Gold Assistant

Chapter 550 I Like You, So I Bully You

Chapter 550 I Like You, So I Bully You
Seeing Roy like this, Shi Xiaonan had no choice but to nod.

"Let's talk about it first. Exercise is very hard. Others can't help you. You can only rely on your own efforts. At most, I can only mention a few points so that you don't use the wrong exercise method."

"Thank you Xiaonan!" Roy excitedly stepped forward to hug her when he heard her promise, and kissed her on the cheek.

Shi Xiaonan was stunned on the spot, feeling his whole body was stiff, he was getting hot all the time, and his head was smoking.

Everyone covered their mouths and laughed.

After getting off the car, Ling Yixin secretly pulled Xue Yao aside.

"Xiao Yao, you also see that Xiao Nan likes Roy, right? That's why I help them create opportunities to be alone."

Xue Yao smiled and said, "Don't you think the two of them are very compatible and love each other?"

"It's a good match, but hasn't Roy always liked Lili? If he doesn't like Xiaonan, I'm afraid it will hurt her."

After getting in touch with Shi Xiaonan, Ling Yixin liked this responsible little girl very much and didn't want to see her sad.

"Actually, Roy's desire for Lili is just a desire to protect when he was young, not the love between men and women."


"I heard Lili talk about their life in Nayevi. From the details of getting along, it can be seen that Roy, who was taken care of by his sister since childhood, suddenly found that he can also take care of others. His psychology changed, which aroused his desire to protect.

It's just that he himself mistakenly thought it was love. "

"So Xiao Nan still has a chance?"

"It's more than an opportunity. The two of them actually have a good impression of each other, but they haven't discovered it yet."

Ling Yixin became interested and pulled Xue Yao back, "How do you say?"

"You see, although Roy is very enthusiastic towards us, his attitude is the same, except for Xiao Nan."

Thinking of the two people who sometimes fought each other before, they quarreled a little.

Isn't this a pattern of liking you, so bullying you, just to get your attention?
"Well, when you put it that way, I think so too."

The two have been talking quietly in the back.

The conversation was not over until dinner time.

At this time, Xue Yao thought of the man Roy had mentioned before, and asked, "Roy, what is the origin of that man who kissed your sister forcibly? Why does he have to deal with Huanxin?"

Although it is said that an enemy's enemy is a friend, Xue Yao feels that knowing more about the other party's information is not bad.

Roy frowned, "He seems to be someone my sister knew when she went to study in Italy, but my sister didn't want to talk about him, and only said that she must detour next time she sees him."

"Italy? Could it be someone from a certain hand party?" Xue Yao thought of those who lived in Sicily, Italy. "However, if it is really a certain gangster, he was slapped by your sister and did not retaliate.

Are you sure he's just bullying your sister?In addition, he said that he would help your sister deal with the joy, the two of them used to be...could they be lovers? "

Xue Yao thought of watching a movie recently, which was about a certain palm, and the protagonist in it was very similar to the person Roy just mentioned.

They are all tall, evil men.

The protagonist fell in love with a famous lady from another country who came to travel, but because of some family factors, the two reluctantly broke up.

Yeah, Roy's sister can be substituted into that movie.

"What?! No way?"

Roy was shocked when he heard Xue Yao's guess.

But after he thought about it carefully, that person really didn't feel like a person walking the right path.

At that time, the way my sister looked at him seemed to be mixed with some other emotions besides anger.

When she came home that night, she looked a little distraught.

Finally, he locked himself in the room.

He immediately recalled how his sister looked when she returned from studying in Italy.

After she came back, she was depressed for several months. She often sat by the window and looked outside, always in a state of not thinking about food and drink.

Isn't that what it looks like after a broken love?

Later, she forgot about her work and devoted all her time to the company.

Maybe I want to use work to heal emotional injuries.

"I...I want to go back and have a look."

After speaking, he immediately stood up and turned to talk to Shi Xiaonan.

"Xiao Nan, I'm going back first. I may not be able to meet you in the next time, but I will definitely go to see you after I go to Huaguo."

This is said like a promise.

Shi Xiaonan responded softly to everyone's playful eyes. "it is good."

The night passed.

Chen Ting and Xue Yao's information really exploded Huaguo's entertainment industry.

Many friends in Chen Ting's circle forwarded this news one after another and sent their best wishes.

Chen Ting's fans, because of Zhan Jingni's previous video statement, have already vented a round of emotions, and now there is no excessive reaction or behavior.

And Zhan Jingni's image plummeted because of the promotion of false charity activities and the previous affair with Qin Hong.

How perfect the image that the publicity company helped her create is how much she has fallen now.

Even though a lot of information and achievements in it are true, no one believes it anymore.

Many fans ran to Zhan Jingni's scarf, asking her why she cursed Chen Ting for his poor health.

Comparing the two sides, although Xue Yao did not release much news, most of them were positive.

He didn't brag about his own excellence, and with his status as the CEO of, he quickly gained the approval of most netizens.

Because of this website, they can review their favorite movies and TV series without spending too much money and saving time.

The melon eaters immediately went to Chen Ting's studio and under the scarf with Xue Yao's name, brushing congratulatory comments.

Although the scarf with Xue Yao's name didn't send many messages.

Most of them just repost some public welfare information, or the discount content of

Because of this, everyone felt that she was real, not someone who was boasted.

Because of their congratulatory comments, some sunspots and sad fan messages were brushed down.

The tempo online is not bad.

He Botao asked everyone in the studio to rest.

When the Zhan family members received Chen Ting's announcement of their relationship, they were all dumbfounded.

Didn't Chen Li say that Chen Ting was seriously injured and had been treated at Saint Laurent?
He also said that Mr. Chen lost his temper because of this incident.

Now Chen Ting has gone to Paris.

Seeing his refreshed look, he seemed to be fine, and his complexion and state were even better than before the explosion accident.

Where does it look a little seriously ill.

These are completely different from what I said before.

Mr. Zhan said in a deep voice: "Call Chen Li and ask, what's going on?!"

Zhan Jingni's father immediately contacted Chen Li, but he couldn't get through the phone.

On the other side, Qin Hong, who was posed by Zhan Jingni, laughed gleefully when he saw the result.

He looked at the computer screen with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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