Gold Assistant

Chapter 570

Chapter 570

Seeing Mr. Chen like this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The atmosphere in the room was a little awkward.

I came here today to solve this matter, so Xue Yao stared at Chen Zhong instead.

He is also an insider.

Chen Zhong had no choice but to say: "Master Li brought back an appraisal report back then."

"Appraisal report?"

"Yes, it's the DNA report of Master Li and Master Ting. It says... that the two of them are not related by blood."

Xue Yao looked at Chen Zhong in astonishment, "How is that possible? Could it be that Chen Li wanted to say that Brother Ting is not Grandpa Chen's grandson?"

Then she thought again, "Just because he has no blood relationship with Chen Li, it doesn't mean that brother Ting is not Grandpa Chen's grandson. It is very likely that Chen Li is not his own."

When Mr. Chen heard these words, his body shook, but he still didn't turn around.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, they didn't expect her to react so quickly.

"Brother Ting looks so similar to Grandpa Chen, how could he not be his own, but Chen Li is like an outsider."

"Uh...Master Li looks more like the second old lady."

"But Brother Ting looks like Grandpa Chen."

Then she glanced at Mr. Chen's back.

"Grandpa Chen, you didn't chase Brother Ting away just because of this report, did you? Now even the old ladies in the countryside who only watch TV series know that appraisal reports can be faked."


Mr. Chen immediately put down the tea in his hand, turned his head to stare at Xue Yao, and then gave Chen Ting a complicated look.

But soon turned back again.

Chen Zhong quickly explained: "That's not the case, the master didn't believe it when he got the report, and later he went to re-appraise it.


"But what? Is the new identification the same?"

Chen Zhong nodded helplessly.

"Yes, we conducted two consecutive identifications, and the results...the results were the same."

Xue Yao immediately said: "How is it possible?! Grandpa Chen and Brother Ting look so similar."

After Chen Ting heard the news, he was not too surprised, but laughed softly.

Everyone turned to look at him.

His voice was not rushed, and he spoke at just the right speed: "The two appraisals you did later, you all went to the same appraisal institute, right?"

These words stunned Mr. Chen and Chen Zhong for a moment.

Chen Zhong thought deeply.

"Although it was the same laboratory, I sent them there twice, and I didn't reveal my identity."

"When Uncle Zhong got the report, he didn't take it apart and read it right away, but handed it to Grandpa when he came back, right?"

Chen Zhong was very surprised, "How did Master Ting know?!"

"Grandpa will definitely want to be the first to know about this kind of thing, but his goal is too big, so he can't go in person, so he can only let Uncle Zhong get it, and he won't let him see it first."


Everyone glanced at Mr. Chen, who was still facing away from everyone.

After thinking about it, this is really the case with his personality.

Mr. Chen didn't seem to know that everyone was looking at him, drinking tea quietly and looking out the window, but his pricked ears betrayed him.

Chen Ting smiled and continued talking.

"And when he came back for the first time, Uncle Zhong encountered a car accident on the way, but only the car was hit, and no one was injured.

The second time I came out of the laboratory, I met a crazy woman, right? "

"How did Master Ting know? I haven't told anyone about these things."

"Because the person who did it wrote everything down."

Seeing that old man Chen still didn't move, Chen Ting raised his eyebrows.

He turned to look at Xue Yao, "Does Xiao Yao still remember 2018-01-06?"

Chen Zhong looked at the two of them blankly.

Okay, why are you talking about numbers all of a sudden?
Xue Yao immediately remembered the suspense left on the Internet when the two hadn't met each other.

"Master, have you found the answer?"

To be honest, she really forgot about this string of numbers.

Chen Ting nodded and said, "You still found the answer."

"What? Why don't I know."

"It's the "Secret History of the Entertainment Industry" you've been reading."

"Huh?" Xue Yao immediately turned on the phone.

"This book?"

"Yes." Chen Ting took the phone, turned to the last chapter, which is Chapter 2018, pointed to the sixth word in the first paragraph and began to read, "The secret of Thunderbolt is in the middle of the safe."

Xue Yao looked at the phone in surprise.

Because the author's article ends in this chapter, she still remembers the content. The previous story was about a person named Li Ting. Everyone thought the author had made a typo.

The comments in that paragraph all show 99+, and everyone is catching bugs for the author.

It’s just that the author stopped updating for a long time, but it didn’t show up and hasn’t been changed.

"Teacher, how did you find out? I've watched it for so long and didn't expect it to be related."

Xue Yao was a little annoyed.

Chen Ting stroked her head and said with a smile: "Didn't you keep saying that the author broke the update, causing the story to break at the most critical place?

So I went to check the author and wanted to ask her to continue to update, so you don't have to keep it in mind.

But I didn't expect that the author turned out to be the wife of Cannon King Li.

I happened to see Chapter 2018 displayed on your phone that day, so I took a look and found this sentence. "

Everyone looked at the two silently, and they didn't expect to show their affection even if they talked about something serious.

After listening for a long time, Mr. Chen didn't get to the point, so he coughed a few more times to urge them.

Xue Yao covered her mouth and smiled, ignored it, and continued to ask: "What did you find in the safe? But how did Shi Shi find her safe?"

"Cough, cough, cough!!" Mr. Chen reminded them of the important point by coughing again.

For this old man who didn't mean what he said, Xue Yao immediately poured him a cup of tea considerately.

"Grandpa Chen, is your throat uncomfortable? Drink more water."


Old Master Chen turned around and gave Chen Ting a look, "Okay, I'm turning around now, can you guys get to the point? Don't always change the topic."

It turned out that the two of them talked for a long time and couldn't get to the point, just to get Mr. Chen to turn around.

Some things are better said face to face.

Chen Ting quickly talked about the follow-up.

When they went to the safe company, they reported the name of Li's wife, the gun king, and wanted to extract the contents.

The other party said that the safe is used through the account name and password.

They reported the names of Pao Wang Li and his wife respectively, but they did not match.

Finally, I tried to report the secret of Li Ting, but I didn't expect this to be the account name.

Finally found the cabinet, but couldn't open it because there was no password.

Thinking of Mrs. Li, the gun king, who specially told Shi Lekang about this, they should not let them go back empty-handed, so Chen Ting tried to enter 20180106, and the cabinet opened.

In the cabinet is a document that has been sorted out. It is estimated that after the death of Gun King Li, his wife knew that it was not an accident, so she sorted it out specially.

(End of this chapter)

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