Gold Assistant

Chapter 576 Chained up

Chapter 576 Chained up
Everyone looked at Chang Yuande suspiciously.

Xue Yao opened her mouth and asked after a while, "Uncle Chang, do you know Tang Yu?"

Chang Yuande nodded.

"Since you all know about the Tang family, I won't hide it."

He once worked with Tang Yu.

At that time, he received a message from a dark night, and he led a team to deal with it, and met Tang Yu on the way.

The two tried each other out, and when they learned that the other party had the same purpose as their own, they went to deal with the dark night together.

Having said that, Chang Yuande looked at Xue Yao with complicated eyes.

"Tang Yu used a spell to attack. At that time, the information was wrong. There were three times more members of the dark night there than in the information.

We immediately fell into a hard fight. Thanks to Tang Yu's help, we were able to deal with the people in the dark night without any danger. "


Xue Yao frowned deeply.

I didn't expect such a coincidence.

"Yes, there are many types of spells he uses. They are offensive and auxiliary, and they are all practical."

Because of the spell, Xue Yao became interested in Tang Yu.

Although Tang Boxin said that Tang Yu probably died in the Supernatural Research Institute, she still asked.

"What happened later? Where did he go? Did he contact Uncle Chang?"

"After that time, he disappeared without a trace." Having said this, the expression on Chang Yuande's face became a little stiff.

Xue Yao, who had been looking at him all the time, noticed this immediately.

"Uncle Chang, did he do something bad?"

Chang Yuande looked at Xue Yao in surprise, "How do you know?"

Xue Yao smiled wryly and said, "Tang Boxin told me about the Supernatural Research Institute."

"So you already knew."


Mr. Chen could understand at first, but what the two people said behind him made him a little confused, so he asked, "What bad thing are you talking about?"

Chang Yuande sighed and continued talking.

It turned out that the group of people in the dark night were researching the matter of changing human genes.

And the experiment started with babies.

When they arrived, the lab was littered with dead babies who had failed.

Let everyone very angry.

Later, when they finished dealing with all the members of the dark night, they found that Tang Yu was gone.

At the same time, those research materials of Anye also disappeared.

Later, Tang Yu was found in the Supernatural Research Institute, and something more extreme than the Dark Night Laboratory was discovered.

After Chang Yuande said these words, the atmosphere in the office became very depressed.

At this time, a notification sound came from the computer to complete the screening.

"Teacher, what's the result?"

Xue Yao immediately ran to Chen Ting's side and looked at the computer screen.

Among the many names displayed on the screen, Xue Yao saw Zhan Jingni's name at a glance.

"Huh? Their family didn't even do an appraisal?"


"Zhan Jingni." Xue Yao pointed to the name on the screen. "Aren't she and Zhan Jingyun's age at that time, the age group with the most missing people? Their family's hearts are really big."

After Mr. Chen heard the word Zhan's family, he immediately thought of one thing.

He immediately turned his head and asked Chen Zhong, "Ah Zhong, do you still remember the time when I was drunk that year, did old man Zhan and his brother-in-law entertain me?"

Chen Zhong thought for a while before answering: "Yes, it is Mr. and Mrs. Zhan's younger brother."

"Is it him?"

Xue Yao also said after hearing the old father and son Chen's words: "You said that Chen Li arranged Zhan Jingni's marriage with Shi Shi, so I felt a little strange."

Chen Ting: "What's so strange?"

"Chen Li himself is not married, nor does he have a girlfriend, so why didn't he marry Zhan Jingni himself, instead of marrying him to you?
Before the matter was revealed, Chen Li was the eldest grandson, and Shi Shi had already been kicked out of the house. No matter how you look at it, you must marry him to maximize your benefits. "

Xue Yao's words made everyone think deeply.

Chen Ting was the quickest to react, "That's true, unless the two of them can't get married."

Everyone immediately cast their sympathetic eyes on Mr. Chen.

Although Chang Yuande didn't know what happened, but based on what Xue Yao and Chen Ting said, he probably guessed something.

"Cough, cough, why are you looking at me?! Now that you have a goal, then look for evidence to prove that the guess is right."

Mr. Chen blushed and said sharply.

"This is easy. Zhan Jingni is hospitalized now. It shouldn't be difficult to get her hair or saliva."

After Xue Yao finished speaking, she suddenly remembered something.

"Uncle Chang, Momo said something. Before she was arrested, all the dogs in the community were locked up, right?"

Chang Yuande said in a deep voice, "Yes."

"I heard from Momo that the cause was that the wolfhounds that escaped from Zhan's house attacked Momo and Brother Jun, right?"

This question shocked everyone.

"That's right, we went to Zhan's house to discuss it." Chang Yuande frowned, "Could it be that Xiaoyao suspected that Zhan's family was involved in the disappearance case?"

Xue Yao nodded, "I've read Zhan Jingni's profile, and the Zhan family treasures her very much. Even Momo has disappeared for such a big case.

I think at that time, no matter how high-ranking officials or dignitaries they were, in order to avoid accidents, they should follow the guidelines of relevant departments. "


"So this behavior of the Zhan family is very suspicious. Unless they are very sure, this will not happen to Zhan Jingni.

I know from Tang Boxin that after Tang Yu disappeared, he has never contacted the Tang family, nor has he used the property of the Tang family.

Although they snatched the Supernatural Research Institute by means, the follow-up research should cost a lot of money.

Could it be that the Zhan family also got involved. "

Everyone looked at Xue Yao, they didn't expect that she would link these things together.

And quite reasonable.

Chang Yuande said immediately: "I'll send someone to investigate right away, and Zhan Jingni's DNA test can also be handed over to me."

"Well, thank you, Uncle Chang."

After leaving the Special Task Force, the group returned to the apartment.

But Mr. Chen suddenly said that he was going to get things from the old house, so Chen Ting had to let Ah Yi and the others accompany him there.

The photos of the proposal scene were released online because of "Pursuit", and almost all the media reporters were looking for Chen Ting and Xue Yao.

Even outside the compound of the Chen family's old house, there were reporters squatting.

So it's inconvenient for Chen Ting and the others to go out now.

The two had to stay in the apartment.

Xiaobai went back to Saint Laurent to accompany Dean Guan.

After all, after going to Country F for so long, Dean Guan also misses his grandson.

Xue Yao quietly took out a bottle of red wine bought in country F.

"Teacher, let's celebrate." Xue Yao smiled and took out a magic talisman and raised it. "This is the sobriety symbol of my new research, there must be no problem."

"it is good."

Chen Ting looked at her dotingly.

In fact, there are only the two of them now, even if Xiaoyao is drunk, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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