Gold Assistant

Chapter 612

Chapter 612
An Mo nodded, but then shook his head again. "I've seen him in the Paranormal Institute, but I don't know who he is.

Just know that he shows up there from time to time.

His breath was very bad, so I just remembered it. "

"People from the research institute?!"

Xue Yao secretly thought, could it be Tang Yu?
Is he not dead?

But if he hadn't died, where had he been hiding all these years?
Why did it suddenly appear again now?

Xue Yao looked at Tang Boxin.

Could it be that he knew that Tang Boxin had escaped the catastrophe, so he ran out to steal his ability?
Does Tang Yu have anything to do with An Ye?

Xue Yao stuffed an amulet into Tang Boxin's hand, "Brother Clan, you should always pay attention to things around you and be safe."

"Ah... well, I'll pay attention."

Tang Boxin put the amulet away carefully, he knew that this clan girl was not simple.

Then he asked with some doubts: "What happened?"

Xue Yao looked at the place where Chen Ting left, and said absent-mindedly, "I suspect that person just now is Tang..."

As soon as the voice fell, before Tang Boxin responded, everyone heard a burst of explosions.

A lot of billowing black smoke came out of the kitchen, and many staff members ran out coughing.

But Chen Ting was nowhere to be seen.

Xue Yao's heart tightened, "Xiao Nan, take good care of everyone."

Then rushed to the kitchen.

"Sister..." Liu Li and An Mo only had time to shout before Xue Yao disappeared into the thick smoke.

The special task force arrived at this time.

After understanding the simple situation, Jian Le'an calmly arranged, "Leave first, leave this place to us."

Liu Li, An Mo and the others knew that they couldn't help here and might cause trouble, so they obediently followed the team members and left.

The two turned their heads from time to time, looked at the kitchen, and suddenly felt that they were useless.

Every time it comes to this kind of time, there is no help.

Although I have learned some self-defense skills from Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan, but it seems to be of no use except to make my body more flexible.

All guests and staff were ushered outside.

They stood quietly in the garden, looking at the house that was still emitting black smoke.

There was no panic.

Mr. Chen walked over with Ah Yi and Ah Er.

"Are you all okay?"

Liu Li's eyes were a little red, "Grandpa Chen, we are fine, but my sister and brother-in-law are still inside."

"A Ting and Xiao Yao are still inside?!"

Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the room where there was not much smoke left.

In just a short while, the Special Task Force had already controlled the situation in the kitchen.

Mr. Chen quickly calmed down.

"With Le'an and the others around, nothing will happen, and you also know the abilities of the two of them, so don't worry."

His calm and powerful voice calmed down the nervous Liu Li and An Mo.

That's right, my sister will be fine with so many magical talismans.

In the kitchen for the first few minutes.

Xue Yao took out the cleaning talisman and stuck it on her body.

Let a clean space appear around her.

Originally, her spatial ability could also do this, but she didn't use it because she was worried that it would lead to space-time rifts.

She groped slowly in the kitchen, looking for Chen Ting's figure.

Not long after, she heard the sound of fighting ahead.

So quicken your pace and move forward.

I saw Chen Ting fighting with the servant in the firelight.

I didn't expect that servant to be even with Chen Ting.

One must know that before Chen Ting was injured, his skills were not bad. After he was injured and passed out, he had practiced in many small worlds.

Although his body has just recovered not long ago.

But he has consciousness, and in this environment surrounded by smoke, he definitely has an advantage.

And that servant not only did not lose, but also faintly gained the upper hand.

This made Xue Yao very puzzled.

When Xue Yao appeared, the area around her became very clean, and the choking smoke disappeared.

Chen Ting happened to be on the edge.

After discovering this, he immediately approached Xue Yao, took a deep breath in the clean space, and threw himself into the battle again.

He, who was originally at a disadvantage, regained his fighting power after breathing.

Seeing such a situation, Xue Yao immediately understood what happened just now.

Although Chen Ting has the consciousness to detect the specific location of the opponent in the thick smoke, but he can't filter the smoke, so breathing has become his weakness.

On the other hand, the servant came and went freely in the thick smoke, and his breathing was not affected at all, so the two were evenly matched in the battle.

After noticing this, Xue Yao immediately stood near Chen Ting, allowing him to breathe normally.

But the smoker in the kitchen didn't activate for some reason, and the fire was getting hotter and hotter, and there was a danger of another explosion at any time.

At this moment, Jian Le'an led the special team into the kitchen.

They took the fire extinguishers and started fighting the fire.

When the servant found out about this situation, he took advantage of Chen Ting's attack and fled to the other side.

Chen Ting continued to lock him with his spiritual sense, and when he wanted to chase him, he was stopped by Jiang Pingyuan who rushed over with a fire extinguisher.

"It's not safe here, you guys leave quickly."

Because of being stopped by him, he quickly lost sight of the servant.

Chen Ting had no choice but to leave with Xue Yao.

But after the two left, choking black smoke came out again.

Jiang Pingyuan coughed from the smoke.

The air was quite good just now, where did the smoke come from?

When Xue Yao and Chen Ting returned outside, Liu Li and An Mo rushed over immediately.

"Sister, brother-in-law, are you all right?"

Mr. Chen and Mr. Shi stood there and looked at them with concern.

Because of this sudden accident, important people from all parties have left early, and the two old people who stay are the highest.

So they have been watched.

This prevented the two of them from walking around at will, and they had to pretend to be calm and calm.

"We're fine, don't worry."

After appeasing the two younger sisters, Xue Yao took a look at Old Master Chen.

Noticing that his hands were trembling, she immediately pulled Chen Ting and walked in front of him.

Xue Yao said with a smile: "Grandpa Chen, I brought Shishi back, and nothing happened."

After she finished speaking, she asked Chen Ting to push him around a few times.

Mr. Chen was talking nonsense, but his eyes were sizing up Chen Ting.

Only when he found that his clothes were a little dirty, but he had no injuries at all, he let go of the big stone in his heart.

In fact, after learning that Chen Ting rushed into the scene of fire, he was not worried at all at first.

It's just that they never came out.

Thinking that Chen Ting had been lying in the hospital for more than half a year because of the accident of the explosion, and now he was getting better, Mr. Chen's heart began to hang.

What Xue Yao did just now reassured Mr. Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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