberately checked Liu Li's and An Mo's information.

Because of Ran Lei's relationship, she found out more information than the public knew.

Now seeing Xue Yao who is very similar to Liu Li, I am very surprised.

 Thanks to Yunhua Yueqing, Dip, Jindan Biscuit, and the Spirit of the Bottle for their rewards. Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for your support, because the list is not too long to cut it out. Thank you for your continued support! !mwah.The new book "Rebirth to Learn the Dominant Queen" is looking for favorites, clicks, votes, hee hee.

(End of this chapter)

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