Gold Assistant

Chapter 563

Chapter 563
Xue Yao, who was pretending to be asleep on the other side, opened her eyes quietly, and looked at them with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Before going to bed, they suddenly received a notice from Aunt Lin that there was a change in the movie actors.

Seeing Mr. Song's location, Xue Yao immediately turned her attention to Ran Lei.

Chen Ting has agreed to play another important role.

As long as Ran Lei agrees, there will be two movie kings and one queen in this movie.

No matter how those investors suppress it, at least the box office has a certain appeal.

What's more, they still have their own movie theaters. At worst, they can just show it in Yongjia.

"Okay, Mr. Song, I will act."

"Thank you Uncle Lei, I will tell Aunt Lin the good news now."

An Mo didn't wait for their reaction, and immediately sent the news to the crew's WeChat group, not giving Ran Lei a chance to repent.

Soon, Ran Lei received a message from Lin Xia, expressing his welcome to join the crew.

The speed of this is astonishing.

An Mo and Liu Li covered their mouths and smiled.

Seeing them like this, both Ran Lei and Qiao Le were taken aback for a moment.

But after experiencing the storm, the two looked at each other and immediately understood.

Qiao Le looked at An Mo, pretended to be angry and said, "Momo, you guys are plotting against us from the beginning."

An Mo immediately leaned next to Qiao Le, holding her arm and shaking: "Aunt Le, we have no choice but to mention it directly, and Uncle Lei will refuse because of Aunt Lin's embarrassment.

That's why I thought of using this method. If Uncle Lei is not interested in this script, we won't force it.

Now Uncle Lei happens to like the script and the character, which is a win-win situation.

Don't blame us, okay? "

Qiao Le was taken aback by her little daughter's attitude, and gently pinched her face with her hand.

"Okay, I don't blame you."

Ran Lei also smiled and said: "Your acting skills are really good, you have fooled me. In fact, if you don't talk about it, we won't think about it. Why did you expose it yourself?"

"Uncle Lei is our respected senior. In fact, it wasn't right to do what we did just now. I just wanted to be honest and not bury it in my heart, otherwise I will keep holding it in the future. Please don't blame us, okay?"

After speaking, An Mo looked at them pitifully.

Qiao Le pinched An Mo's face again, "Okay, I don't blame you guys."

"By the way, are you really just using Xueji Yurong Ointment for skin care? The skin feels too good." Qiao Le changed the topic, and the movements of his hands changed from pinching to caressing.

"Oh, yes."

An Mo smiled fox-eyedly, and pulled Du Manlu over who was listening to them.

"Sister Manlu just started using it a few days ago, and her skin has gradually improved."

Qiao Le carefully looked at Du Manlu's face, "It's really good. Although it's not as effective as the cherry blossom water, but it will be reassuring if it recovers slowly."

Seeing that they were talking about Sekkisaki Yurong Ointment, Xue Yao immediately took a bottle out of the environmental protection bag (small space) and walked over with a smile.

"Aunt Le, anyway, I have to re-make up before getting off the plane, why not take off the make-up now and have a try."

Qiao Le took it happily, opened the lid and smelled it, there was a faint medicinal fragrance inside.

In fact, as early as when the product was launched, she heard that it was easy to use, but because she was still using other brands of skin care products at that time, she didn't change it.

"Can this be used by both men and women?"

"Well, yes, but before using it, try it on the back of your hand. Although it is a pure Chinese medicine ingredient, it may still be allergic."

"Okay." Qiao Le immediately dug out a little bit and painted them on the backs of his and Ran Lei's hands respectively.

After 2 minutes, she found that there was no allergy, so she dragged Ran Lei to the bathroom.

An Mo looked at the backs of the two, and said enviously, "They have such a good relationship."

Xue Yao also smiled and said, "Yes, in this circle, there are really not many people like them who have been married for so many years and still love each other as before."

Some time ago, the director who adopted Song Ya finally divorced his wife.

The reason is that the director's wife discovered the intimate photos of Song Ya and the director.

The director's wife decisively sued the court for divorce.

This result is much better than in the original book, at least she is still alive and was not killed by Song Ya.

"However, why don't they have children? Are they Dinks? But Aunt Le seems to like children very much. She also said that she will design a set of children's clothes for Xiaoxian and Xiaobai when she goes back."

This made Xue Yao feel a little puzzled.

The look in Qiao Le's eyes when he looked at Xiaoxian and Xiaobai was clearly longing.

An Mo said in a low voice: "I've heard people say that Aunt Le was injured before, so it was difficult to conceive a baby. Over the years, they have sought many experts and performed test-tube babies, but they were unsuccessful.

Uncle Lei's semi-retirement now is also to be with Aunt Le. "

"Injured?" Xue Yao thought for a while, if it was caused by injury rather than innate, then it can be solved with the Restoration Talisman.

So she ran back to Chen Ting, bit her ear and asked softly.

There seemed to be countless pink bubbles before the two of them.

Ah Si, who had just woken up and ran back from the kitchen, saw this scene, and walked back rubbing his heart.

He made up his mind that when he has a girlfriend in the future, he must show his affection every day! !
Seeing Ah Si's appearance, Xue Yao smiled and frowned.

She continued to ask: "Can I give the recovery talisman to Aunt Le?"

Chen Ting, who had been paying attention to her with his spiritual sense, immediately guessed what she was thinking.

"You want her to have children of her own?"

"Well, I want to do more good deeds. Maybe the heavens won't let the catastrophe fall on me when they see me working so hard."

Chen Ting looked at her dotingly, "Okay, but don't tell her, after all, things about the child may really be fate sometimes. Then arrange for her to go to Saint Laurent for a checkup, so that people won't be suspicious."

"Well, just as I said before, there is a magic talisman opened by an expert, and let her wear it close to her body, so that her body can become healthy."

"There is also charity. When we go back, we will set up a charity foundation in your name and find someone to take care of it. This will benefit more people and the effect will be better."

Xue Yao nodded quickly, "Okay, we'll do it when we get back."

At this moment, Qiao Le and Ran Lei came out of the bathroom.

Neither of them had any makeup on their faces.

After all, they are both old, so the flesh on their faces is a little loose, and their skin is not in good condition.

But the two are very energetic.

"This Sekkisaki Yurong Ointment is really good. After using it, the face feels very comfortable, as if the gauze that has been covering it has finally been lifted, and I can breathe freely."

Qiao Le put the bottle of Snow Muscle Jade Paste back into Xue Yao's hand, "I'll buy some after I get off the plane."

 Thanks to Dip, Reading Chongzi, love yen, and Xuanyuan Xiner for their rewards. Thank you very much for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Thank you for your support! !happy weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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