Gold Assistant

Chapter 594 Xiao Pingping

Chapter 594 Xiao Pingping

Under Jiang Pingyuan's instructions, one of the team members swiped the room card, and the door opened with a beep.

The two big men with weapons inside quickly walked to the door.

Jiang Pingyuan kicked hard.

With a bang, the door opened wide, and the Special Task Force rushed in immediately.

The people in the dark night were only stunned for a second before they came to their senses.

They immediately raised their weapons and wanted to attack the Special Forces.

But then there was the sound of glass breaking, and two team members outside the window jumped into the room and shot at the people in the dark night.

The weapons in the hands of the two big men fell to the ground in an instant.

The members of the Special Task Force immediately kicked the weapons away, and stepped forward to push the two big men to the ground.

Chen Ting stood in front of Xue Yao when the Special Forces started attacking, even though she was not afraid.

And Ah San protected Mo Ziyan behind him.

Hearing the gunshots inside, Xue Yao poked her head out of curiosity to have a look.

It was completely different from the last time An Ye attacked Chen Ting, and he wasn't worried at all.

Not long after, Jiang Pingyuan came out.

"You can come in now."

"Yeah, your face was injured, are those people very powerful?"

At this time, a team member who came out couldn't help laughing and said, "It was injured by that waiter. Miss Xiaoyao had already reminded the vice-captain just now, but he was still careless."

Jiang Pingyuan had no choice but to explain awkwardly, "The waiter is indeed a fake, probably a back-up guy. If Mr. Mo escapes the attacks of those two people, the person pretending to be the waiter will take the opportunity to jump out and make a move.

People in the dark night are really cunning. "

Maybe this team member has a good relationship with Jiang Pingyuan, but he just gave the team member a resentful look.

He could only call his sweetheart, Miss Xue, but this kid called his name so affectionately.

Suddenly he remembered something in the team.

Because people in the dark night attacked Chen Ting before, Chang Yuande often arranged some injured team members to go to the apartment to recuperate while protecting Chen Ting's safety.

This kid seems to have gone to heal his injuries, and said that he ate delicious food.

Maybe he could apply too.

Although the sweetheart is engaged, but not yet married?

Maybe, maybe if he works hard, his sweetheart will be able to take a fancy to him.

"Vice Captain! Ah Yuan! Xiao Pingping!!"

The team members shouted loudly to wake up Jiang Pingyuan who had fallen into fantasy.

"I told you not to call Xiao Pingping."

"Who made you stop moving suddenly, can you close the team now?"

Jiang Pingyuan shouted angrily: "Retract the team, take people back, and ask Mr. Tang to help with the interrogation."

The team members held back their laughter, tied up the three of them and prepared to take them away.

Xue Yao found that the three people who were arrested did not feel discouraged or frustrated after the mission failed.

This is a bit strange.

"Teacher, those three people feel weird, as if they don't care about failure."

Chen Ting also discovered this.

Maybe the other party is still behind.

Then he scanned the entire hotel with his spiritual sense.

Before, because of other people's privacy issues, he only checked Mo Ziyan's room and the corridors on these floors.

Since things are different, I can't take care of so much.

Fortunately, it is daytime now, there are not many guests in the hotel, and not many people do night things during the day.

Not long after, Chen Ting found a fainted person in the downstairs room, and a man with very thick hair, walking back and forth and talking on the phone non-stop.

Looks like that's what they're after.

Chen Ting picked up his phone, pretended to read the message, and stopped Jiang Pingyuan.

"Ah Yuan, there is a person from Dark Night downstairs."


The faces of the three arrested people immediately changed drastically.

"Why didn't you say earlier, we have packed all our things." Jiang Pingyuan muttered softly. "Okay, let's start again now, manager, do you have the room card downstairs?"

The hotel manager smiled helplessly: "I don't have this, I still have to get it."

"I'll let someone accompany you down to get it."

"it is good."

Jiang Pingyuan began to allocate manpower again, and sent two people to guard downstairs first, in case that person would escape.

It's just that he looked at the three people on the ground with some embarrassment.

If they all went to deal with the people downstairs, who watched the three prisoners?
Then he glanced at Ah San.

"Little San, come here and give them an acupuncture point."

Ah San also looked back at him with contempt.

"Xiao Pingping's request, I will definitely not refuse. If you don't agree, what will you do if you go to your mother crying?"

After speaking, he squatted down and poked the three of them a few times.

Those three people stared wide-eyed in horror, but they couldn't move their bodies, and couldn't even make a sound.

"" Jiang Pingyuan pointed at Ah San with trembling fingers.

At this time, the team members came back with their room cards.

"Vice-captain, I got the room card."

Jiang Pingyuan had no choice but to distribute tasks again, and when he led the team away, he gave Ah San another hard look.

He actually made him embarrass himself in front of his sweetheart, he will remember it!
After Jiang Pingyuan left, Xue Yao recalled the few times he had seen him before, and it seemed that this person was not normal.

She whispered something in Chen Ting's ear.

"Teacher, this Jiang Pingyuan doesn't look very reliable, why did Uncle Chang let him be the vice-captain? Is he going to take over in the future?

What will become of the task force? ! "

Chen Ting smiled lightly.

"That's his way of relaxing. Look at the players who follow him, before they take action, although they are vigilant, their bodies are relaxed.

Once you enter the task, you can go all out in the best state. "

Xue Yao thought for a while, and compared the appearance of Jian Le'an when she led the team with that of Jiang Pingyuan just now.

Sure enough, there is a little difference.

"You mean, because he's always making jokes, the team members relax their nerves, and when the task comes, they won't be overly tired, right?"


While they were chatting, Jiang Pingyuan and the others successfully captured the man.

Soon someone was sent up to take the three of them away.

Mo Ziyan went back to his room to pack his luggage.

The contents of the suitcase were turned over and clothes were thrown everywhere.

Mo Ziyan hurried forward, opened the secret pocket of the suitcase, and was relieved to find that the contents inside were still there without any damage.

"Ahan prepared this for you and Lili, let Xiaoyao here first."

Those are two exquisite books.

After Xue Yao took it, she suppressed her desire to see and helped Mo Ziyan pack up the things.

When Jiang Pingyuan left, he walked in to say hello to them.

"I will apply for an apartment to recuperate later, and I hope to see Miss Xue again then."

"Recuperate? Are you injured?"

After Chen Ting's explanation, Xue Yao looked at Jiang Pingyuan differently.

"Yes, I was injured before. I didn't pay much attention to it because I don't usually have it. But when I acted just now, I realized that it was wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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