Gold Assistant

Chapter 585 Our "Pursuit"

Chapter 585 Our "Pursuit"

Through this interview, telling the cast of the film is also a warning to those who want to stop the filming.

But everyone didn't know that since Mr. Chen's support for Chen Ting was exposed, the various companies that had made small moves before began to regret it.

At the beginning, Chen Li said that Chen Ting was abandoned by the Chen family and could not be Li Baoqin's backstage.They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to grab Li Baoqin and Yongjia Films.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ting returned to the Chen family again, and Chen Li, who had always been high-profile and arrogant, disappeared.

Those companies are rich, but some places are out of their reach.

Originally had the opportunity to get on the big boat, but now because he couldn't get Xiaosan and Xiaosi... into the crew of "The Female President", he tore up the original contract and fell to the point of being laughed at for his short-sightedness.

So they started to move around, trying to get the previously appointed actors back to the crew.

Only Huixing Entertainment, which has always remained neutral and even favored Chen Ting, treated the matter calmly.

Mu Xuan asked Li Jinghui, why was he indifferent when everyone else approached him?
Li Jinghui said with a smile that he knew what kind of person Chen Ting was, so he would not join in the fun at this time.

When Shi Lekang saw the representatives of those companies in the new office, he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

It was said before that the actors could not be scheduled and could not come, but it was just email and phone notification.

Now in order to come back, I came to the door.

Gee tut.

Mr. Chen is still amazing, just showing his face scares these people.

But for future development, he can only deal with these people.

After the interview, Wang Weina said to Xue Yao: "I heard that you have an editing expert here, please ask him to help with this interview."

Xue Yao, who was completely relaxed, made a joke.

"Sister Na, the location of the interview is ours, the cameraman is ours, the makeup and costumes are also ours, and now even the editing needs to be done by ours?
Shouldn't you pay some labor fee or something?"

Wang Weina stroked Xue Yao's face with a strange hand, and said with a smile: "Your Chen Ting invested in the magazine, and now half of the magazine is owned by him.

So using your resources is also to help our magazine save money.

By the way, I heard that the top supermodel Deborah is coming to China to be Gu Yun's global spokesperson. Xiaoyao will make an appointment for me to shoot some fashion blockbusters. I will use her photo as the cover of the next issue.

Doing this can help Gu Yun advertise and give Lili a hand.

For clothes, choose Qiao Le's brand. You and them are friends anyway, so it's not difficult to borrow clothes, right?

These are all for our Pursuit. "

Xue Yao didn't expect Wang Weina to see this opportunity just by saying that, and hit the snake with the stick to win the benefits for "Pursuit".

But what she said was a win-win thing, so Xue Yao had no choice but to say: "I will help Sister Na to ask."

"Hehe, there must be no problem with Xiaoyao's friendship with them. But for the reward, let them accept it from your family, Chen Ting. "Chasing" has your shares.

The magazine is ready, and it will be convenient for the artists in the studio to release any news in the future. "

Xue Yao didn't continue talking.

She was afraid to say anything more, even the studio had something to do with Wang Weina.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Xiaobai took Xiaoxian's hand again and ran to open the door.

After Wang Weina saw it, she asked, "Xiaobai opened the door for me just now?"


"Why? Even childhood sweethearts are too sticky, right?"

Xue Yao covered her mouth and smiled, "It should be a habit developed in country F, we told him before we went to hold Xiaoxian's hand well.

Otherwise, if it is lost abroad, Xiaoxian may be caught and sold.

After that, whenever Xiao Bai saw Xiao Xian, he would take the initiative to pull her, but he didn't expect that he would still be like this after he came back. "

"You guys, knowing that Xiaobai's way of thinking is different from ours, you still tease him like this." Wang Weina didn't expect Xue Yao to be so out of tune sometimes.

Ling Yixin packed up the shooting equipment and said with a smile: "This is actually quite good.

Because of her previous experience of being abducted, Xiaoxian always felt inexplicably uneasy, and often woke up from nightmares at night.

Dr. Lin said that she lacked a sense of security, and this situation could only improve gradually.

But since she went to Country F, she woke up a lot less at night due to nightmares.I thought it was caused by leaving the country of Hua, but now it seems that it is Xiaobai's credit. "

Xiao Bai saw someone he knew through the cat's eyes, so he quickly opened the door.

"Brother An is good."

Xiao Xian glanced at the other party, although she didn't recognize him, she also called out: "Brother An is good."

Jian Le'an stretched out her hand and touched Xiaobai's head.

"Hi Xiaobai."

Then seeing the little girl's longing eyes, he reached out and touched her head. "Hello, are you Xiaoxian?"

Xiaoxian smiled with her eyes bent, "Yes."

When Wang Weina in the living room saw Jian Le'an, she turned to ask Xue Yao. "I heard from Junzi that the people in your studio also work here, right? Is that master editor also here?"

Xue Yao was taken aback for a moment, "Well, they work on the fourth floor."

"I'll go find him now, Xiao Yaoyao should inform them."

After finishing speaking, he took the stored video from Ling Yixin's hands and walked out quickly.

When he left, he didn't even look at Jian Le'an.

But Jian Le'an kept staring at her until her figure disappeared in the elevator.

Seeing this, Xue Yao's eyes lit up, there must be something between these two people.

But before she could think too much, Jian Le'an walked over.

He said to Xue Yao: "Today, Momo and the others were in Qiao Le's store, and something happened."

"What's the matter? Are they not injured? Why didn't you call back?"

Xue Yao picked up the mobile phone at the side and wanted to call to ask questions, but was stopped by Jian Le'an.

"They're fine, don't worry."

Then he briefly talked about the process.

"Then have you caught Chu Yu?"

"Not yet, although I already know Chu Yu's current location from that woman, but you also know that she can hypnotize.

Although the team is full of strong-willed people, just in case, I want to ask if there is any protection against her hypnotism. "

Chen Ting took up the topic, "We have observed her hypnosis process, and it usually requires skin contact to take effect.

When Ah Si went to Q University before, we discovered that Chu Yu's hypnotism might have degenerated.

So as long as you don't touch her skin, you'll be fine. "

Jian Le'an nodded, "I see. Let the person who catches her wear thicker clothes. Anyway, it's winter now, so it won't look awkward."

Now that she had asked what she wanted to know, Jian Le'an said goodbye to them.

(End of this chapter)

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