Gold Assistant

Chapter 596 Disaster May Be Coming

Chapter 596 Disaster May Be Coming

Was it just an illusion?

It wasn't long before she heard the voices of Qin Hong and Zhan Jingyun outside the door.

Through the sound, a picture was formed in her mind, and every movement and expression of them could be "seen" clearly.

"Brother Hong, but I can't stay with you secretly like this forever. Grandpa is already arranging a blind date."

Zhan Jingyun sat in Qin Hong's arms and circled his palm with her fingers.

"You can't go on a blind date, you are mine."

"But you are not mine!" Zhan Jingyun sat up straight and stared back at him. "If you don't want to marry me, then we'd better not meet in the future."

A trace of disdain flashed quickly in Qin Hong's eyes.

I really thought I was a treasure.

But it was because of trouble recently, he couldn't go out casually, that's why he chose her.

He kissed the corner of Zhan Jingyun's mouth, and said with a smile: "Give me some time, I just married her, if you divorce immediately and marry you instead, it will not be good for you."

Zhan Jingyun said a little dejectedly: "It would be great if she disappeared suddenly, or was no longer here."

This sentence made Qin Hong think of something.

Although the negative news of the Qin family was temporarily diverted through the wedding, the family and the board of directors were still dissatisfied with him.

After all, the negative news these few times were all about him.

I heard that someone planned to pull him down and support Qin Yi, who had kept a low profile for a long time.

This made him a little flustered.

Originally, I wanted to ask Mr. Song for advice.

But recently, I couldn't find him no matter what, and the phone was always disconnected.

If he can't be the president of the company, he has nothing.

What Zhan Jingyun said just now made him think of an idea.

If Zhan Jingni had an accident, he would play the sad card again and sell it badly, maybe the situation would change.

After all, blind people are prone to accidents.

And he can also buy heavy insurance for Zhan Jingni in advance.

In this way, if something happens to her, she can get a large amount of compensation.

Even if he can't continue to be the president, he still has a lot of money in his hands.

As long as he did it cleanly, the police would not suspect him, not to mention there was a scapegoat in front of him.

He glanced lightly at Zhan Jingyun.

Although Mr. Zhan covered up the fact that Zhan Jingyun made Zhan Jingni blind.

But he still found out the truth.

So it is normal for Zhan Jingyun to strike again out of jealousy.

As everyone knows, this scene, as well as his expression, were all "seen" by Zhan Jingni.

After being together for so many years, Zhan Jingni knows Qin Hong's character very well.

After roughly guessing what Qin Hong was thinking, she didn't stand up immediately, but observed everything silently, and wanted to wait for the last moment to give this couple a hard blow.

The wedding of the two is still going on normally, and under Zhan Jingni's suggestion, the whole process of filming was carried out, which can be posted online for everyone to see

"I want everyone to see how happy we are."

Mr. Zhan thinks this is a good method of publicity. Didn’t Qin Hong turn himself around by proposing marriage on live broadcast before?
He immediately agreed to the request.

During the wedding process, Zhan Jingni kept a happy smile and snuggled up to Qin Hong from time to time like a bird.

It's just that when I was walking, because the wedding dress was too long, I tripped from time to time.

Although she was able to catch the people around her in time every time, the helplessness on her face was noticed by those watching the video.

Netizens posted bullet screens, expressing their distress, and at the same time condemning Qin Hong, saying that he only cared about himself and didn't think about Zhan Jingni at all. As expected, a scumbag is a scumbag.

In addition, some people criticized where the bridesmaids went. Zhan Jingni's situation is so special that she should be accompanied all the way.

Some people said that Zhan Jingyun, the cousin of the bride, was the bridesmaid, and she was seen at first, but then disappeared.

Then someone found out that Zhan Jingyun bullied Liu Li and the others in Country F.

Because of the filming of "The Female President", Liu Li and An Mo's cheongsam styles were exposed one after another.

There was a burst of cheongsam craze on the Internet, and the two were named the goddesses of the new generation, very popular.

After seeing the domineering and arrogant photos of Zhan Jingyun, they were all very angry.

Soon, everything that Zhan Jingyun had done was revealed one by one.

Even the fact that Zhan Jingni's eyes were injured because of her was exposed.

Zhan Jingni immediately received overwhelming sympathy.

She asked her friends to help her do these things. Since she could "see" the world through sound, she has made a lot of preparations.

When Qin Hong found out what happened on the Internet, his face turned black with anger.

He decided to speed up the progress of creating surprises.

As long as Zhan Jingni lives for one day, his status as a scumbag cannot be washed away.

A person who can do these things can also be clean. He only thinks about the dark night.

With the friendship of Huanxin helping them bring the goods, they should not evade this business.

He picked up his cell phone and called out.

On the other hand, when Xue Yao and the others returned to the apartment after a day of filming, they saw Jiang Pingyuan and Tang Boxin standing at the door of 603 with their luggage.

"Why are you here?"

Xue Yao was a little puzzled, never heard that they were coming.

"Miss Xue, I..."

After seeing Xue Yao, Jiang Pingyuan stepped forward with joy on his face, and when he was about to express his feelings, Tang Boxin pushed him away vigorously.

Tang Boxin walked up to Xue Yao with anxiety on his face.

"Clan sister, you are back. I feel that something is wrong recently, and disaster may be coming, so I will come to you immediately."

Xue Yao was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How do you feel? Since when did you notice the abnormality?"

"About a week ago." Tang Boxin recalled, "It was the day when the Qin and Zhan families held the wedding of the century. I was reading the report and felt my body being pulled.

But it soon calmed down. At first I thought it was an illusion, but later this feeling became stronger and stronger, and I felt that disaster might be coming. "

Xue Yao woke Smart Xiaobai up on purpose before and asked him about the relevant information, but he said that this part of the information was lost because of the space-time station explosion.

Now they can only see walking steps.

"I prepared the room for you before, and I will take you there now."

Because they didn't know what the catastrophe would bring, Xue Yao discussed with Chen Ting and made an isolation room on the first floor of the apartment.

Protective talismans were plastered around the room.

When Tang Boxin followed Xue Yao into this room, his face turned green and pale, and three black lines were drawn on his forehead.

"This... Can this live in people?"

The talisman fluttered slowly with the wind, and the whole room was filled with an indescribably strange atmosphere.

The environment here is the same as the thriller he has seen.

"None of us have any experience. In order to protect you, we will estimate the worst-case scenario."

(End of this chapter)

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