Gold Assistant

Chapter 578 Family Reunion

Chapter 578 Family Reunion
Aunt Chang said to them gratefully: "Fortunately, Momo is with you, otherwise, I don't know what to do."

After speaking, she stood up suddenly, bent down and bowed to the three of them.

Seeing this, An Mo also stood up and bowed, and Wang Jun immediately followed suit.

"Aunt Chang, Momo, don't do this, this is what we should do."

In order to ease the atmosphere at the scene, Xue Yao said with a smile: "Aunt Chang, everyone hasn't eaten yet, I'll cook, you guys have a good chat here."

Aunt Chang hurriedly said, "I'll come if anyone wants to let the guests do it."

Xue Yao felt that Aunt Chang had cried just now and she should take a good rest. Just as she was about to persuade her, An Mo grabbed Aunt Chang.

An Mo said coquettishly: "Mom, although we went to Country F to eat many big meals, what I miss most is the dishes made by Sister Yao. Let her cook today."

Aunt Chang nodded her forehead, "Your sister Yao has a happy event today, how can you let her do it?"

"Ah, mom also saw the news."

"Of course, such a big event, all swiped the screen."

Xue Yao blushed and said, "It is precisely because of happy events that I cook to bring joy to everyone, and I really like the process of turning ingredients into delicious food."

Seeing Xue Yao like this, Aunt Chang said, "Then I'll go in and help you."

Shi Xiaonan stepped forward to stop her, "Aunt Chang, there is me, don't worry, I often help Sister Yao."


Aunt Chang had no choice but to agree.

In fact, she also likes to eat the dishes made by Xue Yao.

When Xue Yao entered the kitchen, she saw that the soup had been cooked, there was chopped pork stuffing on the chopping board, there were eggs and a box of quail eggs in the basket, and a dish immediately came to mind.

So she asked Shi Xiaonan to boil the quail eggs and eggs, and when they were cooked, peel off the shells for later use.

She does it herself to prepare the ingredients.

Recalling that Shi Xiaonan said before that he wanted to cook a dish at his father's birthday banquet, the dish in front of him was just right, so Xue Yao explained it carefully.

Add raw eggs, chopped shiitake mushrooms, minced green onion and ginger, lotus root, bread crumbs, and seasonings to the pork stuffing and stir until the meat stuffing becomes sticky.

Then wrap the peeled eggs into the meat filling and beat them into meatballs like lion heads.

Then fry the meatballs to shape, and then turn to medium-low heat to fry the surface of the meatballs until golden brown.

Shi Xiaonan watched the steps from the side, and couldn't help swallowing after smelling the aroma.

For Liu Li and An Mo, Xue Yao seldom cooks these fried dishes.

Although this dish looks complicated, it is not difficult.

Xue Yao then fried the quail eggs until the surface was golden.

Under Xue Yao's command, Shi Xiaonan scalded the cabbage until raw, and then put it on a plate.

After stewing the fried meatballs and quail eggs in soup, Xue Yao began to prepare other dishes.

The few people in the living room smelled the aroma from the kitchen from time to time, and they were all looking forward to this meal.

An Molai was in Aunt Chang's arms, talking about what happened in Country F.

When she heard that the Chigu fashion show was caused by drugs, Aunt Chang frowned.

"When your father saw this incident, he also said that those people were in a bad state, but he didn't expect that it was a man-made disaster."

"Yeah, I heard that it's called 'bath salts', and it was smuggled through the channel of joy."

Aunt Chang said dissatisfiedly: "Their cosmetics are already so expensive, and they still want to earn those black-hearted money. What are the people of the Qin family thinking?"

"Who knows? But mom, don't worry, when Gu Yun's new product comes out, the happy days will come to an end."

An Mo smiled slyly.

"Oh, Gu Yun is going to release a new product?"


Liu Li responded gracefully.

"Xiaoya said that all the products have been tested, and now we just need to wait for the inspection department to finish testing.

However, the inspection department said that it has been relatively busy recently, so the results may have to wait for three months. "

An Mo sat up in surprise, "Why is it taking so long? Wasn't it only a month last time?"

Liu Li smiled wryly.

"You don't remember what happened to the Cherry Blossom Water before?
Qin Hong cried and cried in the video, using the word "overdose" as an issue, and the navy army he invited to inspect the official scarf of the inspection department had a hard time discussing it with netizens who didn't know the truth.

So they vent their anger on Gu Yun, after all, it is our question. "

"How could they do this, there is indeed a problem with the cherry blossom water!"

"What can I do?" Liu Li also felt very helpless when she heard Tao Chengya complain.

Aunt Chang thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Let me help you reflect and let them speed up."

"Huh? Is there anything mom can do?"

"I know some people in the inspection department, and I can borrow your father's name at this time. After all, if Gu Yun suppresses the joy, it will also benefit the case they are investigating."

After hearing her words, An Mo immediately stood up, and yelled proudly, "Hee hee, I'm also a member of the privileged class, let's see who dares to bully me in the future!"

Everyone was amused by her appearance.

Wang Jun stood behind her and hugged her vigorously: "Don't worry, I won't let anyone bully you!"

An Mo turned around and gave him a sweet smile.

Aunt Chang originally wanted to stay with An Mo for a few more years, but judging by the current situation, she might not be able to.

Shi Xiaonan, who came out with the dishes, couldn't help but laugh when he saw An Mo's appearance.

Hearing the laughter, everyone turned to look at Shi Xiaonan, and asked in unison: "Is it ready? Can we start eating?"

Shi Xiaonan was taken aback by them, he patted his heart and said, "Well, you guys go wash your hands first, it's almost done."

In the kitchen, Xue Yao was doing the finishing touches, spreading the meatballs and quail eggs on the cabbage, and pouring the prepared sweet and sour sauce.

This dish called "Family Reunion" is ready.

She saw this dish on the Internet some time ago, and she has always wanted to find a chance to try it, and today it is just in time.

Although An Mo and Uncle Chang were not related by blood, they were closer and more harmonious than many families with blood.

To the Chang family, the three of them are a family.

After taking out the "family reunion", everyone looked at the big and small golden balls curiously.

"Sister Yao, why do these lion heads have different sizes?"

Xue Yao smiled and explained the meaning of this dish.

"Family reunion? Very good, Xiaoyao's dish is so good, can you teach me how to make it?" After hearing the meaning of this dish, Aunt Chang was very happy.

"Well, I'll send you the tutorial later."

After everyone went to the table to eat, they all extended their spoons to the "family reunion" very tacitly.

The quail eggs that have been fried out of the tiger skin have absorbed the braised sauce, and the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, making it very delicious.

The lion's head wrapped in eggs tastes soft and smooth, and the eggs inside just neutralize the fatness of the fried meat stuffing.

With Xue Yao's special sweet and sour sauce, everyone's appetite will be whetted immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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