Gold Assistant

Chapter 605

Chapter 605
The careful Xue Yao found out when she was putting on makeup that the person's acting skills were poor because some muscles on his face couldn't move.

It was a fake face.

The reason why the actress looks like Lin Xia is actually because of plastic surgery.

After hearing this, An Mo directly suggested, "Aunt Lin, you can act by yourself. With my sister's make-up skills, I will definitely be able to change back to the young you."

Lin Xia smiled and said, "That's as easy as you said. I'm already old, and I have fine lines on my face and neck. No matter how good Xiao Yao's makeup skills are, I can't cover them."

At this time, He Lingyun (looking behind) from the side came over.

"I think what Momo said is right, if Sister Lin came to shoot, it would be more coherent.

Not only the acting skills are guaranteed, but also the show will not be played because of the substitution.

Alas, it would be great if there was Cherry Blossom Water.

At that time, coupled with Xiaoyao's technology, maybe it can be done. "

At the end, she added: "Someone sent a bottle to Sister Quan before. After she used it, the fine lines and spots have diminished a lot."

An Mo pouted and said, "Sister Lingyun, if you use too much cherry blossom water, your skin will become thinner and become allergic. Unless you change your skin, it will never get better."

"Ah, it's so serious." He Lingyun suddenly remembered their relationship with Gu Yun, as well as the previous announcement from relevant departments.

She immediately apologized: "Sorry, I didn't think it through."

Lin Xia clapped her hands, "It's okay, you are doing it for the good of this drama."

"Want to try this?"

Xue Yao took out a bottle of Huayan Tao Chengya gave her, that is, the skin care product that Gu Yun will launch.

Because their skins are currently in the best condition, so they don't see much effect after using them.

"This is?" Lin Xia took a look at the classic and exquisite vial.

Liu Li said with a smile from the side: "This is Xiaoya's flower face made with L substance, and the L substance inside has been treated, so there will be no cherry blossom water.

Because the final test report of the relevant department has not yet come out, it is not available for everyone to use. "

He Lingyun also leaned over to look at it.

"What Lili means is, are you and Momo already using it?" She looked enviously at their flimsy, flawless skin.

An Mo nodded, "Well, we're already using it."

He Lingyun pretended to be angry and turned his back to them, "Okay, such a good thing, I kept it and didn't introduce it to us. I'm angry. I guess it will take a few bottles of flowers to calm down."

An Mo stepped forward and took her hand, and said with a smile, "Hehe, Sister Lingyun, Xiaoya has already prepared it, and now I will give it to you after the relevant department reports it."

After He Lingyun heard it, he said in surprise: "Then what are you waiting for, take it here now."

She touched her face, and said sadly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. After I turned 30, I have been worrying about my skin problems. Before, I would go to buy Cherry Blossom Water every month on the sales day. It's just that Bad luck, never got it.

But thinking about it now, it should be good luck. "

"I'll get it now, sister Lingyun, wait a minute."

As soon as he finished speaking, An Mo turned around and went back to the nanny's car, took out a big bag, and gave each actor a bottle.

While delivering it, he said: "This is Gu Yun's new product Huayan, but the test report from the relevant department has not yet come out, so you keep it for now and use it after the report comes out."

Her words seemed to say that this skin care product will definitely not have any problems. If you are afraid, just wait for the report before using it with confidence.

Because of her playfulness, everyone laughed and put it away, saying that they would use it at night.

An Mo added: "Remember to try it on your hands first."

Everyone responded: "Okay."


Lin Xia was very moved by the fact that she could act the way she was when she was young.

This not only maintains the continuity of the character, but also allows her to return to her youthful appearance. Who wouldn't?

So Lin Xia immediately took off her makeup and put on a beautiful face.

After using it, she looked in the mirror carefully and found that the fine lines had indeed faded a lot.

Xue Yao said from the side: "For safety, the substance L in Huayan has been diluted ten thousand times, and the effect will not be as obvious as that of the cherry blossom water at the beginning.

But after a long time, it will be better than cherry blossom water, and there will be no side effects. "

Li Baoqin came over and was stunned for a moment when he saw Lin Xia's appearance.

"Axia, have you gone for photorejuvenation?"

Everyone laughed and explained about Huayan.

"Give me a bottle of such a good thing." At the end, she looked at the person holding Huayan in her hand, and said, "This won't be very expensive. It bleeds profusely."

"Don't worry, Aunt Li, this price is not too cheap compared to Yingfu water, about 1000 yuan a bottle."

Li Baoqin looked at Lin Xia's face again, "With such an effect, 1000 yuan can be said to be worth the money."

Because of this, all the actors in the crew were used, and within a few days everyone recovered to the peak of their appearance.

He Lingyun looked at himself in the camera, and even asked, "Why don't we reshoot all the scenes where we showed our faces before? Otherwise, the front and back will not match."

Li Baoqin also looked at it and thought the proposal was very good.

Because the scenes of my childhood were filmed at the beginning, I haven't filmed much official content, and now I only reshoot the parts where the face is exposed, so it won't be too wasteful.

And because everyone has heard about other investors, they are all willing to change the remuneration to share.

In other words, there is not much money paid out at present.

So with a big wave of her hand, she decided to reshoot.

Also because of the reshoots, I had already had an experience before, and the results were even better, which surprised everyone.

What they get is a share of the remuneration. If the movie is finished, the income will be more.

However, it was still a lot of pressure for Lin Xia to shoot the young female president herself.

The last news was passed on by the actress who had collapsed before.

Polarized comments emerged online.

Some people say that Lin Xia is so old, will she look good when she acts as a girl again?Don't want to add a bunch of filters?
This is what the mainstream reviews say the most.

Many people said that they have been irritated by the filter too many times, and hope that the crew will not go their own way, can't they leave opportunities to young actors?

But there are also people who support Lin Xia.

Most of them are loyal fans who have supported her for many years.

They all knew that Lin Xia was a perfect thinker, if they would make such a decision, they must have thought of a way to solve the problem of age.

But those who disagreed made new remarks.

Could it be to do photoelectric wave lift?

My face is stiff after face lift, can I still show my acting skills?What a joke.

Is this movie still available? !
 I'm a bit confused recently, but I will continue to work hard, thank you for your rewards, votes and support!thank you all! !The new book "Rebirth to Learn the Overlord" is looking for collections and votes.

(End of this chapter)

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