Gold Assistant

Chapter 557 Mysterious Pattern

Chapter 557 Mysterious Pattern
Originally, Chen Li's plan was to make the old immortal sick.

Then let Chen Ting agree to marry the Zhan family in order to fulfill his old wish.

When Zhan Jingni is pregnant, he will take the opportunity to kill Chen Ting.

Then he created the illusion that the old man was too sad, that he would die if his body couldn't hold on, and the Chen family would be his by then.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was caught by someone and took over the Chen family, he wouldn't be so troublesome and roundabout.

Thinking of this, Chen Li became very irritable.

Such a perfect plan is gone.

Since there is no way to proceed with the marriage between the Chen family and the Zhan family, they can only think of other ways.

What happened this time has already made Lao Bushi more vigilant, so he has to act quickly.

Otherwise, when Chen Ting came back from Paris and the old man talked to him about the past, the Chen family's property would be of no concern to him.

It's a pity that after the dark night attack last time, Chen Ting also strengthened his defenses.

There was no way to do anything to him.


In the evening, Tang Boxin came to the hotel to meet Xue Yao at the agreed time.

When he received the notice from Ah Si, he was still a little excited, and finally he could have a good chat with this clan girl.

I hope I can use my mind reading skills by then.

This ability that is sometimes ineffective and sometimes ineffective really makes him worry.

Maybe Clan Sister can help him out.

He has also reached the age of catastrophe.

Except for the clan uncle, everyone in the father's generation left in the disaster and never came back.

Unlike grandpa's generation, at least some people escaped the catastrophe.

He vaguely felt that the reason why his fathers could not escape the catastrophe had something to do with that clan uncle.

Maybe that clan uncle did something to keep him from disappearing into the disaster.

But what the clan uncle did later caused him to destroy himself.

Tang Boxin hoped that after chatting with Xue Yao, even if he could not escape the catastrophe, he could recover his mind reading skills.

Knowing that An Mo was one of the little girls he met back then, he lamented how small the world is.

Afterwards, through the ability that is sometimes ineffective and ineffective, I know that An Mo's ability has not degenerated, and even improved.

The reason is Xue Yao.

With a glimmer of expectation, Tang Boxin walked into the door of the agreed room.

But they found that apart from Xue Yao, there were Chen Ting, his bodyguards, and even a little boy inside.

Tang Boxin remembered that little boy, his name was Sister Xue Yao.


This made him very speechless.

He's here to talk about secrets, can you drag your family like this?
"Cough, cough, cough, what I want to talk about with my clan sister is the family's private affairs, isn't it good that there are so many people?"

Xue Yao said with a smile: "It's okay, they are all my family, there is no secret between us."

Three black lines crossed Tang Boxin's forehead.

Does it matter to him?!
Forget about Chen Ting and the little boy, they are indeed family members, so what happened to these two bodyguards? !
Are you still afraid that he will come here to do something bad?
Tang Boxin looked up at Ah San and Ah Si.

The two immediately smiled professionally at him.

At this time, Ah Si complained wildly in his heart, and Tang Boxin's mind-reading technique suddenly took effect.

"Where are there no secrets?"

"You guys are hiding a lot from me."

"For example, how did the young master and young lady meet?"

"Why is there such a tacit understanding?"

"Also, did you secretly eat something delicious in the morning?"

"Why did I smell a special fragrance when I entered the room?!"


These words have been consuming Tang Boxin's energy.

His face suddenly became extremely ugly, turning blue and white at times, and cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead.

"You, don't complain in your heart, I'm about to die."

Tang Boxin held his headache-ridden head and yelled at Ah Si.

Ah Si looked at him inexplicably.

He complained in his heart that it had nothing to do with Tang Boxin.

Suddenly he thought of what Ah San mentioned earlier.

Ah Si immediately jumped up and shouted: "Damn it, you actually used mind reading skills on me?!"

"You are so immoral."

"If everyone was like you, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

"No, since you have heard my secret, I cannot let you leave here alive."

He showed a ferocious look, moved his wrists, and walked slowly towards Tang Boxin.

Tang Boxin immediately raised his hands, "It's my fault, I shouldn't listen to your complaints."

Ah Si wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by Chen Ting.

When he entered the door just now, Chen Ting used his spiritual sense to protect himself, Xue Yao, and Xiao Bai. After all, the three of them had too many secrets.

If Tang Boxin reads something in his mind accidentally, it will be troublesome.

This is also the reason why Xue Yao ignored Tang Boxin at the backstage of the Chigu fashion show last time.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would read Ah Si's inner complaints, how much energy would be consumed.

But for them, this was more or less a surprise.

Because they actually don't know whether the protection of spiritual consciousness can defend against the other party's mind reading skills.

I didn't expect Ah Si to be very useful.

Tang Boxin drank the water on the table in one go, and then he recovered.

He looked at Ah Si with resentful eyes, and the rare effective mind reading skills were wasted like this.

Xue Yao took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Tang, we invited you here this time to ask about the situation of the jewelry set and the accident at the fashion show. Do you know what happened?"

After resting for a while, Tang Boxin finally regained some energy.

"I don't know, that set of jewelry was passed down from my family to me many years ago, because there are a lot of stocks in the world, and its price is not very high.

There is no collector to buy it, and it has been kept in the collection room.

It wasn't until Ms. Anna asked for a set of jewelry that Huaguo women wore when they got married, that I took it out. "

Chen Ting and Xue Yao looked at each other.

Xue Yao continued to ask: "Mr. Tang is an antique dealer, he should have heard of the dowry that the empress bestowed on her most beloved daughter, Princess Leping, which is different from others.

Since those people want to snatch your jewelry set, is it possible that it is the legendary one?Did you find anything special? "

Tang Boxin frowned and thought for a long time.

"That set of jewelry is really like what you said, it is the set of Princess Leping. I have compared it with other jewelry, except for some mysterious patterns in the collar, it is the same as other jewelry."

"Mystery pattern? Can we go and see that jewelry set?"

Tang Boxin was a little embarrassed.

"Because of the fashion show, that set of jewelry is now stored in the Paris General Administration. If you want to see it, you need to apply and you can see it after three days."

Because of the fashion show, they were questioned by the police in country F, and they didn't want to deal with them anymore.

Xue Yao sighed, "Then you won't be able to see the pattern."

"If you just look at the patterns, there's no problem." Tang Boxin smiled triumphantly.

 Thanks to Dip, Reading Bugs, Cat's Bones, love yen, Jindan Shaobing, Xiaojiazi, Panni, Burning Calories, 尛贝猫 and many other friends for their support. Thank you for your votes~~ Give the new book "Rebirth" Make a small ad in Xueba Tianhou, hope to collect, click, vote~
(End of this chapter)

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