Gold Assistant

Chapter 559 Supernatural Research Institute

Chapter 559 Supernatural Research Institute
This made Xue Yun suffer from prenatal depression and was full of disappointment in life.

She even had the idea of ​​committing suicide. It was at this time that she met Mo Ziyan and gave birth to the original owner with his care and help.

Because Tang Yu never showed up, Xue Yun finally married Mo Ziyan.

The members of the Tang family went to find Xue Yun according to the clues in the letter, but because Tang Yu left too little information and another accident happened in the family, they finally lost the news of Xue Yun.

"Because of various misses and mistakes back then, your mother and daughter were left without anyone to take care of them."

Tang Boxin thought to himself, even if they found it, it might not be a good thing for their mother and daughter.

"What happened to that man?"

According to Xue Yao's understanding, Tang Yu has indeed never appeared.

"If it's according to what you said, he should have escaped the catastrophe? Why didn't he show up again later?"

Tang Boxin shook his head, fell silent, and did not continue.

Some things cannot be known to too many people for the time being.

Then he changed the subject, "I came this time to ask my clan sister for help, I am already 30 years old this year, and I will face disaster at any time, that's why I was so nervous last time on the plane.

Only you and me are left in the Tang family. "

"Uh...why do you think I can help you?" With Tang Boxin, she shouldn't have revealed any flaws.

Tang Boxin suddenly put his hand in his pocket.

Both Ah San and Ah Si looked at him nervously.

Then he took out a certificate from his pocket, "Actually, I am a non-staff member of the Special Task Force."

Chen Ting took it and looked at it, then handed it to Xiao Bai who had been listening to them silently.

Xiaobai entered the information of the certificate on the laptop, and Tang Boxin's information and brief introduction appeared on it soon.

"You actually obeyed Uncle Chang directly?"

Xue Yao leaned over to take a look, and was very surprised.

"Yes, I met Mr. Chang because of certain things, so I joined the Special Task Force under his arrangement.

In fact, he also suggested that I come to consult you before coming to look for the clan sister. "

"Uncle Chang told you?"

Tang Boxin nodded again, "You probably told Mr. Chang about me, so he contacted me right away.

I also confessed the catastrophe to him, and then he suggested that I come to you. "

At the end, he said: "Mr. Chang thanked me for Miss An Mo's affairs, but I didn't expect her to be one of the little girls I rescued back then.

It's a pity that I was stopped by someone at that time, and when I went back to find someone again, they were all gone, otherwise their father and daughter would not have been separated for so many years. "

Xue Yao also remembered what An Mo said.

She and Chen Ting made eye contact, then took out an amulet from the bag and handed it to him.

"As for the catastrophe, I don't know what to do. This is for you, it can save you from a fatal injury."

Tang Boxin didn't take it.

"Mr. Chang sent me one after he knew about the catastrophe."

"Then what help do you need from me?"

Xue Yao was also very curious about the catastrophe of the Tang family, after all, she is using the original owner's body now.

Although the soul has been assimilated, catastrophes may still occur at the age of 30.

She didn't want to be separated from Shi Shi who had been together so hard because of this matter.

If she can understand the catastrophe, she will try to deal with it when she is 30 years old.

Tang Boxin made a request, "Actually, I don't know what to do, but I want to be by your side. I can read minds, and I can help you to eavesdrop on your opponents."

Ah Si couldn't help but said: "As for your mind-reading skills that are sometimes ineffective, you can't control who you choose to listen to. What's the use?"

Since the other party might have something to do with the destruction of the village, Ah Si couldn't be polite to him.


Faced with Ah Si's undisguised malice, Tang Boxin could only smile wryly.

"Following by your side, apart from the catastrophe, I have a little idea that my ability may be like Miss An Mo's, without retreating."

Xue Yao frowned immediately, how could Uncle Chang trust him so much that he even told him about Momo's ability?

Seeing Xue Yao's expression, Tang Boxin knew she had misunderstood.

He quickly explained, "This is what I overheard Miss An Mo saying in my heart, not what Mr. Chang said."


Xue Yao looked at Chen Ting impressively, is the protection of spiritual consciousness useless? !

Chen Ting frowned and looked at Tang Boxin, a powerful coercion emerged overwhelmingly.

Feeling a sudden coercion, Tang Boxin was startled, as if he guessed what they were thinking.

Against the pressure, he smiled gently.

"Actually, even if I don't have the ability to read minds, I can roughly guess what other people are thinking through their facial expressions, body language and on-the-spot reactions.

I have a Ph.D. in psychology, which was originally used to cover up mind reading. I didn't expect that after the mind reading failed, what I learned would come in handy. "

After hearing his explanation, Chen Ting's coercion was removed.

Through his divine sense, he can also judge whether the other party is lying.

Tang Boxin felt that the previous pressure was gone, and looked at Chen Ting in surprise.

"Could it be...Mr. Chen Ting also stayed in the Supernatural Research Institute?"

Xue Yao and Chen Ting were somewhat taken aback by his question.

Chen Ting said directly, "No."

Xue Yao was very curious about the Supernatural Research Institute, but An Mo was too young at the time, and even if she recalled her memory, she didn't see much.

But Tang Boxin was already a teenager back then, so he should have seen more things.

Her eyes sparkled, she stared at Tang Boxin closely, and asked excitedly, "Actually, what's going on at the Supernatural Research Institute?"

"Uh, the Supernatural Research Institute was originally just a group of people who got together to study abnormal events. But 22 years ago, after a group of people joined, the whole research institute changed."

Xue Yao and the others listened seriously. If it wasn't for the snacks and tea in hand, it would be the same as attending class.

Tang Boxin suddenly had the feeling that he was a storyteller and they were the audience.

I don't know if I'll talk it over later, will there be a reward.

"How did it change?"

Seeing Tang Boxin stop, Ah Si immediately stepped forward to pour water for him.

If there is a story to listen to, it is still an unsolved case for many years, so he will be a sophomore for the time being.

Who made him the lowest status here.

After the group joined, they began to study how to make newborn babies have special abilities.

Later, they used various methods to find some people who were said to have special abilities from different places, and obtained seeds from them to reproduce their offspring.

In the end, many test-tube babies were cultivated and some volunteers were conceived.

After the baby is born, once it is found that there is no ability, it will be discarded directly.

Some of them were thrown directly into the suburbs.

But there are also some people who can't bear it and send their children to orphanages or hospitals.

 Thanks to 333, Dip, Jindan Shaobing, Cat's Bones, and friends in the bookstore for their rewards. Thank you for your tickets and support! !
(End of this chapter)

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